

Ask @B0bduh

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Maybe you should accidentally *wink wink nudge nudge* press the "Delete all questions" button?

Nah, I'll get to them, don't worry.

What is it with anime fans and having a complete lack of standards?

I am not sure what answer I could give here that would properly coddle your imagined sense of superiority.

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Any works that have made you feel empty and depressed?

I get the feeling Notes from Underground was supposed to do that, but it just left me annoyed and glad it was over.
Maybe the end of Chimera Ant? Not depressed, but definitely overwhelmed and kind of empty.

I'm getting the same "I wish this never existed" feeling from Psycho Pass 2 that I did with Rebellion. Why oh why can't Urobuchi shows be left stand alone?

Eh, it's not like crappy sequels make their predecessors any worse.
Liked by: Derp Jeep

Do you have a favorite genre? And why? I can watch anything, but a truly well-written truly transcendent fantasy series is pretty much my heroin.

Character dramas, I guess? I like people, I like shows that make me cry.
Liked by: Jake Shiraki

Is there an absolute morality, or is all morality simply an opinion?

Are you asking if morality exists in the same way gravity does? No.

Do you think Parasyte's soundtrack was any more effective in this episode? It had the same problems with the dubstep beats and video game techno, but the build-up to the last confrontation and Kana's startled inspection of Shinichi seemed really helped by the choice of music.

Bobby Vandenberg
I thought it was fine this episode - the only scene where I felt it was questionable at all was the last one, but it was low enough that I didn't find it distracting. I'm really just hoping they never use that chiptune track from the fight with A-san ever again.

Best shows this year?

Uhh, Sekai Seifuku, Samurai Flamenco, Ping Pong, Mushishi, Terror in Resonance, Shirobako, Rage of Bahamut, KimiUso, Parasyte.

You seem to be familiar with Eisenbeis' work and Kotaku even before GG hit. Do you actually read the blog?

I used to read Kotaku all the time. It was my big game news source for a while there.

Perhaps it's just the particular media I engage in, but it always seems to be overwhelmingly pro-democratic

Yeah, that makes sense. Most mainstream American media is pretty centrist, which means pro-Democratic in America-speak. That's the media that probably makes it overseas. The right-wing voices aren't sitting at the same table - the Republican base gets all their news specifically from the overtly partisan Fox News and even more far-right talk radio and whatnot. There's essentially no conversation between these groups - they're parallel worldviews that bang against each other whenever an election forces people to pretend to be occupying the same country.

Being a European, I'm always surprised at the discrepancy between how American media (or at least, the parts which are broadcast internationally) portrays American politics, and the way Americans actually end up voting.

In what direction? This is actually interesting to me - how does American media portray American politics abroad?

Are you a melancholic or a happy person?

I am naturally prone to melancholy and anxiety, but right now I'm extremely busy with work I want to be doing, so things are pretty good.

So the election happened. Nobody I voted for won (outside of state elections). Without posting your own opinion, how many winners did you pick?

I voted for America, so it wasn't a good year for me.

WIll you watch the second cour of Aldnoah.Zero? Are stoic and princess dead? Will everyone die (be killed by Slaine) by the end of it?

I'll be watching at least the first episode for the preview guide, so I guess I'll wait and see how I feel about that. I'd be okay with "Slaine kills everybody, ruins everything."
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Thoughts on sub vs dub? Does a better voice acting outweigh the ability to actually hear what is being said?

I don't really care about understanding the voices - that's not required to understand emotion/tone. Subs generally sound much better to me.

Why did you stop checking reddit? Do you still visit Trueanime?

Sometimes I browse it, but the thought of posting just makes me tired. I really don't feel much desire to argue about art opinions in that kind of context anymore, and trueanime has grown enough that the "community" I still feel connected to is just a small part of a much larger thing. At this point, the only thing I really feel like doing there is posting non-argumentative stuff in the Monday or Tuesday threads - "I'm reading an interesting book" or "hey, my first series review came out" or whatnot. I get enough critical writing from all the default work I'm doing.


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