

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you speak any foreign languages?

Nope. I took many years of mandatory Spanish in grade/high school, but none of it stuck, likely due to a combination of me being hilariously bad at memorization and also having no interest in learning Spanish. I took a year of Japanese in college, and all I can remember of that is maybe half my hiragana and katakana. Languages are easily my worst subject.

So what do you actually think of Mayuri, then?

I don't really have a strong impression of her either way - she was basically "spacey, empathetic cosplay fan."

I'm a little more than halfway through Penguindrum, and having read a lot of your work and having come to I think a pretty solid understanding of what you like in a show, I wonder why you don't value it higher? Is it simply because it's so preoccupied with the concept of fate? Or is it just flawed?

It struck me as fairly messy when I saw it, and kind of unable to pull itself together. That was a few years ago though, so I might like it more on a second watch.

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Your Katawa Shoujo proposal is rather professional sounding/looking...do you happen to do stuff like this for a living??


Who'd be the better tour-guide: Joseph or Kakyoin?

Kakyoin for the city tour, Joseph for the adventure package.

Wouldn't you kind of miss your body if you transfered your mind to a device, though?

Probably, but that's better than not missing it because I'm dead.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Seven. That includes two pairs of running shoes (one pair completely dead), a pair of ancient sneakers, and two pairs of slippers. Not sure how I ended up with those.

Since I've seen you talk about Shiina Mashiro before, I just wanted to make sure that you didn't confuse Shiina Mayuri from Steins Gate (referring to this question http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/115684314666) with her. It's fine if you dislike both of them of course, just wondering.

Yep, no, that's exactly what I did. I was thinking of Shiina Mashiro. Woops.

Do you play BlazBlue in Japanese? Ragna has the same VA as Part 2 Joseph Joestar!

I actually played it in English, which I guess makes me a Bad Nerd, but I thought the dub was pretty great.

I know you don't like Kanade because you find her to be a certain harmful fantasy, but what do you think of Shiina Mayuri? She seems to be kind of the same fantasy as well.

I feel exactly the same about her. Terrible, awful, drags the whole show down with her.

In order to avoid detection from enemy stand-users, the crusaders adopt disguises akin to Joseph's tequila-dress. How foolproof is this plan?

Bulletproof. Only German engineering could have seen through that plan.
Liked by: Tiago Coutinho

Do you think Watanabe's directing abilities have improved since Bebop? You seem impressed by a lot of the visuals and shot making in Zankyou no Terror.

Maybe, but he's always been ridiculously ahead of the curve. Zankyou is also much more of an atmospheric piece than Bebop, and thus many more of its shots are set up to convey mood and thematic content than to convey strict narrative information. But Bebop had plenty of wonderful atmospheric shots, too.

If you could pick any song to be the Stardust Crusaders ED, what would it be.

If we're going in the spirit of Roundabout, I'd say the Santa Esmeralda version of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood. The most important thing about a JoJo ED is that it offers a badass fadeout accompaniment - Walk Like An Egyptian's a cute choice for narrative reasons, but it fails hard at this.

Would it be too farfetched to say that if all these terrible people we come across everyday were a character in a story that they would probably be good characters, given the right treatment?

Depends on the person. Some people are just really full of anger and insecurity, and they take that out on everyone around them, and though they're "understandable" as people, they're not really ones that you'd necessarily want to follow in fiction. Many people are awful in simple ways and never get better.
Granted, there /are/ lots of stories about terrible people who don't get better, including plenty of famous ones. Considering I just finished Autumn of the Patriarch and count Sound and the Fury as one of my favorite books, I suppose I shouldn't downplay the extent to which terrible people can make for great fiction.

What questions are considered nonsense ones? Does this count?

Nope. Generally it's random sentence fragments, "ur taste is shit," memes, etc.

Have you played Fallout New Vegas?

Yep. Never finished it, but put a decent number of hours into it. I'd kind of burned out on the concept at that point, though - I'd played the /shit/ out of Fallout 3, because that was my first Bethesda RPG.

Has the quality of the questions that you have received here changed over time?

Not that I can tell. I generally just delete the nonsense ones either way.

Do you think Madoka would've been improved with more episodes?

Not at all. I think its excellent use of its format is one of its strengths.

Thoughts on the significance of Kenji's "route" in Katawa Shoujo?

I actually never played it, so I dunno what it specifically says. I mean, you only get it if you act abrasively towards everyone and decline all invitations to do anything, right? And the last "failsafe" is Rin's route, which is actually very clever, because the Hisao who falls into Rin's route is definitely bad at dealing with people, and generally takes the path of least resistance. One of the themes of the game is pursuing honest connection with others - Kenji basically represents what anyone could become if they completely shut themselves /off/ from others, so I guess it's fitting that pushing away everyone else results in you getting stuck with him.


Language: English