

Ask @B0bduh

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I just watched Oregairu do they even say Totsuka is gay or do you just assume that because he acts feminine? It's definitely not stated in the show.

I'm not really sure what this is in response to, but a character doesn't have to announce they're gay for a show to make gay jokes revolving around them.

Out of all the anime you've watched this season this far, which has been the most consistent in terms of quality?

Shirobako. Shirobako just kinda demolishes everything.
Liked by: Anime GX

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O great gif lord, do you have any really dumb-looking Shirou Emiya?

Sadly no! Those would be some good gifs to have, though.

Hey Bobduh, I'm from Kansas and I'm one of those weird self I identifying semi libertarians. I love your work too. Please keep going. (And show me how to send you money before next tax return season. :( 10% coulda been yours from RS man...)

Haha thank you. I'll keep going until I just plain fall over!
If you really do wanna help, there's either my patreon:
Or you can just buy anything from Amazon after clicking through this magical link and I'll get a percentage of the sale automatically:
And here's the rightstuf one:
I'm honestly not 100% sure the rightstuf one is working correctly. I should prooobably get that figured out.

Is Monogatari "popular"? It seems to have a ton of money behind it but i just can't see a majority of the anime community getting behind such a complex, wordy, and human story that has such a (wonderfully) unique direction style to it.

It's extremely popular - one of the most successful recent shows. My flippant answer would be "well, it also has boobs," but honestly Monogatari is a pretty bad show to go to if you're just looking for fanservice - it's brief moments of fanservice scattered within those big wordy conversations. Monogatari has a lot going on, and I guess at least some portions of what it offers appeal to wide varieties of people.

what did you think of that last decision in parasyte? I was getting a cliche vibe when he decided to let it be, but found that second guessing and change of action to be quite a stroke of genius and a great way to close the themes of the show

Yeah, that whole conversation hit a lot of really nice character and thematic beats. I liked the progression of shifts across the two of them and I liked where it ended up.

Is it just me, or would The Rolling Girls not lose anything (good or bad) except for a couple of running gags if Yukina was removed from the cast? She seems way more peripheral to the narrative and themes than the rest of the central quartet.

Yeah, not really. It seems like she's supposed to occupy the "grounded best friend" role or something, but frankly isn't different enough from Nozomi to seem like her own character and has never really been given anything important to do.

How do you feel about how the majority of people respond every time JP Shonen Jump announces another hiatus for HxH? (Example: Togashi is lazy and doesn't want to finish his manga! He's being unfair to us consumers!)

I can understand why they act that way, because people get really attached to their media, but it's a form of entitlement that definitely isn't a good thing.
And jeez, has "being unfair to consumers" ever become a loaded, awful phrase.

Would you say Yui is more emotionally intelligent than Hikki and Yuki?

Not really. She's just a lot less self-conscious.

How do you feel about the complaint that HxH is "overanalyzed" among critics?

That that's just garden-variety anti-intellectualism, I guess.

In Oregairu, when Sensei wasn't made to be the butt of jokes, would you say that she's the wisest character in the show?

Well yeah. By miles. She's the only adult.

Since your talking about Madoka: have you read the spin-off manga "The Different Story"? I l think it's really good, you should probably give it a try.

I've heard it's good, but eh. I like Madoka for the specific story it tells and how it tells it, not for the universe in general.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

I dislike Madoka... What got me really annoyed was how the characters were constantly announcing how they feel (Mami stating that she no longer feels lonely, for example). Isn't that lazy character writing? Shouldn't things like that be communicated in a more subtle way?

I actually get waaay more "Madoka sucks because ____" complaints in the /other/ direction - people just totally not understanding characters like Sayaka or Kyouko's motivation. Madoka definitely doesn't "tell" its character motivation any more than any other show - characters sometimes talk about how they feel, but that's because people sometimes talk about how they feel.

So I just picked up The Remains of the Day, I'll read it as soon as I get home...am I in for a ride?

It's a meditative character study with a focus on perception. I'm nooot sure I'd describe it as "a ride."

Is complete freedom of speech even a good thing? These past few months have shown that it's mainly used as a defence by people who enjoy harassing others or saying hateful things.

Or by people who aren't actually targeted, and who see this all as some kind of interesting rhetorical game. Free speech is basically always some kind of compromise in society - the freedom to do some things always tramples on other theoretical freedoms by its very nature.
We're seeing a few distinct camps emerge here. GG itself, which is generally defined by fear of culture shift, and thus wants to actually silence speech it disagrees with, which it frames as a free speech "right to harass." The 4chan camp, who see their own homogeneous culture as free speech incarnate, as opposed to just the specific kind of speech that dominates when society doesn't work to protect the speech of anyone. And the internet rational/libertarian camp, which generally divorces free speech from actual human contexts and evaluates this whole thing in a "beep boop free speech is simple" kind of way (along with sharing some of that "I am the default" 4chan attitude - there's significant overlap between all of these attitudes, actually).
The internet is terrible, basically. No one's doing a worse job of defending the value of free speech than these people who cling to it as a way to rationalize their behavior.

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Now that YKA has been fleshed out quite a bit, what do you think of Kureha? Would you say that she's still the determined but annoying and rather spontaneous girl she seemed to be in the beginning, or is she more...human (for lack of better word) than just that?

She's understandable, but the show honestly still feels kinda sterile to me. It needed more episodes - the existing version feels almost like the outline of the story, with all the bullet points hit but not enough small character moments in between.
Liked by: Derp Jeep Ignisalge


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