

Ask @B0bduh

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What about smash brothers?

Mains are Falco and Jigglypuff. I can also sorta play as Dr. Mario and Captain Falcon, but I suck at wavedashing effectively so I'm pretty useless with Fox or Marth. My fighting game history is pretty much a long story of never quite mastering mechanical play well enough to really be "playing" at all.

Wait people are now getting mad at visual metaphors in the animation medium? ahahahah

We have not yet begun to see what people are capable of getting mad about

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Is this that time when execution and momentum take completely over plot and character development? Shingeki...where are the sakura petals?

I'm guessing this is actually still someone mad about KimiUso somehow, but their flailing has now moved into the realm of interpretation-friendly performance art.

How excited are you for the Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend anime?

I sure will be watching and reviewing the first episode of that thing.
Liked by: zackadavis

I wasn't so much interested in changing his mind as much as the idea he was proposing that stuff like Urobuchi's work, which distinctly argues FOR one idea against another, is less meaningful than something that stays neutral, leaving the audience to decide. I was curious as to your thoughts on that

Many (I'd say most) works of art that engage with strong thematic threads have at least a strong point of view, if not a "correct answer." I wouldn't say Madoka has a "correct answer" either - I'd say it is optimistic and believes in the power of human sacrifice, but also acknowledges the world is more complicated than a message like that would indicate. But if you think a work is lesser because it actually has an opinion on the arguments it presents, you're going to miss out on most of everything.

I've been arguing back in forth with a Madoka critic about its so-called "Black and White" themes and their artistic value or lack thereof. Thoughts?

This doesn't sound like a productive conversation. If someone doesn't find Madoka's themes compelling and is pretty set in that attitude, you're probably not going to talk them into it.
Liked by: Ignisalge

Is Right Stuf a good place to buy anime?

Yeah, I'd say so. I'd check their prices against the Amazon listings before you buy anything, but they're generally even or better.

Care to elaborate why you think others are killing satire?

Modern sensitivity and callout culture is making it impossible to make sharp jokes without instantly being condemned - modern society really likes feeling good about attacking single perceived villains, which is a lot easier than engaging societal symptoms. But on the other hand, many, many people use "I was being satirical" as a shield for fundamentally shitty attitudes. Satire isn't a get-out-of-jail-free-card for jokes or statements that are based in bigotry, ignorance, or hurtful assumptions, and people attempting to use it as such makes the term both less valid and less meaningfully applicable to the kind of biting, necessary commentary the term implies at its best.

Would you ever consider watching Accel World, another game related anime, story by the same guy who wrote SAO. (What a sales pitch am I right...?) Supposedly they share the same universe as well...


do you use the gg autoblocker on twitter?

Nope. None of the GG leaders have aimed the hounds at me, so I only get hate messages when I say something new.

Reminder that you were talking shit about a story written by a 14 year old

If you're talking about SAO, that's actually a popular misconception - I believe the dude was 27 when he wrote it, and that maybe the /illustrator/ was a teenager? Something like that.
I do like the thought of this as some kind of defense of SAO, though. "You think the show I love is dumb?! Well guess what, it was written by a child!" "Dang, you really owned me there."

Who is your favorite Stardust Crusader? Are you looking forward to next season, I'm not manga reader (yet) but I've heard that the Egypt portion is way more batshit crazy than the Tarot arc.

Polnareff, I think. And yeah, I'm ready for Egypt - Stardust Crusaders started to wear on me, but I'm missing JoJo now.

Hey, did you ever write a post looking at SAO 1 from a general outlook? i.e. not the episode write-ups?

I'm not sure what you mean.

Hey, I'm the guy who asked the question about sucking at description. I've been working on my prose by studying great texts. Oh boy, my ego of being awesome writer came down crashing on me. But I'm managing. I bet every writer feels jealous of the prose or sheer dedication of other writers,no?

Yeeeep, all of us do!

Is Haruhi bad today? It seems the popular opinion is slowly shifting towards it being great at its time, but nothing special today.

Haruhi's suffered from the Seinfeld effect - most of its hallmarks have become medium staples. It's still good, but it's difficult to separate it from that.

Will you ever watch that last episode of FMA? It's been on your MAL at 50/51 for a while now :(

Yeah, I keep meaning to. I'll get to that this weekend.


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