

Ask @B0bduh

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Favorite OPs this year?

Death Parade, Yurikuma Arashi, Rolling Girls, Blood Blockade Battlefront, Gatchaman Crowds insight, Himouto! Umaru-chan.

Which one should I buy: Bloodborne or Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin?

If you like gothic horror and want a more fast-paced game, try Bloodborne. If you like dark fantasy and would prefer a lot of character customization, go with Dark Souls. Personally, I think Dark Souls is a more fully realized game, but they're both a lot of fun.

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Probably isn't the best place to ask this, but would you appear on an episode of an anime podcast that discussed about GATE and Japanese nationalism/militarism?

Jeffrey Huang
I'm not watching the show and I pretty much said everything I've got to say in that other response, so probably not.

What's your opinion on Rick and Morty so far?

It's good! I'd actually seen a good number of the episodes I burned through at random times over the past year, so it's harder to judge on a second viewing, but it's a very entertaining show. Rick's whole persona and little asides are inherently funny, and when the show hits on a great key concept (like the Meeseeks episode), it can knock it out of the park. Weaker episodes lean too much on middling concepts and rely on Harmon's oversized love of pop culture references (like the Jurassic Park episode, which was far too much of "remember this scene?" and had a really weak B-story), but at its best, it's very successfully funny and irreverent and mean. I'm generally not a fan of mean-spirited comedies, but this one really works for me.
Liked by: Proxy

Since you've changed up the Week in Review format a bit, do you think you would ever start covering non-anime media, like manga or books or Western TV?

Yep! I'll probably keep experimenting and branching out over time.

Have you seen any Rick & Morty this season?

No, and I've actually only seen about a third of the first season. I should really get on that.

Personally do you like Iroha? and do you think she could fit if she joined the service club?

Yeah, I like her a lot. She's close to the only person on that show who doesn't take herself that seriously, and she handles her problems with a great combination of frankness and wit. She's good for deflating the tension created by Hikki and Yukino, both of whom are incredibly uptight and insecure. Plus it's great that she has absolutely no feelings for Hachiman, meaning she can tease the hell out of him as an actual friend.
The dynamic would change a lot if she formally joined the club, and they'd really have to contrive some very specific situation to do that, because she has no actual reason to. That could go either well or poorly depending on how they used her presence, but I think she works better as someone who just pops in from time to time, especially considering she isn't relevant to the central relationship question the show is working through.

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What do you think of "3x3 threads"?

They're fine? Making lists and sharing your tastes is fun, and so people make 3x3 threads.

In Kino's Journey how important is it that Kino does not interfere with each country's traditions, even if it leads to their destruction?

It's a choice Kino made. It has the value Kino gives it.

What's the phrase you say about moderation? Something like "you create the worst community you allow?"

That's the one!

Let me reword that, what's your opinion on Gelsadra and Tsubasa personally? Like, do they piss you off? Or are you fond of them?

Tsubasa is a good-hearted but not terribly bright kid who's got a bunch of growing up to do. Gelsadra seems very dangerous, because it doesn't seem like his values are compatible with the individuality of human nature.

Why do some people seem to feel like they're not allowed to enjoy something ostensibly targeted towards a different audience? i.e. "This show is directed at females, I am not a female therefore I must not like it."

It's a combination of "my media defines my identity," "I am not confident in my identity," and general gender-based societal insecurities. There's a fair chance, particularly at young ages, that other people will look at you sideways for enjoying media "outside your line," which is crappy but is what it is. If you think/are told your media is very reflective of your identity, and are also told that embodying elements of a different gender is "bad," then the natural inclination is to stick with what you're "supposed to watch/do," and eventually internalize that attitude yourself.
This problem is much less common among little kids and adults who've gotten past these hangups, since it's all arbitrary, socially-instilled nonsense.

Do you take screenshots when you watch an anime? If so, can you provide a rough estimate to how many you usually take per episode? Are there certain types of shots where you take more, such as detailed background art, well-animated action sequences or just whenever a cute character is on screen?

Recently I've been watching more shows on the crunchyroll/funimation apps on my phone, which has cut down on screenshots but made me much better at actually burning through episodes. But traditionally I've taken maybe 20-40 screenshots an episode, generally hitting key lines, particularly beautiful or well-composed shots, and silly faces.

What were your favorite stories in Fragments of Horror?

Blackbird and Gentle Goodbye. Blackbird perfectly struck the sense of creeping, inevitable horror that characterizes his best stories, and Gentle Goodbye was just a really well-constructed drama.

Did you enjoy Shin Sekai Yori, or did you just respect it?

I enjoyed large parts of it, but I definitely didn't connect with it as much as some other people. That partially came down to my problems with the human characters, and partially came down to that endless middle act.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Do you plan to watch Tsukimonogatari sometime before Owarimonogatari comes out?

Amin Fozi
I was planning to wait until the physical release, but if Owarimonogatari is gonna be airing before that, I'll have to get to it sooner.


Language: English