

Ask @B0bduh

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"After everything I’ve seen in JoJo, it’s pretty strange that even this week’s dumb track-jumping trick could make me think 'that’s fucking ridiculous.'" Track jumping is a valid strategy in Mario Kart games, particularly on certain iterations of Rainbow Road! It might have been the most real part

Oh, I know - I've had many a race ruined by someone jumping rainbow road or wario stadium or whatnot. It's more the "I predicted you would use a spin attack to knock me at just the right angle to clear this chasm" that seems a little JoJo to me. Though not any more JoJo than "he made an icicle rope with ripples" or whatnot.
Liked by: Eelz Rose Bridges

Why did you like TWGOK, I'm pretty sure you're not that kind of guy who will like that show?

Because it was funny, sharp, and well-constructed. It was basically a popcorn watch until the third season, which got really good.

Why in the world were you tempted to recommend Shiki to someone who's becoming ill and wants a light-hearted show??

I didn't. I mentioned it as a joke, and then suggested Barakamon.

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"There /are/ stories that prioritize that stuff, but they're the exception, and they're generally aimed at a specific audience that really strongly cares about that specific thing." Would that include Fate/Stay Night and Mahouka?

Yep! Both of those lean really heavily into elaborating the rules of their world. Another example would be the Mistborn books. As I said, it's a tendency that's most prominent in scifi and fantasy.

I just went over your MAL and you rated Redline very high. Why is that? What I saw was an ordinary racing movie with amazing animation. Did I miss some depth/underlining theme?

Nope. Redline is just a very focused movie that is incredibly good at what it does.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Can you recommend any Steven Universe-esque shows? Something light and marathon-able but with some emotional grounding and warmth. (I've already watched HxH :'( so I can't burn through that)

I just recommended this, but maybe Barakamon. Also maybe something like Girls und Panzer or Yozakura Quartet.

I'm becoming ill - any light-hearted show you can recommend, or any at all?

I'm really, really tempted to recommend Shiki, but instead I'll recommend Barakamon.

What made Haruhi Suzumiya-Chan unwatchable? It's relatively zany, but given it's doled out in small doses like comedy sketches doesn't it work? I'm surprised given how you seem to have a fundamental fondness for this new Yuki show, which treads similar ground. Maybe give it another chance?

Never found it funny, not really interested in trying again. If the current show were a total gag comedy, I wouldn't be interested in it either. I almost never enjoy gag comedies.

How do I keep people's positive opinions of a show I find mediocre from causing me to become resentful towards that show?

Just remember that people are very different, I guess? And that other people liking a show takes nothing away from you. It's kind of hard to avoid how you're naturally emotionally biased by hearing other opinions, but it's at least something you can try to avoid consciously leaning into.

Would you say that ep 15 of UBW was the best episode of the season? Would you say the best episode of the show so far is the prologue? (I think it is haha)

Probably and probably.

Just wanted to say thanks for your Week in Review posts! My job can start to feel all-consuming, so it's nice to have a long Bobduh post to look forward to every Wednesday.

Glad to hear you enjoy them! They're kinda loose criticism, so sometimes I'm not so sure about them, but if people like them, I'll keep them up!
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Do you sometimes read your own writing when you come back to it? I find this happening to me, sometimes. Someone refers to what I wrote, and I end up reading half, if not the whole thing, again. Today I tried to only edit a bit of my OreGairu piece and ended up reading and editing the whole thing.

Yep, definitely done that.

Can't a deus ex machina also be a story beat that ignores previously set up conflicts, theming and internal rules just to take an easy way out, though? Like the ending of Clannad After Story for example?

Yep. That's why I said "generally" so many dang times. I very frequently run into situations where I think the criticism is being misused, but that doesn't mean it's always that way.

In your week in review posts, do the differing fonts/boldness of the shows titles stand for anything?

I wasn't aware they had differing fonts/boldness - they all just appear as uniformly bolded to me.

give me your best tips to defeat aniblogger's block i need them

Forget writing pieces, just think about fragments. Any loose ideas you've been toying with? Any conversations you had recently that left you thinking about some art topic? Any show that had an interesting element or two that you could probably elaborate on more? Even if you don't think you could spin a real piece out of it, the best way to spur writing is to be already writing, and any fuel for that initial words-on-page is good fuel.

Would you recommend RahXephon? I've heard diverse opinions on it but it sounds interesting.

I haven't watched it in a decade. I remember it drawing extremely liberally from Evangelion, but having a nice aesthetic and a few standout moments. I wouldn't actively recommend it, but if you're already interested in watching it, maybe give it a shot.

What would you say are UBWs redeeming features?

The production, mainly. The character work seems to have gotten weaker in the second half (Rin's acting even more classically tsundere, Shirou's gotten repetitive), so we're kinda hanging on the production.

How come you didn't find Keima insufferable compare to, say, that one otaku teacher guy?

Because they're different characters in different shows, I guess? This seems like a pretty thin comparison.

Finally got around to starting Katawa Shoujo last night. I got Hanako first and watched my character gradually squander every opportunity he was given to salvage his destructive fantasies of codependency. What the heck, Bob? How did a bunch of channers make something this empathetic and progressive?

From what I've heard, it only started on 4chan, and the project had a bunch of turnover over the years before it arrived at its final staff. Plus, people change. 4chan is something a lot of people grow out of.
But yeah, it's pretty unbelievable that it exists at all.
Liked by: malb0r0 Rose Bridges

Do you think a good story can be told even with the use of a Deus Ex Machina?

I generally feel that "deus ex machina" is one of those concerns like "plot hole" that generally just reflects a misunderstanding of how stories work. Stories aren't intended to work like sports - the variables don't all have to be fair, the protagonist doesn't have to win by scoring the most points in an even contest. Drama often follows an emotional arc more than one constructed around some kind of physical obstacle course, and thus having a solution that isn't arrived at through "pure hard work" or whatnot is rarely a problem. If you're someone who searches for "plot holes" in the actual world of a story, you're pretty much always going to find some, because good stories are generally more concerned with the coherence of the core narrative, message, and emotional pacing than with making sure some fantasy world's pieces all work like a satisfying videogame.
There /are/ stories that prioritize that stuff, but they're the exception, and they're generally aimed at a specific audience that really strongly cares about that specific thing. This audience is over-represented in fantasy (Tolkien is pretty much the king of "fuck the story, I just want to make a world"), which can make prioritizing that stuff seem like the "conventional wisdom" in some circles, but it's actually a pretty unusual and specific way of looking at and evaluating stories. Most of the time, a focus on "plot holes" or "deus ex machina" means you're not really focusing on the load-bearing elements that dictate a show's own priorities.

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Would you say this UBW season is worse than the first so far?

Yeah, definitely. It's at the point where I might drop it if I weren't three quarters of the way through the show - there hasn't been one great episode yet.
Hopefully things will improve now that Caster's gone. I feel like she's been dragging the show down with her.

Thoughts on the upcoming Bahamut second season?

I just learned it exists, and that's great! I enjoyed the first season, and see no reason why a second wouldn't succeed - I felt the first season's Big Plot was actually one of its weakest elements, so if this second season just focuses on fun adventures with the main cast, it could be pretty great.
Liked by: Rose Bridges


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