

Ask @B0bduh

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Favorite scotch brand?

I'm not at all a connoisseur of liquor - I generally just go with Dewar's White Label, which is right around the price/quality point I'm comfortable with. If you have other suggestions that aren't prohibitively expensive, let me know.

What do you think of John Green? (either as a writer, or just in general)

Don't really have much of an opinion on him. All I've read of his is Looking for Alaska, which I found decently written but unmoving, and I didn't really like his style of character writing. That's not to say it's a /bad/ style, it just doesn't result in characters I personally find compelling.

How many parts scotch, club soda, and pink lemonade?

Generally I do two parts scotch, one part club soda, two parts pink lemonade in that order (with ice), but it can vary depending on what kind of night it is. The amount of club soda will vary depending on how much you want to dilute the lemonade - it's naturally very sweet, so your preference on that will dictate the drink.

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What do you think of Tumblr?

It seems very full of young people, with all that implies - passionate, fragile, prone to groupthink, full of performative confidence based in a not-fully-developed self.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Is it possible for characters to be TOO flawed to be considered plausible people?

Honestly, no. Some people are just total fuckups. Characters can definitely be flawed in unrealistic ways, or so flawed in unsympathetic ways that they're not really able to generate audience sympathy, but I don't think there's such a thing as "too flawed to be realistic" specifically.

You can separate anime into pieces, but not games? Your Kill la Kill review is basically "the writing was shit, the production was great".

You must have missed the part where I said "this shouldn't be the only way we evaluate games."
Liked by: Rose Bridges

What did you think of Pacific Rim?

It was entertaining enough, but dumb in a way I found too generic to be endearing. By the halfway point, me and my housemate were basically just entertaining ourselves by calling all the lines before the characters spoke them.

How do you feel about the issue of whether Madoka and Homura are "really" in love or not (in the series, not counting the movie)

That the nature of the bond they share and its role in the story doesn't really depend on how you specifically interpret their feelings.
And that I get kind of blubbery typing this.

What do you think about the way Bioshock tackles objectivism? What is the game saying?

The game's saying that Objectivism is a naive fantasy that posits a society of "only winners" that can only really exist within a real society that establishes strong social networks and doesn't assume everyone will be an industry unto themselves. Objectivism (and it's modern descendants) is a fantasy that can only seem reasonable to people who don't even recognize the backs they're standing on - when you remove those backs, the fantasy descends into the chaos of Rapture, ripe for manipulation by a man like Fontaine, who never stops holding to the old methods of control.

Any other pieces of media that you've seen besides Bioshock where things the viewer take for granted end up being part of the narrative?

The answer is "yes," but I feel awkward pointing any out, because the trick doesn't really work if you know going in that a given work is going to do that.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Any thoughts on the band Clap Your Hands Say Yeah? You seem like the kind of guy who may have listened to them at some point.

I actually saw them a couple years ago! They were pretty great live, though the venue was bad.
I was a really big fan of their first album, but kind of fell out of touch with them after that. Love a bunch of those early songs, though - Details of the War, Yellow Country Teeth, etc. A wonderful kind of jangly.
Liked by: Proxy

Wait did you say on Twitter you got 50+ hours into Grisaia? What compelled you to keep at it for so long? It sounds like it was something you really didn't like all that much.

Obstinence, I guess? I really wanted to finish at least one route of it, so I could say I'd legitimately played the thing. And I actually find the /idea/ of visual novels really appealing, and thus kept going back to it and plugging away, even though it kept being bad.

Don't you feel uneasy about the key images of Expelled from Paradise? They have a striking resemblance to (ugh) Cross Ange. Sure, it probably will not have a gratuitous rape scene, but that's not exactly a high bar. I feel so damn tired of Anime ruining otherwise good cinema with shit like this.

I mean, they're both shows with fanservice and robots, I guess, but that's not particularly unusual. This one's written by Urobuchi, so I'm not worried.
Liked by: Proxy Rose Bridges

There are feminists who explicitly push the angle of female superiority though.

You are talking about a tiny minority of extremists. That's not reflective of feminism in general.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

RE that Shinji question: People seem to have it in their heads that if a character isn't "badass" then they're a terrible character.

Well, when your only metric for a character is "imagining myself as them makes me feel powerful," I guess that makes sense.

Didn't you say a few days ago that an ANN review of yours would be up before the day ended? which one is it, I can't seem to find anything recent with your name on it that I haven't already seen.

I'm pretty sure I was just talking about this week's Log Horizon post. I don't control when the full reviews come out - they'll most likely post another of mine some time this week, and I'll link it on the blog whenever it goes up.

Do you plan on watching one episode of each show for the winter shows like you did in the fall?

Yep. Or as close to it as I can manage without collapsing.

read any Gaiman?

Yeah, I've read American Gods, The Sandman, Good Omens, and The Ocean at the End of the Lane. He's good! He definitely has very specific interests and a consistent style that I grew kind of tired of by the end of all those, but he can make very good things - The Sandman is a masterpiece, and American Gods is just an excellent novel.
Liked by: Proxy


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