

Ask @B0bduh

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Any thoughs on Steven Universe so far? ( The show keeps getting better the farther in it really takes you by the feels)

So far I'm finding it very watchable and endearing, with occasionally great scattered episodes and moments. I like how the show occasionally pulls out a bizarre twelve minute horror movie, and the dialogue can be pretty excellent. It's a fun show.

I thought that I generally understood utilitarianism. The application of it disgusts me in some ways. But simultaneously, its not like the world is perfected through individualism either. Its complicated.

Yep, individualism can easily lead to great injustice and tragedy as well - many of the United States' current structural problems are reflective of a misguided faith in individualism. Urobuchi's works wouldn't be so satisfying if it weren't a complicated situation.

Sorry for misinterpreting your view of utilitarianism then. :/

It's cool. There are certainly plenty of people who don't seem willing to understand positions they disagree with!

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Are you planning on watching Steven universe one day? IT unexpectetly ended up bwing my favorite show this season. Really feels like it would be something you would enjoy its really heartfeel.

I've actually watched about twenty episodes of it so far this week.

Do you think the lawsuit against the GG autoblocker will gain any traction?

I kinda hope it gains more publicity, at least! It's very reflective of the bizarre fantasy world GG lives in, so more publicity would only be worse for them.

I agree with the stance of pretending P-P S2 never happened

Oh, definitely. The writer of season two didn't actually understand how the world he was writing in worked, so I'm not including anything from there.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Under the Sibyl system, wouldn't it be true that you could be charged for thoughtcrimes?

Yeah, that's kind of the foundation of the system.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Is it just me, or does the Sibyl system not seem so terrible? Like, it's obviously flawed, but it doesn't seem to me like a complete dystopia like some people apparently think.

It's certainly a dystopia, but the system works for many, many people - it provides career security, keeps crime incredibly low, and as the system itself says, "creates the most overall happiness for the most people." It only looks consistently terrible in Psycho-Pass because the main characters are people whose job it is to deal with the system in the instances where it doesn't work, and who are themselves the kind of people who aren't rewarded by the system. The majority of people are better off in Psycho-Pass's world than our one.

Is stein;gate worth watching even if it has some shitty views on women

I don't think it has shitty views on women, it just uses female characters in some cliche ways. And yeah, I think it's overall a very good show.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

With the exception of employment commitments, how do you choose what shows to watch? Is it through external recommendations? Current Mood? Shiny PVs? The intersection between Venus & Mercury during the Solstice?

I watch every first episode of new seasons, which "helps." Other than that, it's mainly just cumulative recommendations - if a lot of people I respect the opinions of all seem to have positive feelings about some show, it'll go on the list.

In response to your previous question, why do some women support #notyourshield, wtf, whats with these people, i've seen journalists do interviews on this, and they talk absolute rubbish, why do people buy into this stuff????

Women in deep red states will also rally against abortion rights - hell, conservative women used to rally against women's right to vote. We're all at least partially products of our immediate culture, and gaming culture in particularly is pretty violent to people who don't toe the prevailing attitudes, so it's kind of self-selecting anyway.

"society makes disenfranchised groups oppress themselves" Why? Could you give some RL examples?

Low-income families voting for politicians who enact policies that harm them, or women writing "I don't need feminism because..." posts. Social forces often make us complicit in our own larger-scale oppression.

Is Steven Universe good enough to watch even if I don't usually enjoy kid's anime or cartoons? Does it transcend being a kids show?

It's a fun, well-constructed show. The episodes are twelve minutes long - watch a few episodes, see for yourself.

What compelled you to start watching Steven Universe?

People I know on my twitter feed talking about it.

Speaking of fandom as a phenomenon, you've now watched the original FMA. What do you think of that many fans shipped Edward Elric and Envy together? It was one of the more popular yaoi ships in the show's heyday.

They had like three scenes together, and Envy only cares about Edward because he wants to murder his dad.

Just wanted to say: I've been following your writing adventure for nearly two years now, and you're an awesome guy. Thanks for doing what you do.

Thank you!

Do you see yourself teaching in any way in the future?

I have friends who teach, and it seems like a pretty bad gig. Teachers are not rewarded in our society, and if I'm not gonna be rewarded anyway, I might as well just keep doing my own writing in my own time.


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