
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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sorry I'm not doing this to be a bother , you guys would just go rlly well 2gether .. I don't c why you guys don't wantt it to happen .. ur both compatibel {:

it's fine, you're not being a bother anyways lol. uh, i think both of us aren't really over a few past issues yet so yeah (??) things can change tho but as he has said many times- we're just really good friends and it will be staying that way for now. ship whatever you want yo, as long as you're not too hopeful about it lol.

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" You're insulting me but you're flirting at the same time, how the fuck am I supposed to react to this wth -starts laughing loudly- " ROFL.

well yEAH HOW THE FCK AM I SUPPOSED TO REACT TO THAT LMFAO ' um um thanks ' is that what u really wanted ?!!!

maybe he's just shy

ok well kimmy, if you're just shy- grow a pair and confess lmfao. i like you, if that helps. idk who you are anon, but why you gotta get all up in our business yo.
Liked by: Asmah Park Jung Woo

Oh dang. Those people want you two to be together. LMAO

ectosushi’s Profile Photodylan
ya huh obviously. idgi. here, on lineplay, on ig, everywhere they need to ship me with someone lol.
Liked by: Asmah

Thoughts on daniel Kim ? Be honest

tbh idk what to say ?? lol. uh lets start off with, daniel is a really sweet and nice guy. anyone would like to be his friend, anyone would want to date him. niqqa ain't perfect, but we aren't either. he isn't the prettiest thing alive either, but i still find him attractive, not that it matters tho. i thank kenny weirdo rakwong since it's bc of him that i met daniel, weirdly lol. kimmy has his ups and downs and he's been able to lets say, fight against them. even tho he may fall down, he gets back up at one point- so i can say that i admire that. idk but i wish to be able to be there for him when he truly needs someone. i know, that was random. but whatever lol. i really think that he deserves better than to get idiotic hate and stuff like that. you guys may not see it but, he actually tries to be a better person and it's not that easy to do, so i guess i can say that i respect that? wow im bad a this lmfao im sry kimmy. um ok point is, im grateful to have met him. -inserts cheesy ending here-

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Damanda is for us tho, jfc fuck you. I made that one up rofl.

.. you made up the worst one, congrats. lolol, you know pepol still come at me all like ' what happened to damanda? where's daniel? did you guys..? ' and im there like what the fuck are you even talking about lmfao so funny
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

y'all are perfect for each other. danmanda

' no commento ' i knew this was gon happen tho, you guys and your ugly amanda x daniel otp names lmfao. danmanda, damanda, amaniel, ive heard them all!!
Liked by: Asmah

i ship you with daniel kim too

are you guys all going to gang up on me bc i mean it wouldn't change anything lol this is quite entertaining actually. i dont really get why you would all randomly say this to me tho and uh ya

Rofl t'es trop laide. Yark, who would like Amanda. She's so disgusting and anyone could do better than that. 'Mdr'.

tru, im gross. i only shower each 5 days and i only brush my teeth 1 time each two days, etcetc. who would want that, like srsly ew. lmfao t'es laid, fck u.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

you guys would be so cute together!!! plus your both in canada

tru that, this anon knows what's up. lmao, are you like shipping us or something? idk, the niqqa is in toronto yo. that's like a 5-6 hrs car ride omg. anyways, i don't think any of us are up for being in a relationship rn. but thanks (???)
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

" Yeah um so do I like, attract every Daniel because I have yet to meet one who hasn't liked me like that *laughs* It's ok tho, I like Daniels. *slams head into pillow* " I see you, Manda, I see you rofl.

.. yo niqqa u know that what im saying is true, lmfao. you're a daniel yourself for crying out loud!! i saw you slam your head into your pillow so i did it too, lmfaoaoao. my pillow is cooler than yours tho u ratchet gorl
Liked by: Daniel Lee

would you date daniel kim? i think he likes you

would i date daniel kim? yeah um i once thought someone liked me back but i was wrong lmfao. but ya sure, throw yourself at me kimmy. ill catch u, u ballerina, LOL.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Wow you forgot that we were in call again smh. You sound stupid when laughing, but I still love you. Ok go sleep, fucking put on pants lol or you're going to freeze to death and get the other blanket, don't be a bum. I'm going to go also, now. I hope your body doesn't start aching again. Bonne nuit.

omg it's bc u keep talking to me on here so ya lol ma bad. fck u u sound scary bc deep voice like woh all the time and u donot see me saying anything ya huhuh. ok i go put on 'real' pants now. omg dont leave :( but ok go sleep. merci beaucoup le laid, hopefully it doesnt omg or else it'll be like hell all over again. love you too danioeooaeol, bonne nuit. xo


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