

Ask @B0bduh

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did you watch episode 5 of plastic memories? this is turning into some weird kind of supernatural action show

Nah, I dropped it at the beginning of 4. I heard the rest of 4 was better, but now have been hearing dire things about 5, so I'm feeling pretty secure in that decision.

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When will you update your top30 list/addenum list? ( yes, i want to see death parade, maria and shirobako )

Who can say.

When do you generally update the Top Shows list? (considering you seemed to like Shirobako a fair bit)


Can I read your episode notes (episode for episode) on Utena without being spoilered?

Do you mean as you're watching, or just as a document even though you haven't watched the series? They don't spoil future episodes, since I was writing them as I was watching, but they definitely spoil everything if you haven't actually watched the series.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Do you feel Bakemonogatari would have been a lot stronger without the Nadeko Snake arc?

Not really, no. It's tempting to try and imagine a "fixed" Monogatari without all of its broken elements, but the great stuff is integrated pretty tightly with the terrible stuff.

Have you watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan? In my opinion it's superior to the current Yuki spinoff anime. It's still got cute silly jokes starring the Haruhi cast but is much more creative and zany then this moe-by-numbers Yuki spinoff.

Yep. And yes, the original was a much better show.

Is the Hanamonogatari rewatch strengthening its position in your favorite Monogatari arcs?

I only watched it about nine months ago the first time, but yeah, it's still a fantastic arc and easily up there among the best of them.

Have you ever been criticized for being "over-analytical" or for ruining the "fun" of a show through your writing? Also what are your thoughts on people who say "It's just a show, just watch it and enjoy it"?

Yeah, definitely. And less "ever" than "every week or two."
As for my thoughts, I guess I'd just say people enjoy media in a variety of ways? I think it's kinda important to critically engage with your media for reasons I've talked about at length, but I like plenty of shows for very superficial/gut-level reasons (it's the awareness that's important), and I think "watch and let watch" should go both ways. Other people critically engaging with their media shouldn't take away your fun.
Of course, this quickly bleeds into "but these critics are watching it wrong, and they're TRICKING people with their WRONG opinions," which is its own endless can of worms.

Ah, okay. So she wanted her request as his sister to override the other one, to help him realize what was important to him. ...right? Am I getting this? This show infuriates me because I feel like it's too smart for me. Only a couple shows before made me feel like that, and NOT romantic comedies -_-

Pretty much. Or just to give him the ability to make that choice. I actually talk specifically about this in my writeup on the episode:

Do you think Evangelion is a difficult show to appreciate if you don't spend a significant amount of time analyzing it?

Not really. Evangelion's strength is largely in its characters and execution, you don't really have to "solve the puzzle" to appreciate it.

Okay...I'm the person who asked the question about "willfully dense." Maybe I'm just stupid, but I was an honest question and I don't understand your response. What am I not being subtle about?

The question was phrased like "don't you think you're a big dumb jerk for thinking ____?" Questions like that generally aren't questions at all.
If your question was legitimately earnest, then I actually don't know what you're talking about. I'm not sure what context I was using that phrase in.

Though it's not the show's primary focus, would you include Katanagatari on the list for people looking for good romance?

Yeah, actually. That one too.

Hey i've been following your blog. I am really impressed with the article on White Album 2 (its possible my favourite romance anime right now). Could you recommend some anime with similiar tone but not necessary or perhaps just some romance anime that you think are stellar.

The first show that comes to mind for "similar tone" would be Oregairu. As for other romances, I guess I'd recommend Spice and Wolf and Toradora, though those both have very different tones.
Liked by: Y C

How would you define "willfully dense?" It's a phrase I've seen you use a lot. How is it different from "not holding discussion solely on my terms?"

Do people asking questions like this think they're being subtle?

Could you please upload a review of the newest episode of Ore-Gairu? What do you think of it?

Working on it right now. I think it's very good.

is boston a good place to live?

It's a nice city, but it's expensive. I'm basically only managing it because I'm living with a bunch of other people.

How does Evangelion build so many great characters in so little time?

Because it's largely /about/ building them, and because its dialogue is much better and more purposeful than most anime. You can build a character in only a few sentences if they're particularly good sentences.
Liked by: Anime GX

In your writing, you seem to favour the short dash over the em dash. Is there a particular reason for this?

Nope. It's just what I'm used to. My core grammar skills are honestly kinda garbage - basically all my formal training has been in creative writing and literary analysis.


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