

Ask @B0bduh

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Why is same sex marriage a controversial issue? Even back when I was an insufferable ignorant teenager, it seemed pretty obvious to me that gay people should be allowed to marry.

Because propaganda/conditioning, either cultural or religious. And also our inherent need to find "villains" to pin our general fears on.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

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Besides watch foreign cartoons, what do you normally do in your free time?

Talk with friends on twitter, read, hang out and play videogames with my housemates, go jogging.

how's your day, bob?

Pretty good! I did a lot of review work earlier today which put me ahead of schedule for the weekend, answered some questions for a thing, and am now settling in to get a buzz on while doing the almost entirely mechanical last stages of work on my FMA piece. Today has been both productive and rewarding.

Why do you think Parasyte keeps showing up on APR either on the top 5 or cusp despite critical consensus being that it's ranking pretty hard?

Because a lot of bloggers apparently find it to still be a pretty reasonable show. Are you sure "critical consensus" isn't just a few insistent voices? Often the loudest take can sort of dominate these conversations.

In the Hana blu-rays, the ending song is actually used as an OP, and the arc just ends with Kanbaru getting her hair cut.

That's a weird choice. I feel like it worked extremely well as an epilogue, and frames the two girls in a way you shouldn't already know about going into the arc.

Have you seen Saving Private Ryan or Black Hawk Down? How did you like them and how do you like "war" dramas?

I haven't seen either of those, and don't really think I have enough experience with classic war dramas to have a specific opinion on them. I've seen Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket, which were both excellent, but very different. War dramas aren't really my thing, though - I generally prefer stuff with violent conflict to be more fantastical, whereas I prefer my grounded dramas to be more personal stories.

Do you participate in anime power rankings? If so, what are your thoughts? If not, what are your thoughts?

I used to, but have been bad about it recently. I generally think of the "anime week" as ending on Monday due to my week in review timing, so gauging shows halfway through the weekend kinda trips me up.
As for the APR itself, it's a nice idea, and looking over the recent weeks, nothing looks too surprising. Shirobako dominates, Death Parade/YKA/Yatterman are behind it, and I probably should pick Garo back up.

I'm really struggling to like Rolling Girls. It's colorful and it's kinda fun, but... what else? Am I missing something?

Not really. Aside from the general idea of coming to terms with who you want to be, it's a pretty simple show.

How do you like the very first Bakemonogatari OP, among all the Monogatari OPs?

It's pretty far down on my list. Outside of Renai Circulation, I'm not really a huge fan of any of the Bake OPs - I think my favorites overall would be Delusion Express, Platinum Disco, Renai Circulation, and the totally absurd Hitagi End one.
Oh wait, the Hana ending song also counts as an OP, so that's also near the top. But that one's kind of cheating, since it builds off the emotional power of the entire arc.

How much thought do you usually put into your notes when reading books? Obviously, it's dependent on what exactly you're reading, but I'm guessing it varies less than anime, seeing as you've said you prefer books to have more consistent quality.

I don't generally take notes when reading books, unless it's either something with particularly noteworthy prose (which I generally just underline) or something like an anime resource, where I take notes in the margins.

Funny statement I came across in a Youtube comment: "Simply put, insert-anime-title does everything better but, people think insert-another-anime-title is the better show when it is not." What are your thoughts on it?

Liked by: Derp Jeep

Thoughts on the American Dream?

It's a particularly pernicious fantasy, since people who are convinced it's real won't fight to fix an oppressive system.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Do you read Questionable Content? Seeing it's so popular and long-lasting I started a few days ago, but it's pretty stilted and unimaginative right now. Does it get better?

Not really. I do read it, but that's just because I've been reading it for many years - I don't actually recommend it. Its overwhelming popularity kinda surprises me.

What do you think of Karen's opening in Nisemonogatari?

Not in the top tier of Monogatari openings, but that's not much of a criticism, considering Monogatari has openings as good as Platinum Disco and Delusion Express. Definitely a solid one - the song's concept is better than the actual song, but the visual direction is good, and it fits Karen's personality well.
Liked by: Tiago Coutinho

What do you think of Ping Pong's soundtrack (in particular the OP and ED)?

Both the OP and ED are excellent verging on fantastic, and the show's overall sound design is incredibly purposeful and effective. Ping Pong is one of those shows that's pretty much completely composed of smart choices.

Have you ever thought about getting into the screenwriting business?

Not really. That seems like its own several-full-time-jobs-worthy writing gig, and I think I'd rather just get started on more of my own short fiction or another novel.

Since you said you heard Yona and Garo got better more recently, have you thought about going back and watching more of them after the season is over?

Yep. They both seem like reasonable shows to marathon, it's just a matter of having the time.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

When you talk about your favorite villain being Squealer, I always assumed it was Animal Farm. Do you mean Shin Sekai Yori Squealer? (I haven't watched the show...)

Yeah, I mean Shinsekai Yori. I haven't read Animal Farm since high school.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

What did you think of AnoHana?

A generally pretty solid drama that sure did turn those drama-dials up to 11 for the finale. Aside from that, my only big problem with it was that I found Menma herself pretty obnoxious. Obviously she was a static character for necessary story reasons, but I certainly didn't find her endearing, and I think the show kinda assumed you would.

If you weren't being paid to watch it, would you have dropped Parasyte by now?

Nah, I'd finish it. With a two cour show that I'm already this deep in, it feels like a waste not to just tough it out. That's kind of where I'm at with KimiUso right now.
Liked by: Derp Jeep


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