

Ask @B0bduh

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So did you just take that CHS ask in order to post the gif? (don't get me wrong, it's a good gif)

Nah, I actually don't really get GG questions anymore, so I figure it's worth answering the ones I do in case anyone's legitimately missed all this nonsense. As ugly as it is, the reality of GG is an important thing to keep in mind when considering the modern online landscape.
Liked by: Bristle

Aside from Eva (eventually), any shows that you're planning on rewatching?

There's plenty I'd like to - Hyouka, Shiki, And Toradora for a start.

What do you think of Christina Hoff Sommers?

She's a social conservative who labels herself a feminist in order to try and discredit progress on woman's issues with more theoretical authority. She's a big fan of using misleading statistics to pretend to attack social rights issues with a veil of "objectivity," but other than her misleading label, she's not really different from any other politically active American social conservative.
Recently, her and the Milo guy from Breitbart have seized on Gamergate as a way to make hardline right-wing ideology palatable to The Kids These Days. This has resulted in both of them engaging in a lot of... well, this:

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Have you watched any of the non-Tomino Gundam series?

Just 08th MS Team, which I enjoyed, but watched so long ago I can barely remember. The only sequence that still really sticks out to me is that part near the finale where the entire main cast is systematically dismantled by one enemy ace. It's a fantastic sequence that even just watching made me feel powerless.

I would not have pegged you as much of a punk guy at all. What are the bands you *do* like?

In punk rock? Jawbreaker, Fugazi, Against Me!, Sunny Day Real Estate (if they count - I like a bunch of those early emo punkish bands, like SDRE and Get Up Kids and whatnot), The Thermals, The Clash, The Marked Men, Bomb the Music Industry!, Jawbox, and Dillinger Four. I don't tend to be into the more abrasive stuff - I like a good mix of approachable melody, interesting composition, and strong lyrics.
Feel free to recommend more bands if you think I'd like 'em based on those picks! I've been lacking in new music lately.
Liked by: Proxy

Have you listened to any Rise Against? Or are you not really that into punk.

I like some punk, but haven't really listened to much Rise Against.

What are your top Rick and Morty episodes so far?

Rixty Minutes, Mee-Seeks and Destroy, and then episodes three and four of S2 (the Unity and bottle episodes).

Do you know yet if the Classic Reviews will continue next season? I like em, especially since they got me to start watching Paranoia Agent.

That's not my decision to make, but according to Zac's tweets, they'll continue, but stick to more popular/easily available shows.
Questions about overall ANN stuff are generally more Zac's territory than mine.

Thoughts on last monmusu?

Only about halfway through so far. Up to now it's leaned way too hard on "let's make the characters uncomfortable and leer at them and it'll be sexy." I know that's, like, what harems do, but that's why harems are normally bad. The nice thing about Monmusu is that in its better parts, the characters are facilitating the jokes, not just being creeped on.

Do you know if Owarimonogatari is going to be long like S2, or a shorter entry like Neko, Hana or Tsukimonogatari?

Full season, I believe. Not sure if it's one cour or two.

Characters you like and find sympathetic from the distance of being fictional, but probably would not want to get to know?

Almost everyone in Monogatari. Almost everyone in Oregairu. Almost everyone in Utena.
Hell, almost everyone in most of the shows I like, barring outliers like Eccentric Family or Shirobako (which tend to congregate in what I'd consider the me-friendly slice of life genre, ie low-key dramas about adults).

Hey Bob, are there any anime with relationships as well-developed as Kumiko and Reina's in Eupho? I finally got around to watching it the other day and... wow, damn

It's certainly up there! Other ones I'd recommend for that would be Spice and Wolf, Toradora, and Hyouka.

Outside of the Monogatari series, what are some of your favorite OPs?

Kyousogiga. Kino's Journey. Most Watanabe ones and most Yuasa ones. Shiki's first one and Psycho-Pass's second one. Both Spice and Wolf ones and both Gatchaman Crowds ones.

I just finished Paranoia Agent. I won't say anything except you have some phenomenal episodes to look forward to.

Glad to hear it!

Bobduh, do you ever get the feeling that your writing is kind of copying other writers? I'm not accusing you of anything, it's just something that I've been feeling towards my own pieces of writing.

I used to get this feeling pretty often, actually, and it was more than a vague feeling - I could definitely tell my style would lean towards one or another writer I'd been reading. I'm guessing it's a pretty common thing when you're still trying to figure out your own authorial voice. I wouldn't worry about it too much - as you write more and get more confident in your style, and also /read/ more from a variety of different authors, you'll find what influences work for you in a variety of ways and ultimately move towards a style that works for you specifically.
Liked by: Derp Jeep Bristle

Hey bobduh, should I give up on aniblogging if my first piece wasn't a big hit like yours? Or will I eventually make a splash just by continually writing?

Write because you enjoy writing - if you write specifically looking for responses and wide exposure, you're going to be disappointed. I posted that piece on reddit, which was why it got any attention, plus I'd already been writing consistently for a very long time, so I already had something of a writing "voice." Normally the process to build an audience is extremely slow and never certain. You gotta find the work satisfying for its own sake, either because you're getting better or just getting to articulate your thoughts, because an audience is never a given, and it takes a lot of time and effort regardless.

How would you say TWGOK differs from Saekano?

Better jokes, better characters, better narrative, better self-criticism.

There are quite a few vocal people on Anitwitter who've been very critical of GC. It's a very divisive show. That's what I meant. And they're people who also tend to really like Urobuchi's works

Fair enough! I've actually only seen a couple people be consistently negative about it, but I don't follow that many people, so I'm sure I'm missing some of this, and obviously every single show will be liked and disliked by many people. As for why people would like Urobuchi but dislike Crowds, I guess I can't really speak for anyone else? People will like or dislike shows for any number of reasons, I can only speak to my own experience.

Would you call the anime additions to BBB (Black & White) better in writing quality than the manga originals? I feel like those two of them are more three-dimensional than Nightow's cast (who is admittedly more colorful—ironically—but kinda trope-y).

Yep, for sure. Hell, Matsumoto's additions even add some thematic weight to the original material, since the family theme she focuses on gives Leo's story some focus. Nightow created an evocative world, but personally I find Matsumoto to be a much better storyteller. She's joined the group of creators where I'll watch basically anything they're involved in.


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