

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you follow any pro sports teams?

Not really. Sometimes I go to Red Sox games with my dad, though. I'm actually thinking about writing a small essay about Cross Game and my relationship with my father.

Favorite mountains goats albums? sorry for asking again can't find the screenshot of the last one... Wants to buy a bunch of his albums and needs some guidance since theres like 20 of em.

It's cool. Tallahassee, All Hail West Texas, The Sunset Tree, and Transcendental Youth would probably be my favorites.

How do you think the whole GamerGate thing is going to end? What are the long-term effects you think it will have on the games industry, if any?

I don't know. My initial response, a long time ago, would have been "maybe this is just one more growing pain of games becoming more inclusive," but it's been going on for two damn months now. At this point, GamerGate might as well be the rallying point for the underlying misogyny and in-group insecurity that exists within nerd culture in general. That's not something an entire group of people are just going to "get over" in an immediate way - there are deep embedded problems here, things reflective of both how people come to "nerd" interests, and the consequences of identifying yourself with such groups. It's also reflective of a certain pernicious fetishization of "free speech at all costs" in the context of internet communities that pretty much only enables things like this. Part of the solution here isn't just "people continuing to support each other," because part of the problem is that law enforcement and the larger culture are not yet prepared to deal with the new kinds of violence the internet allows. There will likely be some kind of cultural separation, because GamerGate is just reflective of cultural battle lines that have always existed but haven't been directly acknowledged, but that alone will not end what we're dealing with here.
Its effects on the industry will be minimal. GamerGate looks horrible from the outside, and if anything will only hasten larger developers' efforts to look more inclusive. The economics don't work in its favor - the only thing GamerGate is "winning" on is learning that there's always a place for people to gather together on the wrong side of history.

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So, uhhhh, that Escapist "article"...

They're straight-up printing and even enabling (those absurd leading questions) propaganda from a hate group. People are being directly threatened, meanwhile The Escapist entertains "both sides" by offering massive exposure to people who've actually plotted to steal personal information for the good of an antifeminist mob. I don't know what to say.

https://twitter.com/untimelygamer/status/520677034247204864 https://twitter.com/untimelygamer/status/520683839492878337 Hooooooooo boy.

Super cool of The Escapist to give these people a platform that validates their positions. As others have already said, this isn't "what developers think of GamerGate" - this is what GamerGate thinks of GamerGate. And even in the context of a straight-up PR platform, they can't avoid coming across as despicable.

What's so great about Princess Hitei?

Eh, I just like her character. She's a compelling person, and I couldn't think of a better woman antagonist offhand. I would have gone with Nanami, but that seems kind of borderline.

Do you have any tips about building an audience for new writers?

Be consistent in your output, be responsive to your commenters, promote yourself on multiple channels, make friends with other writers, and always work on improving your material.

Do you frequently read manga as well, or do you mostly stick to anime?

I enjoy reading manga, but lately almost all of my reading time has been taken up by novels.
Liked by: Rose Bridges


Unfortunately, I have to earn money to buy food to live so I can watch what you command.

How would you explain the appeal of JoJo's Bizarre adventure to someone who hasn't seen the anime or read the manga?

It's essentially like an extremely stylish combination of Indiana Jones and the Adam West Batman.

I happen to love the opening because it reminds me of HxH. Haters gonna hate. What did you think of today's shows?

I was working all day yesterday, so I couldn't get to them then. So far I've seen Shirobako and Psycho-Pass 2 - Shirobako was fantastic, and Psycho-Pass 2 was acceptable though kind of underwhelming. Still gotta get to Your Lie in April and How Can You Make An Entire Show About Twintails.

Am I messed up in the brain for laughing at the first scene of Parasyte?

Nope. That's a pretty common reaction to over-the-top violence.

What does Yukino mean when she says "I want to change everyone along with this world"? What do you think this means in terms of Yukino's identity?

She means she wants the world to "live up to her expectations" - for people to be earnest and honest and hard-working and driven. Basically, she sees the world around her as deceptive and gross in the same way Hachiman does, but instead of just disengaging and wryly commenting on it, she actually wants to change it - to act as an example for it to follow.
As for what it means for her identity, it means basically the same thing Hachiman's issues do - it means she's young and unhappy and doesn't know as much as she thinks she does. It also means she's probably going to kick ass later in life - that much drive with a little more self-awareness and direction would be a formidable thing.

If you weren't doing SAO reviews for ANN, are there any GGO episodes that would have received a concept write-up?

I was toying with the idea of "SAO writeup in the form of a gamefaqs walkthough for a poorly-designed game where you're Kirito and beat everything just by pressing one button," so that might have happened. Still got some jokes written for that one...

dude, I hear you disagree with some opinions. I take personal offense to that because not only do you disagree with some opinions, but you aren't me, which means I am going to refuse to understand why you disagree.

Liked by: Adam Wednesdays

Jesus I watched the first scene of Parasyte and I'm really conflicted on whether to continue or not - I don't even consider myself squeamish and I thought that was pretty gross.

I wouldn't even consider that the grossest scene of the episode, so, yeah.

So yeah, Parasyte is pretty good but what do you think of its opening?

I like it! Hey haters? YOU HEAR THAT, HATERS!?
~i disagree with your opinions~

If you were recommending Monogatari to a person who knew nothing about the series, how would you concisely explain what it's 'all about'?

I'd say "it's basically a psychological ghost-hunting narrative, but written kind of like a stage play, filled with lots of weird anime-ism stuff, and directed with an extremely distinctive and purposeful visual style."
Liked by: Lord Reiseng

So, there's works that are brought up a lot because they're good (Evangelion), there's works that are brought up frequently because they're popular (SAO), and plenty of other reasons shows are discussed. What about the Monogatari makes it referenced so often it seems like the Godwin's Law of anime?

It's popular, controversial, and has both mass and critical appeal. Not surprising it comes up a lot.

I'm surprised OreGairu is so high on your top 30. Not really complaining since it really is amazing, are you hyped for the 2nd season? The major complaint I have with the show as that there wasn't as much Romance as I would have liked.

Yeah, I'm excited. My main hope is that the light novels end soon enough that the second season can actually end in a satisfying place.


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