

Ask @B0bduh

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I find it depressing how many people think using the word "f**" and gay as an insult is not homophobic. We're on our way, right? Right? :(

I think we are. It's less acceptable than it was years ago, and the internet is becoming less consequence-free. The thing is, the underlying problems here are massive - the fact that people take refuge in exclusive cultures and attitudes is reflective of all sorts of base societal assumptions about gender and success that poison our ability to be happy and accept ourselves or others. "Don't use the word gay" isn't going to prevent our society from being a place where any sign of male affection is considered an expression of weakness. "Stop harassing women" isn't going to suddenly fix the way people are programmed to see sex and gender roles. We are socially screwed up on a very fundamental level, and that will take a lot of work to fix.

Seems to me like all that's left of gamergate is the organised movement. The whole thing still existing is weird to me, feels like anyone would want to distance themselves of it after all the awful things it did. Unless they feign disagreeing with all the shit.

All that's "left" of gamergate is what's always been gamergate - a vague group of insecure young people peppered with trolls and actual anti-feminists.
We're talking about a group of people that saw those "gamers are dead" articles and took them as a literal attack on them personally. They don't need much reason to be paranoid - they cling to "gamer" as an identity because they've always seen themselves as marginalized, as outsiders. When many of these people hear about the awful things gamergate is doing, or receive information about how game journalism actually works, they actually just believe it's all lies, because everything is being parsed in terms of this original attack on their identity. When the choices are "accept you're misinformed and facilitating a hate engine" or "know you're finally on the front lines of the righteous identity-war you feel you've been waging all your life," it's not surprising many people are choosing the latter. If you're already in "the whole world is against us gamers" mode, then all the crazy conspiracy stuff is actually just confirming what you want to believe.

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How can you say they're "simplistic on both levels" when you haven't even read any of their routes, and as a result don't know who any of them really are? It's baffling.

I actually got near the end of Makina's route (I hope, christ), and read enough to have a fair guess at the "whoa BUT ACTUALLY!" twists of the other ones. It's simple stuff, it's just very, very slowly articulated over waaay too much empty writing.
I see this defense a lot when it comes to VNs, though - "you haven't read all the way to the end, how can you know it's bad?" If something is bad for two hundred pages, I am going to assume it was written by a bad writer. If it fails to engage in a way that actually makes me invested /prior/ to any "twist," then the writing has already failed in a fundamental way, and I'm not going to be engaged just because something new happens. And this is exactly what happened in the Makina route - I didn't care about her character because she felt like a pandering anime character, then I learned she had a tragic past that made her a different kind of pandering anime character, something which I already assumed was going to happen because the VN takes a little time every few meaningless sitcom scenes to strike all the "everyone here has a dark secret" notes at once. "The world isn't what you think it is!" only works as a dramatic device if you're already invested in what the world /pretends/ to be - and if your story pretends to be something completely uninteresting for hundreds of pages, you've got a serious problem. Even if you're building towards a twist, your initial text has to create investment, tension, and trust.

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Did it ever occur to you that, you know, perhaps the reason the Grisaia characters feel so fake to you means their façades are having the intended effect?

Nope! They're really simplistic on both levels, and the game actually wants you to feel engaged with their fake-selves anyway. Or at least I /hope/ it does - not really sure what the first ten thousand hours of the common route are supposed to be doing, otherwise.

What is Japan's major malfunction with fliphones? Seriously. Those were going out of style when I was in HIGH SCHOOL. I'm balding now. Every. Single. Anime.

I dunno. Ask Sean.

Favorite beer if you drink any!?

Smuttynose Summer Ale. I also like Anchorsteam, as well as the boring choice Magic Hat #9.

You don't have anime/japanese music on your ipod/phone?

Just the Pillows. I'd actually love to put a bunch of OPs/EDs on there, I'm just lazy and don't know how I'd individually seek them out.

Thoughts on the sentiment within the VN community that while KS is certainly good, it's inferior the works they regard as masterpieces such as Muv-Luv Alternative, Umineko, etc?

I get the feeling the VN community and I have very, very, veeery different writing priorities. I also heard plenty of "KS is pretty good, but just wait until you try FSN!" before I tried that one.
Liked by: zackadavis

Katawa Shoujo literally did nothing for me. I can't really understand why people praise it so much?

That's okay!

Are there any other games that you'd reccomend for the quality of their writing?

Portal 2, Tim Schafer's stuff (Psychonauts, etc), uh...

Are you a fan of any Japanese music? JPop, Vocaloid etc?

Not really. I listen to indie rock and wear my sunglasses at night.

I hear you've read at least part of the Grisaia visual novel. Since I'm playing it right now (currently in Sachi's route), I'm curious to know what you liked about it and what you didn't like about it. Also, what are your thoughts on its ridiculously long common route?

This review covers most of my thoughts on it:
Though that frankly doesn't go as far as I'd like in detailing how fake Grisaia's characters feel. They don't feel like people in the slightest - they feel like what they are, anime-character devices who all play into the same set of anime-humor tropes because they're written by one person who doesn't know how to write human characters.
As for its common route, I guess the best word for it would be "interminable." I felt lucky to survive, and I /still/ haven't finished the one character route I eventually got to.

You really haven't finished FMA? BUT YOU HAVE ONE EPISODE TO GO TO CHECK IT OFF!

Shit, that too. Hopefully I'll watch that episode this weekend.
Liked by: Mel

So you dont like disney Hercule?

I don't really have strong feelings for it either way. It's definitely one of the lesser Disney movies - it feels pretty phoned in.

Thoughts on new directorship and studio for OreGairu s2?

OreGairu's direction was never its strength, and Brain's Base have been past their prime for a while now, so I'm not really bothered by either change. The only staff member I was really hoping would stay is Suga Shoutarou on series composition, and he's coming back, so I've still got high hopes for the series.

Ping-Pong, Tatami Galaxy, Monogatari, Katanagatari, Spice and Wolf...Thank you for introducing me to such awesome anime and for providing such insightful and eloquent essays! What is your favorite anime romantic relationship?

You're welcome! Spice and Wolf is up there for me, but Toradora's main couple would be another one.

Besides the airing anime of this season, do you have plans to check anything else in your Plan To Watch list?

If I have time. With the preview guide done, I want to finish Spice and Wolf, watch the Mushishi two-parter, and maybe put out a couple independent essays. After that, my next backlist show is Haibane Renmei.

What are your thoughts on Naruto? If you have seen it, do you feel it could have been a much better and tighter story if given to other hands? I have been re watching it, and I always have the sense that there is a great character development and story beneath all the filler, pacing and overall just

Naruto is Naruto - it's not just a story, it's a franchise. Making it "tighter" would hurt what makes it valuable as a commercial product.
I'm really hoping we have properties that can legitimately replace Naruto when it's gone, because even though I don't really have any interest in watching it, we need big gateway shows aimed at Naruto's target audience.


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