

Ask @B0bduh

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So is the reason why you find Mob Psycho 100 more compelling than OPM is mostly because of its direction? (This is not a leading question, btw. I'm genuinely curious why. Mob is arguably more thematically focused than OPM but it's very similar in narrative beats and jokes)

Well, at this point in One Punch Man, I was still a fan of that show - it's still up in the air how Mob Psycho will pan out. But so far, the direction definitely helps a lot (outside of its big setpieces, One Punch Man was pretty visually flat), and I'm also much more engaged with the characters. Saitama's personality was "young adult ennui," and the show never built on that (outside of that one exceptional Mumen Rider episode). Reigen and Mob already seem more complex and human than Saitama, to the point where I actually care about their action adventures, and it doesn't just feel like "stuff happening."
And to get more specifically into the visual differences, pretty much all of One Punch Man's visual strengths were dedicated to one thing - one superhero kicking the crap out of another one. That's fine, but it's not exactly my thing; I generally don't feel that engaged by spectacle like that unless it's happening to characters I already care about. In other very well-animated shows that I /do/ love, the animation is generally dedicated to something other than just visual spectacle - for example, Sound! Euphonium and Idolmaster both use many of their visual highlights to better convey the personalities and feelings of their characters. They engage in visual storytelling with the goal of better articulating the humanity of their characters. Mob Psycho is similar with its direction, in that its visual personality helps elevate the feelings of Reigen and Mob. That makes its existing strengths feel that much more meaningful to me.

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Yo Nick. Just got into your content and it is pretty cool. I do not agree with you on everything on that is on big issues, but you seem like a cool dude. I understand why you hate GamerGate. It pretty dumb.

Thank you! Glad you're enjoying the content, and I'm happy to hear it's interesting to read even if we disagree on things.
Liked by: Eelz Shahzeb Mangi

Do you ever worry that displaying controversial political opinions on Twitter might cost you work in the future? (Not trying to imply that those opinions /should/ be controversial.)

Not really, mostly because I don't think I post particularly inflammatory stuff. It's generally stuff along the lines of "the GOP is bad" and "neoliberalism can't solve our problems," neither of which are particularly shocking perspectives for a leftist art critic. I might run into more issues if I wanted to transition into investment banking, but that doesn't seem to be a likely career shift.

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Hi Bob, I'm near the end of Love Live! second season, can I jump directly to Sunshine after finishing it ? Or should I watch the movie before ?

Yeah, you can. The movie's pretty fun, but it's mostly an indulgent victory lap, and the only real takeaway is "u's want to celebrate all school idols." I'd check it out sometime, but it's far from required viewing, and definitely less strong than the actual show.
Liked by: Shahzeb Mangi

Do you find FMA Brotherhood better or worse written than FMA 2003 for what you've seen?

So far I feel that FMA Brotherhood hasn't been "about" as much, but it's just a much better-composed story. '03 had plenty of ideas, but was a total trainwreck as far as narrative composition goes, while Brotherhood has been a real page-turner, but hasn't had much to dig into beyond that.
Liked by: Shahzeb Mangi

So, it looks like JoJo's coming to Toonami (https://www.facebook.com/Toonami/photos/a.1442483259375850.1073741828.1440408039583372/1622461781377996/?type=3&theater). What do you think of that?

I think it'll be an interesting fit. Toonami generally goes for the more self-serious action stuff like Akame ga Kill and Attack on Titan, so I'll be interested in seeing how something as inescapably goofy as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure does. I really /hope/ it does well, because I personally really prefer my action shows to have a sense of humor about what they're doing, and I'd like the market for that kind of stuff to get bigger. I think JoJo has already done solid work in broadening some fan horizons, and it'd be nice if this continues that trend.

So what do you actually think of Fate/Zero?

It's pretty okay? The first half is very slow and bogged down by both tedious exposition and fights that don't amount to anything, but the second half is solid, and the overall show has has a variety of compelling scenes and sharp articulations of Urobuchi's general "we are desperate but beautiful people hamstrung by oppressive systems" ethos. It's not a show I'd generally recommend, but I don't regret watching it.

Which do you find more disappointing? A good show with bad OP/EDs or vice versa? I think I lean towards the latter since it feels like the OP/EDs are wasted in that case.

Definitely good show with bad OP/ED for me, mainly because it's much more rare to find a good show than a good OP, so it always seems like a shame when a good show has an OP I want to skip. An effective OP can really elevate a good show (see: basically everything Yuasa has made).

Any interest in Trigun?

Not much. From what I remember catching some episodes on Adult Swim, the comedy is very bad, and I don't have much inherent interest in old action shows. Trigun kinda seems like a "you had to be there" production in the same way FMA '03 is.
Liked by: Shahzeb Mangi

Are you still watching FMAB?

Here and there. I was able to burn through a ton of it while I was on vacation, but I'm very busy now (even though I'm ostensibly on a family trip again), so it's tough to sneak in episodes. I did watch one yesterday, though.

is the going manga writeup rate 10 of your american dollars per chapter?

Based on average manga volume lengths, yes - that's generally what $80/volume hashes out to.

How long until you watch Aikatsu?

I'll probably get to Heartcatch before I get to Aikatsu. There are a lot of shows to watch though, and it just seems more reasonable to handle some of the 11-13 episode classics first.

Why do you think Milo opposes gay rights despite being gay himself?

Because he's fairly comfortable in his own life and a total narcissist. Milo doesn't care about the rights of "people like him" in a general sense - the only thing that motivates Milo is throwing making bigger and bigger scenes in front of more and more people. He's actually a lot like Trump in that way.

Keep on vibrating if you must kinda represents what I kinda detest about Elfen lied. I dislike meaningless violence in my stories. I can appreciate violence when it serves a purpose, but the gratuitous brutality of that show and this crazy volume you picked up is something I really abhor.

Same. Gratuitous violence is something I suffer through if a story is otherwise good enough to keep my interest, not something that actually draws me to a story. And violence that is actually meaningless will pretty much always kill a story for me. Violence is a very loud dramatic tool, and needs to be used with care.

With all the recent developments and talks about it being a "Deconstruction", are you planning on picking up Re: Zero again?

Not really. Subaru is not an interesting character to me in the first place, and I've got lots of other stuff I need to watch. As I've said before, in order for big reversals like that to be effective, the initial thing that's being reversed has to already be engaging.
Liked by: Tim Derp Jeep

So was Fate/Zero made to try to appeal to the teenage crowd? It's basically a battle shounen at its core but all the characters have an ideology which they express so that teenagers can think they're smart for watching it but is expressed blatantly and blandly.

Protip: presenting leading questions like this does not make you look mature and intelligent. It makes you look petty and insecure.

Explain to me how at least the last RNC isn't categorized as a hate crime.

Well, no one was physically injured. Hate /rally/ though, definitely, no question. And as for why that wasn't the prevailing narrative, the GOP has been the party of hate and fear for decades. Trump has made the party's underlying, subtextual goals its overt, textual ones, and that is indeed a fairly horrifying change, but the GOP's idea of "the truth" has always been based in a combination of racial/religious animosity (the base) and corporate cronyism (the leaders). And the media has always let them get away with that, and so this is actually just one step extra, even if that one step happens to be "we are outright admitting our values are based in xenophobia and general fear of a changing world."

What did you think of 91days' OP?

I actually haven't watched it. This season is strong enough that I haven't really felt the need to keep up with 91 Days.

If Earth-chan and Shirou sat down to discuss justice, how do you think it would go?

Probably pretty well! Earth-chan and Shirou have very similar philosophies.
Liked by: Pablo Romero

Do you think you would have enjoyed the MHA adaption more if you hadn't already read the manga?

Maybe a bit, but its limitations seem pretty clear to me. The compositional choices they made basically guaranteed a less-than-stellar anime.


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