

Ask @ArianaBurrell

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If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

well. i'm only 15... i don't have many ages to choose from that I've experienced. so i suppose i'd stay this age

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What magic words do you know?

do you really want to ask this?
i dont have enough time on my hands to deal with this.
i know too many so i will simply leave you with this 'draco dormiens ninquam titliandus'

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

i would call it "a girl with a friend without a friend"
it would be about a girl who had two amazing friends and they did everything together and she is happy but then her friends which seem so real to her, turn out to be imaginary and she gets put in a mental asylum
i would be the worst book in history and nobody would buy it
would still be better than twilight.

If you could be invisible, what would you do?

everything and anything
Δεν δείχνουν το πρόσωπό σας, αλλά η επιθυμία της καρδιάς σας

If you could name a star in the galaxy what would you name it?

Nid wyf dangos eich wyneb, ond awydd eich calon

What is your favorite joke?

i don't have one... but...
why did the mushroom go to the party??
because he was a fungai!!!

What topic of conversation do you consider boring?

when people talk about their new shoes. or how long its been since they washed their hair. i dont care


Language: English