

Ask @B0bduh

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Hey, Bobduh. I checked your MAL account, and saw that u gave a pretty high score to Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuiokuhen, but, you haven´t watched the rest of the series... Can I watch this OVA series and not the anime just like you did?

I actually probably watched a good thirty or so random episodes of Rurouni Kenshin back when it was on Toonami, so I'm not sure if the OVA would work so well without that context.

What kind of nicknames do you have for the Shirobako characters whose names you don't remember?

They're mostly just "that guy." The only nicknames I use are the ones everyone used - CG-chan, Dost-chan/Diesel-chan, Zuka :(, etc.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

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Why do you think people who don't like stuff like Clannad or other Key shows enjoy Angel Beats though? I've seen a lot of "when Jun Maeda finally talked to women" about it.

Really? It didn't seem that different to me, writing-wise. I guess it has less of Clannad's women-saving structure, but whatsherface the love interest is just as bad as any Clannad character, and it still follows the same farce-farce-farce-OVERPOWERING TRAGEDY dramatic structure.
Liked by: dav

What do you mean by Yuasa is an animator's animator?

I mean that people actually within the industry seem to like supporting/working with him, and that his work is likely appealing to people who are actually invested in animation (as demonstrated by Ping Pong's recent TAAF win).

when is the next patreon month gonna be processed? I've already got a juicy question ready

It normally processes a couple days into the month. It'll probably take me a few days after that to start powering through them, though - preview week is going to be my life this weekend. But next week!

Could hazard a guess as to why Anon asked this question on 4chan? Do you think it's the board's fixation on free speech that did that?

Probably. I've talked before about how there's a common demographic on the internet that's really fixated on a specific idea of free speech and rational individualism that doesn't really relate to the real world, and it's reflected in everything from 4chan to online libertarianism to the "debate me logically" instinct of online commenters.

Hem hem. Here goes. My first contact with the entity known as..... Bobduh! Thoughts on Angel Beats? Apparently it's good, but I haven't seen it. I want to know if its's worth checking out.

I don't think it's very good, but if you enjoy stuff like Clannad, there's a strong chance you'll enjoy Angel Beats.

Does 4chan qualify as "libertarian"?

I'm not sure how you'd describe the site itself as libertarian, but there's definitely significant overlap between the 4chan crowd and the "internet libertarian" crowd, at least. The philosophy of each attracts a similar demographic for similar reasons.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

I'm a big fan of the Souls series, but time problems have kept me from Bloodborne. Is it worth the hit to productivity?

Unfortunately, yes. It's a fine riff on the franchise with some compelling differences in combat and aesthetic. It definitely hits that Souls itch.

Is your addendum of your top shows something that will increase further beyond 38 as you watch more shows, or is 38 the limit with new entries replacing old ones? Hope it increases further, your list is excellent (with the odd disagreement of course)

I'll add to it. 38's just the number I'm at right now.

Is the last sentence of your Ping Pong piece a common phrase or did you come up with it yourself? I never read it before and think it's pretty good.

Came up with it myself, and thank you!

Would you be down to playing Bloodborne as a VR game?

It doesn't seem like it'd work very well. Bloodborne is largely based in very precise, almost arcade-style controls - it does have a great atmosphere, but it also has other things that seem ill-suited to VR.

What about Gurren Lagann did you like more than Kill la Kill?

Its story is far more coherent and its aesthetics are much more impressive.

Do you think it's no coincidence that Ikuhara shows are "better" as their length increases? Does this indicate that his visual vocabulary can get in the way of his shows' goals at times?

I think he's just not willing to compromise on density, and so people should just get out of the way and let him have his episodes. It's a shame he's apparently difficult to work with - I wish he had something like a Yuasa situation going on, where people keep giving him opportunities because he's an animator's animator.

I'd be quite interested in reading your reasoning behind such a high score for Junketsu no Maria! Anything planned on that? Also, give Hanasaku Iroha a try...if you liked Shirobako, you may find it interesting.

I had it at 9, but that ending knocks it down to an 8. It's a smart show and the characters remain great until the end, but it doesn't manage to resolve many of its conflicts and arcs.
I've had Hanasaku Iroha recommended before, and probably will try it out at some point.

Do you think YKA could have been a little more ambitious? 'Yes, the main characters could only find happiness by escaping through death to another world, but maybe next time things will be different' isn't a huge step beyond the Class S/classic yuri works it was criticising.

Not really at all. I feel like by "more ambitious" here you mean "offer more concrete solutions," but I think that would be a lie. YKA is /very/ ambitious in the scope of how it sketches social pressure, and I think the important thing is the work itself - a work that acutely skewers how we are all instruments of our own oppression. The solution in YKA is "stories and hope might give individuals a way out of a largely immovable system," and YKA is itself designed to be one of those stories.

http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/125473090602 Why do you refer to anyone who points out the hypocrisy of feminism as gross dudes? You should grow the fuck up and realize that other people are going to have different experiences and opinions. Be a fucking adult.

The people who rally against feminism on the internet are a tiny, basically unreachable subset of people. They're loud, but that's all they are - taking the Joker cover as some kind of freedom issue, or rambling about "those terrible SJWs," would get rightfully laughed at in the real world. It's an echo chamber, and validating it is a bad idea.

Where should I start watching Kyousougiga?

I'd say just start with the first actual episode of the 2013 show. Skip episode "0", proceed forward from episode 1.

Will you be writing anything dedicated to Death Parade, or will the spot it occupies on various lists be the most it gets? It's too bad WE can't commission an article...can we?

Don't worry

Now that Death Parade is over, do you think it'll make the Top 30/Addendum?

I kind of want to add it. I was trying to keep Samurai Flamenco as the cutoff point, but the further I get away from it, the more I realize that Samurai Flamenco is an incredible achievement that it isn't fair to compare to other shows.

Is The Devil Is a Part-Timer worth a watch?

I'd say it's worth a try if you're looking for a comedy. Most anime comedies are not funny at all, but Devil is a Part-Timer actually somewhat understands jokes.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi


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