

Ask @B0bduh

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You can't condense F/SN into one route, and if the focus isn't on Shirou it isn't F/SN. We get that you don't like it but stop making yourself look like a fool.

Preeetty embarrassing.
Liked by: Jick Johnson

Does the self appointed "Nasu scholar" (or was it Fate scholar?) still ask questions, or has he disappeared for the time being?

I don't think it was just one person, but yes, those people are still around. Here's literally the question that came after yours:

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Can you imagine OreGairu being as enjoyable as you find it now if the cast were gender-reversed?

Almost certainly. Though a lot of the character behavior is kinda tied to gendered assumptions, so some stuff would obviously be different.

Are there any shows that you really enjoyed but hardly anybody else seemed to? Or at least, very few seemed to enjoy it for the same reasons that you did?

Not really. The last time I got this question, I answered "Gargantia," but then a bunch of people on twitter responded that they also really liked Gargantia. Not too many unique opinions out there!

How often do you end up re-evaluating something you said once based on someone else's response to it, and come to a different conclusion/opinion?

Pretty often! Not so much in a "completely reverse my initial opinion" kind of way, but very frequently in a "huh, hadn't considered that angle/interpretation" way.

Imagine FS/N is going to be turned into a live action american tv series(HBO or whatever so you can basically show anything). How would you change it to fit that medium?

Honestly, it seems way more likely Fate/Zero would get that kind of treatment - it's just far more in line with the sort of stuff that gets turned into American tv dramas. But if we're sticking with FS/N, then they'd probably do the same thing ufotable should have done (in a "to make the best show possible" sense) - condense all three routes into one coherent story, making sure all the characters are given interesting and important roles. This would also almost certainly involve drawing the focus outwards from Shirou, and making a variety of changes in the various character roles and arcs.
...actually, this would pretty much require turning Fate into an entirely different story, and the end result still wouldn't be nearly as good as the stuff that's already coming out on HBO, so I probably wouldn't adapt it in the first place. Seems like a thankless job.

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Why do you think Iroha is so popular?

Probably because she's funny, and because she's a really good counterpoint to Hachiman's gloomy self-importance. Most of the rest of the cast takes Hachiman at least somewhat seriously, but Iroha don't give a fuck.

I haven't caught up on Nagato the last three weeks. Is the new episode worth it?

Bobby Vandenberg
Nope! It's better than the last couple, but that just makes it an above-average episode in a not-good show.

What did you watch (from your backlog)? Anything you want to/are going to write about?

Crest of the Stars 3-6. I'm not sure when I'll get to finish all three seasons, but yeah, I'll probably write something.

Why is Asakura so against Nagato and Kyon hanging out alone? Doesn't she want them to get together? I'm so confused

My newest ANN review is about exactly that! I'd link it, but I'm on my phone.

"Double major in English and Comp Sci." I'm taking up CompSci and I am dying to take a second degree in Literature/Sociology and part of that is because of your writing. I'm still pursuing it but I would like to thank you right now :)

Good luck! College is a fantastic opportunity that way, so I definitely recommend trying to make the most of it.

Has your timeline convinced you to pick Punchline back up, or are you still on the cusp? Punchline's good, Bob ;_;

Not really. What I'm hearing seems to be supporting my original impression - that it's a show specifically designed for people who like puzzle-stories. Not really my thing.

What would you tell to the you from 10 years ago?

"Double major in English and Comp Sci. There are no jobs in the arts."
Liked by: jstorming

Did you like the soundtrack of Fury Road? Or at least the guitar guy/doof warrior?

Yes, definitely. Doof warrior was one of a hundred inspired choices that cumulatively solidify Fury Road as an obvious action classic.

Is the Eva manga any good? I feel like revisiting the characters

Haven't read it. I've heard it's not the best, and that reading it won't necessarily feel like revisiting the same characters.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Do you play with all the updates, or do you have a preferred version?

Recently I've just been playing the PS4 version. I'm not really knowledgeable about what versions there are.

Uh... didn't Britain actually get conquered by the Saxons? Thus, the term Anglo-saxon? So the modern Britain is owned by the descendants of Saber's enemies, and is built on the corpse of her kingdom. Why would she be happy about that?

Just responding to this so I stop getting pedantic replies about it. No jokes allowed :(

Do you have any tips to keep the less-than-ideal aspects of a work from overshadowing your enjoyment of it? I tend to get bogged down in things like Isin's self-indulgence in Monogatari and crappy LN harem stuff in Oregairu, where if I could turn that part of my brain off I'd enjoy a lot more anime.

I don't feel like I have to turn my brain off - basically every work has better elements and worse elements. A work being lousy at some things doesn't make the things it's good at less valid! I'm not sure how you'd actually "train yourself" to accept that in an emotional sense, though. But I do feel you'll be restricting yourself from enjoying a vast number of things if any element you disagree with in a larger work prevents you from enjoying the other stuff. Media is complicated!

I would think that Saber knows England's current state but wants to change the past anyway because *her* England and people were still messed up, with a nice future not meaning anything to their suffering.

Of course. It's a "why didn't they fly to Mordor"-style question, not an actual problem in the story.

Not that it's really an issue in UBW, but it always bugged me that no one thought to just show Saber England's history from the past few centuries.

Yeah, it does seem kinda cruel of basically everyone. Though I guess her identity isn't actually known, so the better question might be "why doesn't Saber just google England"?
Liked by: Lord Reiseng Eelz

How do you differentiate "popcorn" anime from other anime? I tend to get really swept up into any anime I find good, so it's hard for me to use the term "popcorn" to describe anything but anime I don't like/care about that much. (So for example, I personally find Nisekoi to be good popcorn.)

Generally it's stuff I enjoy in an immediate visceral/entertainment sense, but that I don't spend much time engaging with emotionally or intellectually. It's a sort of wibbly-wobbly designation in general, though.


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