
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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It's Echo you like, isn't it? LMFAO

wth assumptions !! what if it is, what if i like two people at the same time, you wouldnt know ha rhahhrhahr ha

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You're a really sweet person deep down with a really prickly appearance.. The people that are able to get to know you and are able to befriend you are lucky.. You're a keeper. Stay true to you always, dear Amanda.

.. that was rly sweet of you.. thank you very much. i think that you're kind of exaggerating tho lol. only one person on a million would think so, your opinion is quite on point. lmfoaoapaa im getting conceited my bad but ty again

You seriously like him? Oh my god.

nope i totally dont, this whole thing is a lie bc im bored and bc i have time to waste sike

Take a break, go rest perhaps. I am quite tired also. Thank you. I hope you recover from whatever you went through. xo

i will, hehe. probs not actually lol. but oh, you should rest too! and thank you, i appreciate it :) xx

What are his great aspects? And what do you like about him?

wow no stop i bet he reads every single one of those questions and if he doesnt even like me back then wow no bye internet lmfao idk, ok you would probably like him too uhuhuuuuuh, but it's hard to like him at first tbh lmao u gots to go gay if u like him tho bc u r no girl :,',',','-)


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