

Ask @B0bduh

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Seeing rude or gross comments on the internet really upsets me, and I sometimes have to fight off the urge to respond despite knowing that arguing would be fruitless. Do you ever feel like that? How do you deal with it?

Inconsistently! I've definitely gotten better about just accepting the internet is full of awful people over time, but that doesn't make their comments fun to see. I think the best first policy there is a good defense, by which I mean trying to create an online space for yourself that doesn't have gross people in it, and the best second policy is that when you run into that stuff and have the option of /not/ responding to it, go off and do something positive somewhere else. As frustrating as it is, you know how rarely those conversations create anything other than more bad feelings.

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Are you scared of defending your sexist claims? I'll post again: http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/122914805802 People use friendzone to refer to a situation where they have a crush on a person who only sees them as a friend. Women do that too. Don't you think you should apologise for what you said?

I know you don't read the books, but what do you think of the Hanekawa / Holmes parallels Isin draws here (Neko Shiro's opening monologue)? http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Monogatari_Series:Nekomonogatari_(White)/Tsubasa_Tiger_001

I like it. It makes sense to me that Holmes, and particularly the distancing inhumanity of Holmes, is a character that Hanekawa would gravitate to. Holmes exists above a world that makes sense to him, but he is not a part of. Hanekawa, a smart girl who wants to completely divorce herself from her emotions, would understandably see something in that.

If I run ad block while on your site, does it prevent you from getting money? I'm curious, because if that's the case then I'll disable it.

Yeah, people pay to have space on the site based on the impressions those ad spots get, so if they're blocked, it's worse for me. I'd appreciate that!

Do you wish you have more free time?

It'd be nice. Though I'd probably just stress about the additional work I could be using that time for, so I suppose what I actually want is "time that I'm only allowed to waste on stuff like playing videogames."

Is something wrong with WET? I've been getting a lot of errors when trying to access it lately.

There was an issue for a couple days where it would sometimes display "this page is not available" while it was loading, but that seems to have been resolved. Anything else specifically?

What did you think of the latest Death Parade episode?

I enjoyed it more than the first episode. I find the world they're creating, and the way they're articulating the limitations of the arbiters, a lot more interesting than the hammy duels themselves.

I just realized your twitter background was from Uchouten Kazoku. Mind giving me some link to the full picture ? Thanks, venerable anime monk

There's a version without the text, but I don't have it. The picture is the last shot of the last episode.

Generally how many asks do you get per day and what fraction do you answer?

Maybe around 30-50? I think I answer about a third of what I get. It depends - I predictably got a few "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MEN" asks in response to yesterday's questions about feminism, and those go straight in the garbage, but some days I won't get many and I'll answer most of them.

Is it wrong to steal opinions?

Everyone takes opinions from other people - when we get more information, our views should shift or gain nuance. The important thing isn't that you avoid "stealing opinions," but that you engage with those opinions, and don't simply parrot the beliefs of others. Think about why people hold the views they do.

How did you study writing in your teenage years?

I read every book I could find on developing your prose and writing novels. Most of them weren't very good, but they helped with some stuff. I also set up an independent study with one of my English teachers where we'd go over a few pages of the book I was writing every week. And I also just wrote a lot - hundreds of pages of crappy fantasy fiction.

Thoughts on RahXephon and how it compares to Evangelion (thematically/stylistically/narrative)?

I haven't seen RahXephon in a decade, so I can't really say.

What was the last time you changed your opinion on an anime based on someone else's input?

Saturday, I think. Wait, actually someone framed Maria the Virgin Witch in a way I hadn't thought about earlier, so I guess about three hours ago.
Liked by: Arjuna Chatrathi Mel

Do you think the MRA has some valid points? Certainly there are misogynistic extremists, but there are also misandrist radfems, neither of which should completely devalue their respective movements.

Not really. Feminism is working against historic/cultural/systemic prejudice, MRAs are working against imagined prejudice. There are certainly legitimate ways our society harms men as well, but that's acknowledged by most feminists, and generally reflective of the same things feminism works to bring awareness and change to. There's no parity here - feminism is a long-established cause based in coherent social and political goals, MRAs are just a small group of internet dudes with really messed up ideas on gender relations. Outside of the bubble they inhabit on reddit, 4chan, and their dedicated sites, MRAs aren't really a thing.

Do you feel like thinking about anime critically has increased your enjoyment of it?

I dunno if I can really do a before and after on something like that, since I've been studying writing for forever, but I do know that I'm getting more out of shows now than I was a year or two ago. I think my tastes have broadened somewhat, and I've gotten much better at enjoying what a show actually offers, as opposed to what I want it to be. Very few shows are better than (____ show that's one of the best in its genre), but I think grumbling about most things that come out because of that isn't terribly productive. You can be critical and still be positive about flawed shows.
Not that it's wrong to be super-critical if that's what you enjoy doing, of course. But that's not a more "correct" critical way to approach things, and if it doesn't make you happy, then I'd advise trying to find a more positive approach.

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Liked by: Eelz

> but that's not the fault of the movement, and also not a recent development - every time period has people who villainize progress You don't think this could maybe be related to the internet and how it likes to publicize the most extreme viewpoints *cough* Tumblr SJWs *cough*?

If you see people saying dumb shit on tumblr as somehow threatening or reflective of a larger problem with feminism, that's... well, it's pretty silly. I generally assume that people who talk about the evils of "tumblr sjws" were looking for a reason to validate existing prejudices, anyway. When it comes to those people, I figure they'll either grow out of it or social progress will move on by regardless of their approval.
That's actually a general thing a lot of GGers understandably aren't willing to accept. You hear so many of these entitled, "prove systemic sexism exists to me!" comments, when in reality the future doesn't need the past's approval. Old attitudes sometimes change, but sometimes they just have to die out over time.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Maria the Virgin Witch is weirdly good, huh? Like, I keep expecting it to get really dumb, but this show totally gets how it feels to be young, horny, and frustrated with your religion.

It IS good! I can't say I can personally relate to that particular angle, but it's got tons of great individual lines, Maria's personality is great, and I love how quickly the show challenged her simplistic pacifism.
Liked by: Mel

Bob are there any podcasts you listen to? Are there any you'd recommend? Have tried a few of the most talked-about on the internet and they're meh, hosts talking about their lives and how hilarious they are. Thanks.

Sorry, I'm not really a podcast fan. If I'm listening to something, it's generally just music.

"Where do these people come from? The internet is weird." I am asking YOU if you're one of those people. Those who chastise insecure people for being insecure thinking it will make them feel better when really it only deepens their self-loathing. That's the effect your writing has on me.

If you think there's malicious intent in my writing, I dunno what to tell you. I'm sorry you feel insecure, but /knowing/ you're insecure is often the first step towards positive self-reflection, so I guess that's hopefully good?

Are you still going to continue the Idolmaster?

I'm gonna give it another episode and see how I feel about that one.

Do you think that "social justice warriors" from tumblr are 100% in line with true feminist ideals and viewpoints 100% of the time?

Yes, of course. Every single person on a massive blog platform all agree with the formally sanctioned True Feminist Ideals.

uh you don't seem to be getting these asks but whatever. I'll ask anyway. Can I watch White Album 2 without watching 1, because apparently 2 is far superior to 1. Byeee

Yeah, the two seasons are basically unrelated. Just watch 2.


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