

Ask @B0bduh

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Utena is probably my favourite anime of all time but am I missing something or do the duels lack any strategy whatsoever? Whenever Utena starts to lose she (almost always) uses that attack where the prince descends to one-hit KO her opponent.

Yep, the duels lack all strategy, and that's by design. The duels are never really supposed to be demonstrations of physical strength - they're articulations of resolve, continuations of the emotional arguments each relevant character has been proposing through that arc. Characters are fighting to uphold their conviction in something, and Utena keeps winning because her conviction keeps proving itself stronger - her childish faith and obliviousness to the complexities of everyone else's situations is actually what makes her strong, whereas everyone else is fighting for things they can't say they're entirely certain of. That's why Utena only loses when she doubts her identity, and why the car speech always starts with "if your soul has not yet given up" - it's the characters maintaining some sort of core conviction that gives them the strength to fight.

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Ever seen Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere? If so, any thoughts?

Yes, but it was some years ago, so I gotta rely on my MAL notes for thoughts:
This show is like the Bobobo of Code Geass. Incredibly derp, and the plot couldn't be more poorly explained (which is kind of sad, because the backstory is a pretty cool idea and not actually very complicated, but also kind of fitting with how ridiculous everything else is), but as a palate cleanser it definitely does the trick. What makes this better than a show like Baka no Test is the sheer amount of STUFF thrown at the viewer - factions, characters, moods, fights, costumes, plots - it's clear that the writer of these light novels is kind of manically obsessive about worldbuilding. What makes it still a 5 is...
Wow, now that I'm actually considering it, I realize it's JUST the boobs. This would actually be like a 6 or a 7 on the humor of the scattershot plot pandering alone, but dear god those boobs kill it. Why? WHY? It'd be like if every male character in every scene had a two-foot erection and nobody ever drew attention to it. There is nothing more aggravating.
So actually, in truth this is a 6 or 7 of really stupid popcorn entertainment, heavily sabotaged by the embarrassing character designs. And the funny thing is, outside of those characters, the designs are actually one of the STRONG points - you certainly won't mistake any character for any other in this show. They really took the "anything goes" character design mantra and ran with it - their class has an angel, a devil, a mechanical dragon, a... pink blob... yeah.
So, despite the score, I'm actually enjoying it. It's certainly dumb, but it's a gleeful, incredibly self-indulgent, incredibly overwritten kind of dumb, which is generally the best kind. I'd watch fifteen shows like this before one more like Another.

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http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/124733917226 I had a huge nasuverse obsession in my early teens - this was pretty spot-on. The power levels and fantasy matchup discussions were the most obnoxious. that said, any interest in the Kara no Kyoukai films? (and reaching more Type-Moon fans)

I'll probably get to those films eventually, but I'm not really in any hurry. My experience with Nasu stuff seems to indicate I don't really like the base Nasu "thing" - I've enjoyed Fate stuff, but it kind of seems like that's in /spite/ of their "Nasuness."

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What is your opinion on welcome to the nhk? Is it in your top 30?

I really liked the manga, but haven't seen the anime.

Would you watch an actual Exodus! show (Shirobako OVA 1)?

I'm not really feeling compelled to watch even just the OVA episode, so probably not.

Would you say that the best stories are the ones that successfully juggle between drama and comedy?

Not really. Many stories don't actually contain one or the other.

Some people hate yurikuma because [spoliers] it tied lulu's experiences and love for ginko back to a guy, which is one of the worst tropes for a lesbian character (according to their words). Is it that much of an issue in the show?

I don't think it's the biggest problem in a show whose cast is basically 100% lesbians to have one of their backstories contain a guy. Reductive cliches are generally an issue when they exist in what is otherwise a representational vacuum - this is a show all about young gay women, so that problem doesn't exist here. Context is important!

Are there any opinions that you've once voiced on your blog, Ask.fm, etc. that you no longer stand by?

Definitely. Like many other people, I am a human.

Any thoughts on YKA's use of male gaze and if/how it helps/hinders/otherwise affects the show? Personally, I'm having difficulty shaking the feeling that it's trying to have its cake and eat it KLK-style, even if its message and themes are a lot more coherent.

YKA is soooo much more coherent and better-written than KLK that it seems kinda cruel to compare them that way. I feel like YKA is specifically about sexuality in a way that makes its choices seem pretty natural. We get nudity in scenes that are all about aggressive sexual desire or whatnot.

Yesterday, you said that "Fate sits at a very specific intersection of the kinds of things that appeal to people who get /super intensely defensive/ of their media". I'm curious, what are those things?

The list would include: the way its position/history in anime fandom makes for people who feel very intimately attached to it (its early place in western VN fandom, its variety of entry points, the VN's iffy reputation), its tremendous catering to the worldbuilding/detail-oriented fan instinct, its faux-intellectual inscrutability/writing style that encourages a certain kind of fan pride (a pride also encouraged by the worldbuilding stuff), its bleeding earnestness that probably helps people emotionally identify with it in a very personal way, its very precisely appealing themes, the way its combination of general young adult appeal and higher pretensions make it basically the ideal show a certain demographic will defend to the death, etc. Fate has this crazy combination of "this story understands me completely," "no one else could understand my special story," and various other appeals that really hone the "identifying with your media" instinct beyond most works.
That's just sort of an offhand scattering of pieces, though. If I were to actually write about it, I'd be more thoughtful and specific in the stuff I'm talking about, but it's complicated issue.

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Your response to FMA has been exactly what I guessed it'd be. Would u agree that even tho, like SAO or Fate, it's one of the widely-overhyped shows, unlike them, its nature doesn't seem to inspire a hostile protectorship in its fanbase. Do u think this difference is sth worth writing an article on?

Not really, because I don't really agree with either your characterization of FMA or that it has much in common with either SAO or Fate.

Brotherhood's even longer than FMA 03 (by 13 episodes), but it spends its time on battles and worldbuilding instead of on character and thematic development.

Well that sounds... ominous.

Spring Preview?

I'll finish proofreading it tomorrow, hopefully. This is one of those weeks where I've got so many pieces that it's actually hard to fit in more in my schedule - there were the weekly writeups and UBW review over the weekend, FMA essay today, Yurikuma writeup tomorrow, and the week in review the day after that. But it'll be out sometime in the next few days.

http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/124720779562 Be careful what you wish for: I'd say they went too far in that regard with Brotherhood, truncating some rather important, character defining moments into only an episode or two in Brotherhood.

Honestly, I never really felt that personally attached to FMA's characters anyway. I don't think that would really hurt my experience.

Now that you have finished your FMA essay, what's next on the chopping block?

The last two episodes of Haibane Renmei, followed by a piece on that show. Then I actually get to pick a /new/ show for the first time in months, so that's exciting. I'm probably gonna go for something high-energy and hopefully a bit lighter this time, like Durarara or Giant Robo. I also want to get back to Crest of the Stars eventually.

Hello bob! I thought Fate/Zero has some of the best animated fights in anime, what exactly do you mean by 'floaty'?

Like there wasn't any sense of weight to the combatants, so it didn't really feel grounded and visceral at all. For a good example of the opposite case, see the mass production unit End of Eva fight:
There you can really feel the weight of heavy objects in motion, colliding into each other with a sense of momentum and power. I generally didn't get that from Fate/Zero.

How much would it upset you if your thing became "the guy who doesn't like fate"? All of this thoughtful criticism written over the past few years, and right now it seems this whole ask page is just a bunch of fan boys going crazy over one review that was actually fairly positive.

Oh, there's little chance of that. One Fate review won't cancel out a year of "the guy who writes way too many words about SAO," or two years of "the guy who thinks Monogatari is some kind of fractured masterpiece."

You mentioned that FMA was a bit of a slog for you; at what point did you start getting into it more?

I didn't. It felt like a bit of a slog pretty much the whole way, and I'd probably cut maybe 15-20 episodes from it if I could.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

“If you say it’s a childish theory, then I’m fine with being a child.” Do you think Ed is similar to Madoka in terms of ideals?

In that regard, definitely. I think that thread and moment in particular is a very strong parallel between the two series.

So what has TB been doing lately? I haven't been following it so I'm curious, people say he's been calling for harassment or something.

Yeah, he's shifted from general promotion of GG points to actually calling his fans to attack specific people who say things he doesn't like.


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