

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you think Isin or Shinbo has more to do with your enjoyment of Monogatari?

Isin. Shinbo, and I guess the general "Shaft house style" that has become associated with his name, has created plenty of shows I don't have any interest in. Plus I like Katanagatari even more than Monogatari, so clearly Isin's doing something right.

Why is it that people like to watch difficult to deal with people like 8man in fiction, yet want nothing to do with the same kind of people in their lives?

Because what makes a compelling character is very different from what makes a good friend.
Liked by: An

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Obviously it's too early to make any meaningful analysis, but would you say this season of OreGairu so far is even better than last season?

Yep. It's riding the highs of the first season's best material, and the visual execution is far better than the first season. Oregairu is insanely good right now.
Liked by: dav

would 8man be a gg'er?

Considering the "nice girls" speech and everything, there's a pretty decent chance of it.

Do you know all of the people you talk anime with on twitter or are some of the people tweeting at you people you don't know? Asking for a friend... :)

I don't know some of the people who tweet at me, but most of the people I respond to are people I talk with regularly.

Why do you think G*merg*ters are still using that name? Haven't they realized that nobody will take them seriously if they associate with the hashtag?

I think it's more about a sense of validation and community than actually trying to win any argument at this point, if it ever was anything different. Plus they actually believe the stuff that people highlight about the movement to demonstrate its absurdity - the conspiracy theories, the regressive social politics, etc. Plenty of them don't use the label, or say "I'm a GG neutral" or whatnot, but it's the opinions themselves that are impossible to take seriously, so...

When did you watch Katanagatari?

First watched it in the early summer of 2013. Rewatched it a little after a year later.

You are doing ANN episode reviews of OreGairu, yes? I can't find any, have you just not been able to get to the first one yet?

My first one will be up tomorrow.

Hey thanks for the response about 8man/ subjectivity I asked you. Really good response and I can't think of anything else to say!

You're welcome!

Is the Cross Game anime any good? Or would you recommend the manga?

I've only read the manga. People seem to like the anime well enough, but I was very impressed with the manga's use of panel flow and whatnot.

You might want to make your sarcasm /even/ more obvious. Everyone who reads your stuff should be pretty certain, but the people you're using it on will probably take it on face value as long as it supports their opinion.

I'm actually pretty okay with that. I've seen enough temper tantrums on here lately.

Nasu, a philosophy lover, squeezes in a ton of philosophical rhetoric (in this case, regarding heroes and past). If you're not a fan of this type of story, then it's best to stay away (and stop dragging a good anime down) as it's only going to get heavier once we dive into Shirou's mentality (HF).

That's probably the problem - I can't stand philosophy in my media. Or stories about heroes, for that matter.

Have you watched Ninja Slayer yet?

Nope. Not really tempted to - I don't really have much interest in either what it was originally pretending to be or a satire of that.

Have you heard of the Last of Us? I've heard it has an amazing story and actually treats women and even intimated LGBT characters with narrative weight.

I've played through most of the original game. It was okay - it did its best to integrate gameplay with Hollywood action-drama storytelling, but never really grabbed me.

Just finished the first two volumes of Cross Game. Would you say it stays roughly the same quality throughout (a la Eccentric Family), or is it one that gets exponentially better after a certain point (a la Evangelion)?

It's pretty consistent. I'd say it gets better over time just because you come to know the characters more, but the storytelling is very confident from start to finish.

Which meal was so good that you can't forget it?

I'm still looking for Eggs Benedict as good as the ones I got at the diner near my college. Not only were the Eggs Benedict great, but they came with perfectly crispy home fries you could dip in the sauce and egg yolk. One day... one day.

I'm really liking Euphonium, and many people are comparing it to K-ON!. Should I try it out? I remember you saying that you don't really think it's a good show. Could you tell me in what ways Euphonium surpasses it?

So far, it's the writing. What I saw of K-On! was pretty strict slice of life, with characters that felt more like endearing sketches than people. Kumiko already feels more grounded and real than anyone in K-On!, and the show seems to be moving with much more purpose - it's understated, but it's definitely a drama with momentum.
Honestly, I don't think the comparison's a very strong one. I think K-On!'s just kind of an oversized comparison touchstone that KyoAni shows get stuck being compared to, and the fact that Sound! Euphonium is another show about girls playing instruments doesn't help that.

Did you know The National wrote a song for Portal 2?

Yep! And they did "The Rains of Castamere." Though that wasn't nearly as great as the moment the Hold Steady's Bear and the Maiden Fair cuts in at the end of That Episode.


Language: English