

Ask @B0bduh

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You do mid-season, but not end-of-season? Shouldn't that be the other way around? :/

I dislike how lists encourage people to think about art in the least interesting way that is physically possible. They're fun to make, but I hate the list-focused mindset, so I do them at the halfway point to make sure nobody takes them seriously.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Are you going to try to do your season's end write ups in the single week you have before hell week? Or are you going to take the opportunity to be a real human bean and play Bloodborne while you can?

The only writeup I'm really intent on doing is Shirobako, and I will just have to suck it up and find the time for that one. Other than that, I've got too much other dang stuff - more ANN reviews, a couple fandom essays to work on, hopefully Haibane, and Bloodborne.

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I assume protecting religious freedoms as in that article means protecting Christian's religious freedoms? I can't imagine a firm running on Sharia law would get much love from the Republican American populace.

Yep! It's just an excuse to validate some of America's most popular bigotries.

Can you name a super popular series or franchise you dislike or just not that hyped about?

Plenty. Just check my top shows list comments - you'll see a good thousand or so variations on "where's Naruto/Bleach/One Piece/Attack on Titan/Death Note/Sword Art Online/etc"
Liked by: Derp Jeep A

I'm really excited to see you writing up OreGairu S2 for ANN. How likely is that to happen?

Very possible, I guess? I'll certainly be gunning for it!

Can you name one show you like a lot that almost everyone dislikes?

Honestly, I think you'd have to work pretty hard to find a show that "almost everyone dislikes." Even that last episode of Parasyte has someone in the forums saying it's the best episode they've seen in years.
Reducing this just to "people I tend to associate with on twitter," I still can't really think of anything I like that's particularly unusual. Maybe Robotics;Notes? But I don't even really think that show is fantastic, I just like it more than most people I know.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

I stumbled on this quote and would like to know what you think of it: http://i.imgur.com/1raIa3U.jpg?1 Is this a shitty attitude to have? I see where its point is coming from, but something about is just strikes me as... being an excuse?

I feel the same way about this as I feel about everything by Mill I've read - "that sure would be a useful attitude if people or society actually worked the way you think they do." Mill's philosophy all seems to operate from the assumption "once we are all acting like the utterly rational and broad-minded exemplars of human nature that we're destined to be," which doesn't seem like a particularly useful assumption to make when you're trying to argue for a given social framework.
I talk more about Mill in my post on Urobuchi, incidentally:
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

How do you stop yourself from being frustrated with how so many people mindlessly consume pop culture?

Nah, everybody can watch what they want. People have busy lives!
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

Does our current culture, on the whole, really silence or dehumanize marginalized groups? I feel like many, particularly young people in fairly liberal cities (including myself), don't really understand that. People around me of any gender/race/religion are decent to each other no matter what,

(continued) so I don't really see the need to be overly PC, you know? We don't really care at my university. It's however very possible that I'm extrapolating from my little sphere and applying it to all of America, so all I'm saying is I don't really understand. You might say, cuz i'm lucky (certainly possibl).
This is getting signed into law today:
Universities often tend to be more forward-thinking, but marginalized groups in general still face substantial discrimination both culturally and legally. We've still got a long way to go!

What's your opinion on Bloodborne?

I've only played through the first boss, and so far my opinion is that I need to play more Bloodborne immediately.
Okay, that's not it. My overall impression is "I love it" so far, but I can get more specific. I like how the game seems like a kind of balance between Dark Souls and Demon's Souls in a very different way from DSII. Bloodborne contains the verticality and claustrophobia of Demon's Souls, but all the formula revisions of Dark Souls. There's a tremendously satisfying stickiness to the combat and movements so far - I love the "snap" of the sawblade coming out, or the timing punch of parrying with the blunderbuss. This feels like what quicktime events are /supposed/ to be like, but never are - snap, natural movements, tiny minigames that evoke the constant tiny trials of fighting games. The whole game actually seems to be drawing a bit more from fighters in its fundamentals - you have very few weapons, so combat feels meaningfully tuned with them. I like the increase in speed (particularly the extremely quick dodges), and the various ways the game discourages classic Souls behavior - you're rewarded for aggression in ways that actually meaningful, so the right choice isn't always being conservative. The style is great, and since the first area is basically the most archetypal Victorian/Lovecraftian setting, I'm really, really, really looking forward to whatever other settings this world will contain. This place feels lived in in a way that Dark Souls 2 often failed to.
So yeah, having a really great time so far. While I was playing, I kept feeling weirdly thankful that Demon's Souls had somehow become a success, that we get to enjoy an entire subgenre that's basically exactly what I want out of a single player game.

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What was your first anime?

Dragonball Z, probably? Or Tenchi Muyo, or something. One of the early Toonami shows.
Although I guess it could also be the Rankin/Bass Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, depending on how you define "anime." That was animation made in Japan!

do you read/ watch other people's reviews?

Sometimes, generally when someone I know links something on twitter. I used to more, but I've been pretty busy doing my own work lately.

do you use twich for streaming? or daily/hitbox?

I don't use anything currently, but I signed up for a twitch account, so that's the plan. Just gotta figure out the mic sound situation, I think - it seems like streaming from the PS4 is pretty simple.

good morning senpai, what are the plans for today?

Work very efficiently so I can get home and play the hell out of Bloodborne. That work might actually include setting things up so I can /stream/ Bloodborne this weekend, but we'll have to see if my housemates and I can pull that together.
I'm also going to work on proofreading a blog piece that's currently titled "No Politics," as well as make an outline for a review.

Just finished watching Hitagi end. Now knowing Nadeko's "secret hobby" are we to assume that the arc's op is how she would view the story.

That wouldn't surprise me. Nadeko does read/watch retro stuff just to seem mature.

Why is being politically correct important?

The question is really "why is not being an excluding jerk important?", because that's basically the way it works. Most people don't make certain kinds of racist jokes anymore, because we've come as a society to a point where we understand that that stuff is hurtful, exclusionary, and builds on existing structures of dehumanizing and pushing people down. We gawk at how racist culture was a hundred years ago, and people a hundred years from now will gawk at how much our culture silences or dehumanizes various marginalized groups today.

Do you think "standard" (single-cour, 12 episode) anime tends to structure itself around arcs (say, 3 acts in 4 episodes or 4 acts in 3 episodes)? On my experience, these types of anime tend to do so, tough more loosely than the way a blockbuster would.

Sometimes, but not so regularly I'd consider it a notable trend. There are also shows that have one continuous building story, or shows that derp around for 8-9 episodes and then have a "finale arc," or shows that adapt a couple light novels and then just kinda flail around for a few episodes.

Have you ever had Writer's Block? If so, how long was the longest one?

I get writer's block all the time. But writer's block isn't really an illness that passes - generally it's something you actually have to fight through, particularly if you've got schedules to keep. Even if you feel like you're writing junk, the best way to think of ideas for writing is to be writing.

Seeing as winter is normally the weakest season, do you think that the strength of this year's winter season is indicative of a future increase in the amount of quality shows we'll be seeing from anime? Or is this just a random anomaly whose greatness was purely coincidental?

Just a random anomaly.

So is KimiUso's problem that it's a 1 cour story that was stretched out over 22 episodes or do its issues run deeper than that?

I think KimiUso's actually a fine show. In retrospect, looking back over the whole thing, the biggest problems were that it had about half a season too many episodes and that the humor was crap, and those are very common problems.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

I've seen a lot of minority leads in fiction dismissed as "token", "unnatural" or "pandering". How do you think diversity in fiction could be pushed forward?

By having artists continue to write minority characters until the people who'd refer to such stuff as "pandering" have all aged out of the conversation.


Language: English