

Ask @B0bduh

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So you'd recommend watching Crime Edge?

Yeah. Not because it's, you know, a traditionally "good" show, but it's dumb in really great, silly ways, and the romantic bits are actually really earnest. I'm sad it'll never get a sequel.

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So do you now agree that you over analyzed Aldnoah? Back in your episode writeups you thought villain of the week #2 was some sort of commentary on war ptsd or something.. then the show started to show how dumb it really is.

Yep. The show seemed to be going somewhere with its characterizations, but it wasn't going anywhere at all. I'd do the same thing again, though - if you assume writing is dumb, you'll find reasons to complain about everything. If you assume writing is purposeful until proven otherwise, you'll catch a lot of good shows you'd otherwise dismiss, along with plenty of interesting elements within uneven shows.

Another - the horror anime? What elements made it so terribly beautiful?

Blake Hollingsworth
Not terribly beautiful, beautifully terrible. Another is a crowning achievement of so-bad-it's-good, hinging primarily on the absurd kills and the MC's amazing total stoicism throughout. The kids around him are getting murdered by umbrellas and boat propellers and all manner of ludicrous nonsense, and he's just powering through with nary a dramatic expression. What a trooper.

How about some "Anime The Room Moments?"

Good question. Crime Edge has at least a half dozen The Room moments by itself, which is a large part of why I love that show. Slaine Makes a Friend is certainly a The Room moment:
Kyoukai no Kanata's last episode is a glorious freefall into The Room territory. Actually, I'm very happy with my writeup on that episode too, so:
And oh my god, Another. Another has to be one of the most beautifully terrible anime out there.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

What other "Anime Citizen Kane Moments" can you think of that fit along the line of Naota Swinging The Bat and the False Eizan Electric Railway?

Feels weird to call them that, but some other moments in that category would be the opening notes of Komm Susser Tod, the river-leap in Tatami Galaxy, and Utena putting her fist down.

I know it's become a bigger project then you had imagined, but if you ever do another post in the "Ask Bobduh" series, it would be pretty cool to have your music related questions put into one place. It's definitely a project that deservingly takes the backseat to your other stuff though.

Yeah, I've actually got a few of those copied into my shortlist of relevant asks. I'll try to get one of those out sometime soon - the general problem I have with those is that I often feel I'd rather just convert a few asks into an actual short essay, but that shouldn't be a problem with the random music questions.

Is it just me or has your website's uptime been spotty lately?

It's up, it's just sometimes saying "This website is not available" while it loads. I'm trying to get it sorted out, but my hosting providers are essentially pretending they have nothing to do with it, so it's been a trial.

How long (from the first sentence to publishing) did it take you to finish your novel?

About 2.2 years, or something? But you could knock off nine months if I'd just gone straight from completed manuscript to self-publishing, as opposed to making a brief detour at fruitless attempts to get it traditionally published.
Incidentally, I don't recommend self-publishing. I've probably just about broken even at this point on what I needed to do to get it in publishing shape (formatting, commissioning a cover), and once a book's been self-published, no agent will touch it. You would need a /massive/ established audience for self-publishing to be a lucrative option, and at that point you could almost certainly sell a traditional publisher based on your platform anyway.

Is your Steam profile the one with the avatar of a guy with kittens strapped to his chest? where is that from?

I have no idea. I cannot begin to guess what sequence of narrative events led to a man taping kittens to his chest and saying "what would you do in THIS situation?" Manga is pretty magical that way.

th-thanks bobduh, and you are right. I've said some shitty stuff to you before, but it always stems from stress in real life.

We all do that sometimes! We just gotta do our best to remember we're always talking to people who have their own problems, and to try and find positive outlets for ourselves.

Have you read/do you plan to read the muv-luv trilogy?

Not really. I'm pretty wary of checking out the most popular VNs after my experiences with Fate and Grisaia.

How did you balance your day job with writing a novel?

At that time I was only working retail part time. If I were working full time, it'd have taken three times as long to write.
Probably wouldn't take as long now, though. Like Sugie says, being quick in your output is a pretty important skill.

Which skill did you gain, and where, to turn a program into something uninstallable?

I am astonishingly bad with computers.

Out of curiosity, how do you think your top 5 KyoAni characters would have turned out?

Probably 1/2/3/4 would have been Hyouka's main cast, followed by... I dunno. Kyon?
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

When you use the word "insecure" are you just acting like one of those people who belittle others to make themselves look strong?

I hope not! My intention is closer to the opposite - when people say hurtful stuff on the internet, my general assumption is that it's reflective of some kind of hurt, fear, or powerlessness in their own life. Which I figure is generally the case - it's not a good thing, but we express our own powerlessness in negative ways all the time, and the way the internet distances us from the human repercussions of our hurtful actions amplifies this.
And I mean, the alternative is just "these people say these things because they are willfully malicious human beings," which isn't an assumption I like to make.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi

What document editor you use for your writing? And do you think a specialized program like Scrivener is helpful for writing a novel?

I just use Google Docs, which is far from perfect, but generally works for my purposes. I wrote my book on OpenOffice, which was handy for creating notes to myself (during proofreading, whenever I ran into a sentence that needed work, awkward dialogue, bad flow, etc, I'd leave a note to myself but keep reading to maintain momentum), but I somehow corrupted my installation of that software so badly that I'm now incapable of deleting it and redownloading. I've heard people say Scrivener is excellent, and its functionality does seem very useful, but I haven't used it myself.

How do you feel about gag non-canon extras/spinoff of an otherwise serious/dramatic series?

Don't really have strong feelings on them either way, I guess. They're there for the fans who enjoy them, they don't harm anyone else. I can't think of an example at the moment, but there have definitely been series where I'd thought, "yeah, this is pretty cool, but I'd honestly rather just be watching these characters derp around and eat cake."
Ooh, Gosick's a good example. Gosick's plot was pretty bad, but its character chemistry was good.

How do you make friends in college? Just going out and socializing seems kind of intimidating, and I'm not a partying sort of person.

I generally made friends with the people on my floor, but my biggest suggestion would be to go check out the clubs that interest you. Any first meeting with a new club will likely be awkward, but they're one of the best resources for finding people that share common interests.

Just curious, why /forward slashes/ instead of CAPS?

Caps sound different in my head - like you're shouting the words, not emphasizing them.


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