

Ask @B0bduh

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Not sure if you read a lot of manga but have you ever read "Oyasumi Punpun"? Any thoughts on it. It's a very interesting read, and so unique compared to most manga.

Not yet, but I get it recommended all the time, so I'm sure I'll get to it.

What do you have to say to a terrible person who knows and reluctantly accepts both this and that they can't become any better, that all they can do is ensure they don't become any worse?

What does being a terrible person mean? Does it mean you commit terrible actions? Because you can control those. Does it mean you think mean-spirited thoughts? Because /nobody/ can control those, and our personalities change over time anyway as our environment changes. And the nice thing is that if you commit yourself to /acting/ in the way you think a good person would act, your world actually does change over time, and so does your mentality. The more positivity you put out, the more positive your immediate world will become.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

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I just noticed: BOY is there a ton of recency bias in your top anime list. I counted 18/30 from the past 5 years, 19 if we feel like including the Monogatari series which might as well be. Any particular reason for that?

Scampss’s Profile PhotoScamp
Don't you troll me too Scamp, we both know the internet doesn't need any help.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

"I'd also like to do a full writeup watch-through of Evangelion as soon as I have time for it." please senpai, how can we help you get time to do it?

I actually just switched hosting from wordpress to one I pay for over the last week. In the next few days, I'm planning on seeing what sort of advertising revenue I can get on the site (don't worry, nothing intrusive - basically just replacing wordpress's embedded stuff with a new advertiser). Beyond that, there's also a chance I'll be setting up a Patreon in the near future, if it seems like people would be interested in supporting that. I would dearly love to spend all my time creating stuff for you internet people, and I'm gonna see how close I can get to making that happen.

Wait a sec... you have reffered a lot of times to other people as "young people". Aren't you young? I'd have bet you were 25-28 max. Perhaps I was wrong.

I'm afflicted with early-onset curmudgeonliness.
Liked by: Adam Wednesdays

Is that a spiteful answer or do you believe that is what nabakov intended to show?

Nabokov obsesses over the ugliness of human nature, and also over appearances. He seems eternally fascinated with the ways we dress up our worst instincts, or make monuments of ourselves regardless of our circumstances or actions. Lolita is particularly reflective of this at both ends, in that Humbert Humbert writes gorgeous prose to elevate the fact that he is about as despicable as a human being can be.

Could you ever do a top 5-10 favorite anime movies list?

Yeah, but I need to watch more movies first. My current list would be embarrassingly limited.

is the lack of anime movies in your top 30 list intentional?

Yeah. Movies and shows are very different, so I think it'd be pretty awkward to combine them into a single list.

Were you ok with the choices Kino made in the episode Colisseum? I feel im missing the message, but it never sat well with me that the only place she intervened was in this episode

Kino tries to be an observer whenever she can, but there are some things even she will not accept. That choice actually means a lot to me - Colosseum demonstrates that though she's a tremendously curious, ego-bereft, and open-minded person, she still has an absolutely indomitable understanding of fundamental morality. Colosseum was her breaking point - she'll tolerate a lot, but she will not tolerate that.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Any thoughts on this recent Target AU / GTA debacle?

I don't support it. I think it's ineffective and a dangerous precedent. Working for bans is really shady territory in general.

Regarding your book, has it been published in physical form? If not do you think it ever will..? I would love to read it, but I prefer reading books physically.

Nah, it hasn't, and there isn't much chance it will be. I actually also prefer reading books physically, but there's just no way I'd recoup the costs of doing some kind of print run myself.

Please don't make any more people shove their feet up their own urethrae, Mr. Duh, you're scaring the children.

Don't worry, I've kind of mellowed out over the last few years.

If you could give an ufotable budget to a director and their team, who would you give it to and what kind of show would you want them to create?

Before @Yuyucow attacks, I should let you know that "more budget" isn't generally what makes a show look good - the vast majority of that comes down to intelligent scheduling, along with maybe a dash of talented creators. ufotable apparently schedule their stuff well, and have a fairly consistent "house style" that blends traditional animation and CG with an overall "sheen" that makes it all look very "expensive." That style actually lends itself really well to Fate-style stuff - the anime equivalent of Hollywood action movies. It also seems like it'd really be well-suited to the kind of show I'd /hoped/ Aldnoah would be - an ambitious war drama with a broad cast, steeped in Urobuchi's pragmatic-but-hopeful worldview. That show sounded pretty cool, so I guess my choice would be to take an Aldnoah do-over, I guess?

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Liked by: Rose Bridges

I didn't know anything about him that's why I asked.

Ah, that's cool. I followed him for a long time, but just got more and more frustrated with his attitudes over time. Kinda depressing seeing this stuff up close.

Have you read or are you planning to read more Naoki Urasawa manga? He definitely matured as a writer during 20th Century Boys and Pluto.

Yeah, definitely. I actually own most of Pluto, which is excellent.


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