

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you like the band American Football?

Yeah, they're great. I like pretty much all of the Kinsella stuff.

So… can we have more samples of this sexy voice of yours?

Probably should have seen that coming.

You have wall scrolls of little magical girls in your room?

Rolled up, unfortunately. I have one FLCL wall scroll up, and then a bunch of cheaply framed shots from various shows - Monogatari, Madoka, Hyouka, Eva, etc.

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What is the weirdest question you have been asked so far?

Probably the one asking for more samples of my "sexy voice."

"No one is forcing you to..." Why has this type of thinking become a thing?

Not really sure what you're referring to. Do you mean "no one's forcing you to watch it" as a counter to someone complaining about something? That's silly, but it's a silly thing that's existed for a long time.

Your opinion on livetweeting?

That it's a thing people do? It's basically like watching shows with a group of friends in your living room, except your living room is Everyone You Know On Twitter and they don't actually have to be watching the thing. It's a pretty neat trick.

What do you think of the term "edgy"?

It's kind of devoid of meaning because it's used so broadly to dismiss basically anything people don't like. If it /did/ have a meaning, I assume it'd be used to describe stuff that is very directly "the shows you love - BUT NOT FOR KIDS ANYMORE!", ie children's shows + ultraviolence or something similar. But it's such an overused term that it probably just needs to be retired.

So you DID buy that wall scroll that you were eyeballing that one time at that one thing in Boston. That's a cool little tidbit.

Yep. It was a really nice picture!

has an anime ever offended you

For most definitions of 'offended,' yeah. There have been shows that made me feel actively angry, shows that kind of disgusted me with their choices, and shows I stopped watching because I found what they were doing too unpleasant to watch.

Have you heard of Wind-up Bird Chronicles?

I've heard of all of Murakami's books, I've just only read the one. It didn't really compel me to read more, but maybe at some point.

Thoughts on manly Naru? Or the episode in general?

Big improvement over the second one. Manly Naru is amazing.

Do you get tired of people constantly demanding you defend Madoka and Evangelion?

It's not too bad because they're extremely easy to defend. And I can just link people to essays anyway.

Thanks for easing my mind on Utena, Im a lot more optimistic with starting it now. You're a great guy for taking the time to help people like me. Oh, and your answer didn't show up on twitter due to ask.fm being opposed to your choice of words.

Thank you! Glad I could help.

Have ye read any Murakami?

Just Hard-Boiled Wonderland, which I found kind of interesting narrative-wise but not really that engaging.

So trying to find screencaps for a post of my own and HOLY CRAP THIS TAKES A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT.


Have you ever considered doing blog posts on books, or is wrongeverytime always going to be purely anime?

I'd like to expand to all sorts of other stuff, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Which would you rather rewatch 5 times: OreImo or Mahouka?

OreImo, easily. Mahouka isn't just terrible, it's also incredibly boring in its execution. OreImo is at least competently produced.

I assume you've read As I Lay Dying? If so, do you have any thoughts on it you'd like to share?

It's a pretty gorgeous book, and likely a much better "introduction to Faulkner" than Sound and the Fury - it holds to his more general style, as opposed to the very specific voices that dominate the latter's first three acts. In spite of that, it still creates a very rich group of characters, who are defined just as well through an economy of choices as Fury's are through a barrage of interiority. And it's just a conventionally engaging story, too - there's great rising tension, there are some central lies and mysteries, there's even a pretty terrifying "action setpiece." I got a "can you think of a really accessible but still incredibly rich classic" question that I couldn't think of an answer for a while back, but now that I'm thinking about it, As I Lay Dying works pretty well for that. And yeah, it engages in some really poignant stuff regarding family, duty, love, the living truth of your version of a person, etc. It's a very good book.

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