

Ask @ArianaBurrell

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How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wou vgcgyvuhfyutdcyg.......... Hey


Do you have a lot of respect for vegetarians?

Yes, I just don't agree with them :P their lifestyle doesn't affect who they are

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When the electricity goes out in your home, what’s the first thing you miss?

the electricity. haha and then maybe like the lights. other than that i love power cuts

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

hmmm... ill have to pick one from each of a few of my main obsessions... how about
Emma Watson, Benedict Cumberbatch & (oh how do i choose...) Zayn Malik.

If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

what i just had.
chicken and chips
yum! [thanks to mum]


Language: English