

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you think the term "feminism" has become so heavily associated, amongst the "well intentioned" ill-informed, with women putting down and trying to gain privileges over men that little progress will ever be made with these people? Would a theoretical renaming to something less knee jerk help?

Eh, not really. Feminism's a movement with decades and decades of positive action behind it. There will always be people who associate it with negative stuff, but that's not the fault of the movement, and also not a recent development - every time period has people who villainize progress, or project their own insecurities onto the movements of others. That some dudes on the internet see feminism as some kind of attack is not surprising, and not something you could really avoid through "rebranding." If you're so up in your own head that you think feminism is trying to create a misandrist dystopia, changing the name's not gonna do much.

Why, good morning, Bobduh~! ^_-~<3 I was checking your Top 30 list and (gasp!) I noticed that you don't have Attack on Titan on there? Why not? I thought it was a lovely show. The suffering was all very delicious. Thanks for answer my question! :D :D

I want you to know that I did see this coming.

hello..why is no naruto in top 30?

Hey guy. The answer to all your questions is "because I don't think those shows are very good." The big shounens are popular for a reason, but they don't really contain the kind of narrative/aesthetic craft that marks good anime for me.

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Hi bob why is no naruto or bleach in your top 30?

Normally I just delete the spammy asks, but I found this series pretty endearing. Posted once a day across the last four days:

Do you think anyone's told Rudy that literally every adventurer but him is from a different world?

I have to assume it's come up once or twice.

Are you just another one of those preachy people who view self-acceptance as mere indulgence, and that unless we strive to be something more than what we are then life is worthless?

Where do these people come from? The internet is weird.

You said that you found Akame ga Kill to be mean, gross and tone-deaf. Could you elaborate on that a bit? I'm not trying to start a fight I'm just curious because I might just feel the same way.

It jumps between slapstick and ultraviolence and revels in gore like a misanthropic teenager. It's basically got the shallow cynicism of a "the world is dark, nobody understands me, mom won't make me any more hot pockets" worldview, and it mixes that with silly anime humor and an unpleasant satisfaction in violence.

What do you think of all the Horror movie references in Yurikuma? The tiles form The Shining, Kurehas house looks like Norman Bate's House form Pshyco both exterior and interior, + many more

I'm a fan. It gives the show a unique style, and also feeds into the overall semi-camp aesthetic and the way it seems that the characters are being culturally forced to play to type.
Liked by: Derp Jeep Mel

It seems to me like the people from TrueAnime are being negative just for the sake of it. Reading the latest This Week in Anime thread, with all the pretentiousness around the comments regarding YuriKuma and Rolling Girls, they look just like the anti-/r/Anime instead of TrueAnime. Thoughts?

Pretty much. The mods have essentially cultivated an atmosphere of confrontation and negativity.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Which Yozakura Quartet should I watch? The 08 or the 2013 remake? Both?

Skip the 2008 version. The right viewing order is Hana no Uta 1-8, Hoshi no Umi, Hana no Uta 9-13. I haven't seen Tsuki ni Naku yet, but I assume that follows the order above.

Is Bake stronger than Nise from a purely writing/narrative standpoint?

I'd have to watch them again to have a meaningful opinion. My guess is "definitely yes on narrative, not necessarily on writing in general," but it's been a while.

You've mentioned Yozakura Quartet a few times when talking about The Rolling Girls. Is that a show worth checking out?

I'd say so. It's not a /great/ show, but it's a very enjoyable one, and it has some truly gorgeous animation. I'd say it's better than but in the same category as something like Chaika. The big thing it shares in common with Rolling Girls is the worldbuilding - Yozakura also exists in a world where organizations of young people seem to run local communities, and its diversity of character powers is great.

What about the expression "bros before hoes"?

I mean, do you want me to start with the idea of a fraternity of masculinity overriding your responsibilities towards people who aren't men, or do you want me to start with "hoes" being the term used to define women in general?

What's your opinion on selfie sticks?

I had to look up what those are, and am still not sure why anyone would have a strong opinion on them either way.

I know comedies aren't usually your kind of stuff, but what did you think of Cromartie High School, if you ever watched it ?

I just watched the first episode, which was pretty great.

On your top 30 list, it might be useful to add a note about where you can stream the shows legally (right now you only have where to buy them). People might want only to check out the shows without necessarily buying them.

You're right. Maybe I'll add a general note or something, adding links for that whole list kinda sucks.

Gonna do a write-up on Tsukimonogatari ep.1?

Jake Shiraki
I'll probably just write up the whole thing once I've watched it. Unless it takes me so long to get to it that I'm already writing it up for ANN at that point...

I like video games, but I still haven't bothered to learn what gamergate is. Should I feel bad about this?

Not really - it's ultimately a pretty insular thing, and essentially comes down to "certain men in gaming lashing out at what they consider 'their' hobby becoming less focused on them." The most important consequence of gamergate is that it's solidified a conservative reactionary movement that was always apparent in underlying nerd culture attitudes - basically, all the gamers and channers and MRAs who "hate SJWs" are now more unified, and actively using any tools available to harass and silence people they dislike, all while promoting a smokescreen of "ethics in journalism."
If you want more than that, here's an article on the first couple months of GG:
And here's one each on the psychological origins and current politics of the movement:

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What do you think of the term "friendzone" and (if you disagree with the term) is there a particular example in fiction that highlights the implication of it that you can think of?

It's not a real thing - it's a deeply troubling reflection of the fact that some men think they are "owed" sex for being decent people.
Sadly enough, the first thing that came to mind fiction-wise when I thought about "friendzone" was our friend from SAO II:


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