

Ask @B0bduh

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Togame is obvious, but what do you like about Kino and Spike's designs?

I just like them, I guess? They're both stylish as hell, and I think that about covers it for Spike. There's sort of a chicken-egg situation going on where it's unclear whether he's come to define cool because Cowboy Bebop is inescapable, or whether he was always just that cool, but yeah, classy as fuck either way. For Kino, her outfit is just a fantastic design both for the story and for her personally - practical, full of secrets, still very stylish and unique.

Okay, seeing how you value a good discussion I'll be more mannered: You've said that what's important is not that we consume the absolute best media, but rather that we're aware of what we consume. So what does someone who's enthusiastic about fanservice need to be aware of?

That they're consuming junk food that's generally predicated on and perpetuating sexist attitudes, I guess.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Hm, interesting. What exactly does Oktavia's design say about ______?

It's a mermaid wearing the armor of a knight conducting an orchestra. It's a reflection of her narrative arc (a retelling of The Little Mermaid), her self-image (a noble figure, someone who does "what's right," a belief she uses as a shield), and her ultimate wish (not just to hear the song, but also to hear it in the way /she/ wants).
Most of the witch designs strongly imply the sad child at their center, and Oktavia's makes that explicit.

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what's your favorite character design in anime?

Oktavia's design from Madoka is pretty high up there - that design tells you so much about _____ as a person while also working as a coherent, beautiful whole in its own right. I also really like Kino's design, and Togame from Katanagatari. And Spike's.

I thought you were going to watch Princess Tutu? I think it's the strongest show on your to watch list.

That one's coming up as well. It's also on the shortlist.

do you have any more cooking with bobduh posts planned or was that just kinda a one-off thing?

It was a one-off thing prompted out of desperation, since Chuu2 Ren offered nothing interesting to talk about. But I'll probably do a sequel where we make sweet nachos at some point.

How do you pronounce your name. Is it Bob DUH (like my name is Bob, no duh) or something else entirely?

Yeah, like you guessed. It's a dumb handle with no actual meaning.

your cult is hovel that is trueanime; the sole survivors of the mass defection to your cult are only those of strong and persistent character, such as Seifuu


Have you read any Terry Pratchett?

Yeah, tons of it. Big fan. I think my favorite book of his is The Truth, but most of them are pretty great.

Stopped being couched in neutrality , you pretentious fuck of revolting demagoguery

This is better than that one time somebody said I had a cult.

Do you plan to watch the Ghost in da shell series and have you seen the movies6

I've seen the movies, I'll watch the show at some point.

Let me guess: questions about fanservice/porn/sexual content, you don't find those worth acknowledging do you?

It's more that I've actually talked about that stuff at length both on my blog and in conversations with people actually interesting in discussing things. It seems like you're trying to pick a fight because I slammed a show you like or something, and that's not really something I'm interested in humoring.

Do you follow e-sports? What do you think of its future? (or do you also explode whenever video games are called 'sports')

Vaguely - I followed it more back when I was big into Starcraft and LoL, and a bunch of my real life friends were following stuff seasonally. And I've watched a ton of Day9 and whatnot.
Esports are engaging, and I think they'll expand, but I don't think we've yet found the right game to make them /explode/. Regular sports generally have very parsable dynamics, and because they're largely based in athleticism, the "wow factor" of any given play is often understandable even if you don't have intimate knowledge of the sport itself. Gaming will need to find its equivalent if the market for esports is going to expand outside of its current demographics.

Why do you make me feel bad about enjoying video games?

Are you someone who clings to the gaming community because it validates your fear of women and inability to act like a compassionate adult in society? If not, you shouldn't feel bad.
I make broad comments about the "gaming community" because I think the gaming community is incredibly toxic, but that doesn't mean I'm condemning every person who plays videogames. I play videogames. All my friends play videogames. Videogames are inescapable and pretty cool. The "gaming community" is an awful pit that shelters awful attitudes, and I think the /answer/ to that is to have people who /play/ videogames clearly and repeatedly state that they do not stand for its garbage, hopefully changing the dialogue over time. I don't want you to feel bad unless you're being an asshole, in which case I think you should stop doing that.

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From the LoGH question, iirc the reboot will only be 25 episodes. Does that change you answer?

I dunno. I might actually hold off on watching that, depending on how people say it compares to the original.

Oh my god. Will the angry young men ever grow up and the next generation move on to the next big thing? Or will the cycle never be broken and video games always be the domain of abominable manchildren?

I think "never growing up" is kind of their calling card. We're going to be dealing with the abominable manchildren for a long time to come.
Now I really want someone to film "Night of the Abominable Manchildren." They roam the highlands, their cries of "MISANDRYYY" and 4chan memes chilling the blood of the common folk!

You're a dumbass if you think Fate is Urobutcher's worst show. That show was awesome. Amazing fluid animation and AWESOME artwork and visuals. The story is dark, full of depth and has a cast of colorful characters.

Welp, you've convinced me. What a fool I was.

What's the next show you're planning to watch after FMA that's more than 30 episodes?

The three seasons of Crest/Banner of the Stars and Princess Tutu.

What do you like / find most interesting about FMA?

Its two biggest ideas, I'd say - the one being how so much of our suffering comes down to our inability to accept the past/the impossible (and the interesting counterargument of the military's behavior not being something you can really "forgive away"), and the other being how our faith that you /can/ grasp impossible things seems to be part of what makes us powerful as humans. I also really like Lust as a character.

What if I called you an engaging anime blogger with whom I may not always agree, but whose opinions I always find rigorous and interesting? Sorry you seem to be getting random hate, man.

Thank you! I really appreciate that.

Not even a post on FMA's failings? Or some sort of compare-and-contrast with HxH in how specific themes or plot elements are handled?

Eh. I mean, my issues with FMA could fill a sentence - it has the thematic and character-development density of FLCL but is 50 episodes instead of 6, its aesthetics are largely just serviceable, its fights have no weight, and its plot just rambles around towns and deserts with no real tension or focus.
I actually like its ideas. The way our attempts to either reclaim or take payment for the past are woven into virtually every element of the show is nice, and I liked the early stuff about faith, alchemy, and "what humans can do." But that stuff is just padded out by huge piles of material I have no interest in.
I'll try to write something, though. I just need to find a hook.
Liked by: Cornman

On a scale of 1 to Hunter x Hunter's next adaptation, how high of a priority would you put on watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes' reboot?

Not that high. FMA's taken forever, and I'm not even sure I'll get a post out of it. I want to watch some shorter shows.


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