

Ask @B0bduh

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There's suffering just for the sake of it, like Raising Project this season, but Requiem is a little smarter than that. You might be able to enjoy it from a craft perspective.

I'm sure I would, but there are countless movies out there that I need to see craft-wise which probably wouldn't also make me feel physically awful. Some movies just aren't gonna be my jam!
Liked by: Eelz

Regarding http://i.imgur.com/o1mGFgQ.png I genuinely don't understand, so please don't take this the wrong way! You're saying that everyone's perspective is worthwhile, but then react to wrong opinions and how they should not exist? That their take is wrong? That they should not be comfortable?

I think you're reading a lot into that second tweet there. I was certainly saying I think there are some poorly considered opinions out there, but I didn't say they either shouldn't be comfortable or shouldn't exist, and I also didn't attack anyone at all, or even mention a specific opinion. Not attacking people for what they say, and cultivating an environment of inclusion, does not necessitate never saying you think anyone is wrong.

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Are you fine with the direction Flip Flappers is going? I can see why Episode 10 rather "conventional" way of revealing (Eva imagery aside) might bug some peeps.

I don't really have any complaints - the show is following through on the ideas and character relationships it's been building all along. I'm not exactly sure what people were expecting it to do!

Would you consider working with anifem? I assume you know what I'm talking about. Their writers are very good, but they don't have the same taste in anime that you do and have written little to nothing about Flip Flappers and Eupho yet. I get that you can't afford to write w/ out pay, but...

My friend @illegenes has actually written a Flip Flappers-focused article in possibly the style you're looking for, and it's great! You can check that out here:
As for Euphonium, I'm not sure my feminism-related thoughts on that one would be appropriate for anything but my own blog. My thoughts there would go against a great deal of the prevailing fandom "progressive discourse," likely be championed by people I don't actually agree with at all, and almost definitely start some fires. It'd also necessarily involve critiquing not just Euphonium, but also how we parse and evaluate shows relative to our identity and social beliefs, as well as how we act on those evaluations in a larger social environment. It's an article I'd like to have /exist/, but it's not one I'm necessarily thrilled about holding my hand to the hot stove for.

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Alright, now that we have more JoJo OPs, rank them best to worst!

Oh dang, it's tough at this point. I don't know the song names, so I'll just go with arc/OP number. Let's see...
#1: Battle Tendency
#2: Diamond is Unbreakable #3
#3: Diamond is Unbreakable #1
#4: Phantom Blood
#5: Diamond is Unbreakable #2
#6: Stardust Crusaders #1
#7: Stardust Crusaders #2
Battle Tendency's is the easy winner, and both of Stardust Crusaders' fall a decent distance below the rest. Not really sure what was going on for that arc.
Liked by: John Clark

hi bob, any word on what's happening with 3gatsu? no episodes those last two weeks, right? when's the next ep gonna get aired?

It aired yesterday. The show just took one week off.

Could an anime focused on an incestuous relationship ever succeed as an effective drama/character study? Assuming it broke away from power fantasy tropes/otaku hang ups, that is.

Sure. I'm not sure there's any subject that's incompatible with an effective drama, if it were handled the right way.
Liked by: Aluido John Samuel Eelz

Since you're an anime fan I have to ask: how impressive is your figurine collection? Surely you have a few

Just three: Asuka from Eva, Miki from Im@s, and Utena. I've also got a tiny tiger-striped Hanekawa.
Liked by: Rm Eelz

If one of your readers paid you to write a top 10/20/30 list (your top anime episodes, characters, ships, etc) would you do it? I know you don't like ranking things but for some reason many ppl find those posts to be the most interesting/readable...

Sure! I'd actually be happy to write that kind of article, they're fun to write - I just don't really have the time for stuff that's not on commission.

Why is it so hard for anime producers to come up with a female-led sports show with similar visual aesthetics and storytelling found in popular fujo sports shows? Girls' gymnastics, swimming, or even ice skating for example should be easy hooks for male viewers and still tell a compelling story

You'd have to clarify what you mean by "visual aesthetics and storytelling." From what I've heard from the people watching it, this season's ping pong show is actually pretty great in all respects, so I'm not really sure what you're specifically looking for. If you mean the long and lanky designs of something like Kuroko's Basketball or Free, that's basically just how male characters are designed for female audiences, so it'd take a pretty serious paradigm shift for that character design philosophy to be applied to female-led shows designed for male audiences (or one creator with a lot of pull who really, really wanted to do it).
Liked by: Eelz Shahzeb Mangi

How was your Nier experience?

I actually don't think I'm even halfway through yet, but so far it's been a mix of:
- strong worldbuilding
- strong visual design
- iffy but uniquely bleak writing
- very mediocre combat
- terrific boss fights
- extremely tedious side quests
I'm not really sure at what point it becomes the strange arthouse game it's renowned for being, but it hasn't really grabbed me after a pretty serious number of hours.

Did you ever catch up with Iron Blooded Orphans? It's great, you know.

Nah, I fell off it right around the undercooked brotherly reunion. I've been considering going back to it, though.
Liked by: Eelz jumbo mumbo

Could Trump's election, in the long term, help the Democrats? Unpopular presidents usually see their opponents gain in Congress and down-ballot, which is needed to combat gerrymandering in 2020. Plus there should be a progressive shift since Clinton's inoffensive centrism proved ineffective.

This frankly depends on whether the democrats are willing to be helped. They've demonstrated remarkable spinelessness in accepting Trump's president-elect actions so far (with some notable and admirable exceptions), and none of the liberal commentators who were so incensed with the left seem to have done any soul-searching about the failures of centrism. The democrats need this to be a wakeup call, but they seem pretty soundly asleep.

What do you think of Kaji as a character and his role in Eva?

He's someone I'm planning on focusing on when I return to the series (soon!). I remember him as being basically the only well-adjusted member of the entire cast, and I loved the watermelon scene, but I'll have to revisit my feelings to see how he comes across now.
Liked by: John Clark

I'm a bit confused. If Kaiki doesn't think "aberrations" are real, think how can he literally perceive God Nadeko?

Maybe he perceives her figuratively. Maybe his definition of "real" doesn't have much to do with his ability to see them. Maybe he was lying when he discussed aberrations. Maybe he was lying in his telling of Hitagi End, just like he warned he would.
Liked by: John Clark dav Eelz

What would you consider the best and worst shows that you've reviewed weekly for ANN?

The best was either the first season of Sound! Euphonium or second season of Oregairu, along with Paranoia Agent. Worst was definitely Sakurako-san.
Liked by: Eelz


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