

Ask @B0bduh

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What do you think of all the controversy about Ellen Pao (if you've been following it)?

The whole thing seems like reddit incarnate. This is what happens if you attempt to become an even slightly respectable icon of community and discourse while also trying to appease the internet's awful children. It seems like people in general are realizing you /can't/ appease those people, and that attempting to represent "free speech with no guidelines whatsoever" will just result in your culture sinking to the level of hate groups.
On the other hand, reddit only works because it relies on a vast unpaid force of willing moderators (which is fairly reflective of /other/ huge problems with the internet). So while it's a bad idea to try to negotiate with The Worst People, they're in a pretty awkward spot.

What are your thoughts on Gawker (from the same conglomerate that comprises of Kotaku, Jezebel and others) outing the CFO of Conde Nast (owners of Reddit, amongst others) as gay? Gamergaters are going mad about it, calling it hypocritical and homophobic.

This post seems to cover the situation pretty well:
Though he's a bit more lenient on the post itself than I'd be. The post was totally unconscionable.
Liked by: Proxy Rose Bridges

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Lol, tactical retreat at all the UBW questions!

They still come in pretty regularly, somehow. You'd think people would get tired of asking them after four or five months.
Liked by: Eelz Nasch Yamamoto

What is the longest time you've ever spent playing a videogame?

At one time? Maybe like, 16 hours?

Will you watch any of EVO this weekend?

If I can find time. I'll also be traveling and writing, so who knows.

People are mad about that gundam review? I just read it and it made me want to give Turn A a try... I guess people just have to be angry if a generally positive opinion doesn't completely match theirs

Pretty much. There are also people who always have to be mad at ANN specifically, and people who always have to be mad about criticism more generally.

Thoughts on the character Hajime Ichinose?

In the first season, she wasn't so much a person as essentially the personification of charity, empathy, and social good-feeling, contrasted against Katze as the representation of violence and distrust and discord. This worked for the series, since Gatchaman's more about contrasting ideas and ideologies than strict individuals (although it also does have some compelling individuals, like Rui). It's looking like Insight might complicate her role somewhat (as well as Katze's, since this time we're directly engaging with the kind of people who naturally rebel against social harmony), but I think it's a bit too early to tell.

Was Himouto 2 good?

It was okay, but I don't think I'll be continuing. The joke's only got so much potential.

Thoughts on selfie culture?

Selfies are a thing people do. I'm not sure that "selfie culture" is actually a thing - it sounds like a pretty loaded term, implying youth culture is /based/ around selfies, which sounds like standard old person "grumble grumble kids today" talk.
Liked by: Daniel

Are the attack on titan recap movies more worth watching then the series?

Dunno, never watched them.

Ore Monogatari!!! may be all nice and sweet and pleasant and all, but I couldn't watch it after a few episodes because it just seemed so....vacuous. Would you be able to finish it? I just wanted to know if it were worth picking up later on.

Where I left off (13 episodes?), it was pretty much the same it's always been. Cute, kinda empty.

do you ever worry that the shittweets will consume us all

I write an average of ~5-6 pieces of actual criticism a week. I'm not too worried about using twitter as an escape valve.
Those /other/ shittweeters, on the other hand...

Aren't you tired about questions that are mostly "Hey aren't these people wrong / stupid / screw them, what do you think"? Like this one?

I've learned that "validate me disliking ____ person/group/opinion" is maybe 45% of the internet.

Ahahah you should treasure the people around you. My friends + most people I know, can get super mad when I analyse stuff and wish I would just shut my damn brain already. So you're lucky!

I guess I should! I actually have a fair number of real-life friends who really enjoy media analysis, and even my mom often asks me to break down movies we watched or whatnot. I'm not sure how you'd go about seeking out those people beyond joining either media clubs or, I dunno, writing clubs, but it's a dynamic worth finding.

When you write answers to these questions do you write them in one go? Or do you often think to get the perfect words? Or do you get them first time?

Depends on the answer. Sometimes I write them quickly, sometimes I actually leave a question tab open for a few hours or days while deciding how/whether to actually answer it. I almost always at least proofread them a bit for tone, though typos and missing words do slip through.


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