

Ask @B0bduh

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Buuu, we were expecting more blood and chaos during your GATE review, buuuuuuu!!!

I mean, the first episode really didn't do anything. I can only review what I actually watched.

What makes dialogue either flat or tortured?

Flat: like it's placeholder dialogue, just hitting cliches and conveying information without sounding like it's coming from a real person. In the context of Rampo Kitan, I'd say some of the conversations with the two "normal cops" fall into this category. See also a huge amount of dialogue in Hollywood blockbusters.
Tortured: overwritten, awkwardly dramatic. "No matter how much medicine I take, the pain doesn't go away." My issues with Fate dialogue generally fall into this category.

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In Gargantia universe, would you be an evolver or a space guy? Also do you think evolvers play splatoon in their spare time?

The planned Gargantia sequel was actually just Splatoon. It was cancelled once they saw Nintendo had stolen their idea.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how crispy are your SHFFLs and waveshines?

SHFFLS are like a 3, waveshines are nonexistent. As I've said before, I'm not actually /good/ at fighting games.

What are your favorite Nintendo games or series?

Pretty big fan of the core Mario and Zelda releases, with I think my favorites of each being 64 and Galaxy 2 on the Mario side, Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess on the Zelda side. I've also played a ridiculous amount of Super Smash Bros Melee.

Are you planning to stream some Dark Souls or Bloodborne?

That's a bit trickier, since I don't play those on my computer and don't have a laptop. I'm actually planning on /getting/ a laptop, though, so possibly after that.

Favorite OoT dungeon?

Forest Temple. Wonderful sense of atmosphere in that place.
Dang, that makes me kinda want to stream some OoT.

If you swear that there's no truth and who cares, how come you say it like you're right? Why are you scared to dream of God, when it's salvation that you want?

Settle down, Rikka.
Liked by: zackadavis

I've been wanting to watch the Fate series. Where should I begin? some friends told me I should begin with Zero, then move on to UBW and completely skip the first Stay Night, is that correct?

Start with Zero. I'm not really sure what to recommend after that; I just finished UBW, which is well-produced the whole way through, but kind of falls apart story-wise, and I've heard that the original Stay Night might actually give you the context you need to enjoy it more. So... maybe start with Zero, try the original Stay Night, and if you're not enjoying it because of the production, switch to UBW?
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Just asking this out of curiosity, but since you seem to like Hyouka and Eupho more than Chuu2, what made you give those 2 shows a 9 and Chuu2 a 10? Is it just that you think Chuu2 is the better show but enjoyed Hyouka and Eupho more?

More the opposite, actually.

Giving UBW S2 a 4 and Eva 3.0 a 9. Are you just trying to rile up all the fandoms? Also, on the subject of UBW, if you were to average out the show's ratings to a single thing, what would you rate it at? A 6?

Nah, it'd be 5 at best. The second half just sinks the show. My "6" tends to mean "more or less succeeds in its goals without much distinction," and UBW's second half was way too disastrous for that to be true here.
And nope, not really trying to rile anybody up. Just watching shows and having opinions on them. Apparently that's enough.

Is it really that bad that Funimation is getting all the shows? Other than you have to pay to even see the subs.

Funimation also have an inconsistent player, generally low video/image quality, permanent watermark, and inconsistent release times. Given all that, I would always prefer Crunchyroll get a given show.

So between Shirobako and Euphonium I've discovered I really love ensemble-cast dramas. What are some other shows in this genre you've enjoyed?

Ping Pong has a smaller cast, but I'd say it counts. And it's a very different style of show, but Shiki also has a broad ensemble cast with many "protagonists."
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

I keep hearing people dreading about how bad Gate is going to be? Why is it so bad? I haven't heard much about it so Idk.

The water cool talk is that it's what you'd get if you combined the fantastical power fantasy of SAO, the nationalism of Mahouka, and maybe a bit of Akame ga Kill's grimdark hackwork.

Is the new season of gatchaman going to be on crunchyroll? I can't seem to find it

I believe so, but I don't think it's been announced yet. But they seem to be picking up sequels to shows they had before even as Funimation devours streaming whole, so it'll hopefully go to them.

Have you written a piece on what makes BBB so special? I'm one of the people that see it as just a show that lacks a goal. Seems to waste a lot of it's time on unimportant things.

If you've already read my week in review pieces on it, maybe check with that last guy. I can say that describing the vignettes as "wasting time" seems like you might be approaching the show expecting it to be something it isn't - the show is mostly a collection of episodic adventures.

So I tend to skip UBW since the only gripping thing for me is the Shirou vs. Archer conflict at the finale. Everything else feels unnecessary, even if Cuchulainn is a boss for however much screentime he has. Was I justified? Was the Shirou vs Archer fight done justice?

If you like Shirou and Archer, the show certainly has plenty of that.


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