

Ask @B0bduh

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What do you think of anitwitter's comparisons of Tokyo Ghoul and Parasyte? It seems a lot of people think that Tokyo Ghoul did what Parasyte is trying to do but better as far as body horror/alienation (heh) drama go. A better first question would be "Did you watch Tokyo Ghoul?"

I watched the first 2-3 episodes and lost interest, so I guess that's where I stand on Tokyo Ghoul versus Parasyte.

Do you prefer to ski or snowboard?

Ski. Snowboarding is more inherently fun (as in, the base act of snowboarding is more inherently satisfying), but I'm much worse at it, and thus I can do much more exciting trails on skis. Plus snowboards destroy slopes.

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I still cant see your One Week Friends writeups ;_;

I actually only did one writeup for that show, I think. The rest would just be week in review posts.

So yay or nay on the Occult Academy ending?

It was fine, I guess? Didn't seem particularly out of step with the rest of the show.

Kaiki best monogatari girl?

I almost feel sad about this meme, because even though Kaiki is certainly great enough to warrant it, most of Monogatari's cast is fantastic anyway. Kaiki and Hanekawa are two of my favorite characters in anything, and I could see why people would say the same about Senjougahara, or Shinobu, or Kanbaru, or Nadeko. Or even Araragi, for that matter - I dislike him personally, but he's certainly distinctive, fully realized, and popular.

Thoughts on 'Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit'?

They're pretty cool. Tolkien is an obsessive world-builder to the exclusion of all else, but there's certainly a place for stories like that. I think my favorite parts of what he's written were the parts where the hobbits were just wandering around in the woods - he's really, really good at evoking the wonder of nature, and the books become less personal as they build in scope.

Exactly what makes the Monogatari Broadcast order better or more preferable? That is the way I have intended to watch it because I would have done so if I had followed it from the start. And many recommend that.

The seasons introduce characters and narratives assuming you've seen what was released before. Watching in chronological order doesn't make any sense.

What do you think of Kenji from Katawa Shoujo?

He's partially just comic relief to add substance to the world and help with pacing, but he's also a living reminder of "what could have been." One of Katawa Shoujo's big themes is the importance of seeking human connection, and how we make each other better and more complete - Kenji is an extreme view of what happens when you /don't/ do that, and retreat entirely into your personal self-defeatism. Thus, when you completely push everyone away, you end up with Kenji.

For ANN you give the episodes you review a rating of some kind. How easy is it for you to do this? I don't think I could be satisfied with any number I put on something,

I used to worry about this a lot, actually, and I still do kind of stress and haggle over what scores I assign things, but it's gotten easier over time. Keeping my scores specific to shows helps - an A episode of SAO is an A episode of SAO, it's not comparable to Flowers of Evil or something. And it also helps that the B range is pretty broad at ANN - most things that come out are Bs of some kind, you generally have to be failing or excelling in a definable way to escape that. And finally, it helps that I just don't stress that much about making sure my scores "correctly define the material" or whatever. Scores are silly, they mainly exist because readers demand reductive takeaways, if someone thinks my score isn't reflective of the material, they're probably more invested in that score than I was. The actual writing is the important part - that's how you express your experience of the show, that's the thing that's real.

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Have you watched Gosick? If yes, what is your thoughts on it.

Yes and meh. I liked it when it was actually developing the characters, but that was like 2.5 episodes of content across two seasons of poorly written mysteries.

Re: OreGairu S2 - Do you worry about the change in director, though? I've heard the series gets more dramatic as it goes on, so I think it's direction will matter more in S2.

Neither director has a particularly impressive resume, and outside of some nice physical character direction I didn't really even notice the direction of the first season, so I'm not really worried.

What about watching Hanamonogatari where it goes in the novels and not separately from Second Season?

It actually feels more right to put that in broadcast order, after the rest. Second season basically tells two major stories between arcs 1-3-5 and 2-4, which reflect off each other very well, while Hanamonogatari is a very self-contained piece.

I think Occult Academy also did the "smorgasbord of directors" thing, which is why the cinematography intent varies from episode to episode.

That would do it. Some of its episodes are much, much better than others.

Oracle Bob, how do you think about oregairu season 2 will be? Will the change of studio be for the better or will it be a trainwreck? (I know your predictions are almost always right, so please oracle bob, please don't crush my heart ;) )

I don't think the change of studio will make much difference - the most important element of OreGairu S1 was its series composer, and he's returning for the second season. OreGairu's overall production was never its strength, so I'm not worried.

I see a lot of people on the internet who reply to people asking "What order should I watch Monogatari series in?" With: Read Kizu -? watch Neko Kuro -> watch Bake ->... So people do do this, for whatever reason.

That is bizarre. People are weird.

No I did mean Monogatari series. I phrased it a bit wrong.. Bakemonogatari is the fist one made and has gotten several prequels. The broadcast order would be Bake, Nise, Neko, Second, Hana, Tsuki. But "Chronological" order (Kizu), Neko, Baka, Nise, Second, Tsuki, Hana.. Thoughts on the question now?

Broadcast order. No question.


I might start this weekend, actually. I have a crazy amount of work to do, but that's become the norm at this point, and I've only got one episode of Occult Academy left.

Do you actively try to make your ANN episodics for Parasyte sound speculative/like you don't know what's coming next, or have you forgotten parts of the manga/not finished reading it? (Sorry if you've mentioned this elsewhere, just thought I recalled that you'd read the manga before.)

I don't remember a damn thing! Well, I remembered vaguely up through Shinichi's family troubles, but since then it's basically been new to me. I'll occasionally have an "oh right, that happened" moment, but I never finished the manga and read most of it too long ago to really recall anything specific.

Would there be a way to implement (or do you already have) a 'subscription' option on your blog where you can sign up to be emailed when you make a new entry?

There is now! Just fixed that, there's now a subscribe button on the site sidebar.


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