

Ask @B0bduh

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Since you answered a question about Radiohead... OK Computer or Kid A?

OK Computer. I prefer their more rock instrumentation-styled albums. Actually, In Rainbows is probably my favorite record of theirs, which I'm sure is some kind of Radiohead sacrilege.
Liked by: くそむし だ

Do you think of Rei Ayanami same as you think of Shiina Mashiro?

Rei Ayanami was intended to demonstrate the inherent creepy reductiveness of Shiina Mashiros - she's a clone who only slowly begins to develop a soul, that Shinji latches onto largely because she is almost incapable of rejecting him, and who is ultimately revealed to be appealing partially because SHE IS A REFLECTION OF HIS MOTHER. Rei Ayanami is to Shiina Mashiro as A Modest Proposal is to actually eating babies.

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Will you be checking out KyoAni's new show this fall, or have you just about given up on them by this point?

I'll check it out, at least. The source material's got mixed reviews, but having an actual writer and their best director on board should /hopefully/ count for something.

What about Saijonji?

Saionji's a tricky one, because it's hard to feel sympathy for someone whose actions are as consistently awful as his, and yet his story is basically defined by continuous failure and disappointment. He's an ugly person, but his ugliness is a symptom. The only relationship he seems to really, truly value is Touga's friendship - but he constantly frames that as something he wishes would /last/, not something he wishes would /grow/. Meaning he might be considered someone similar to Nanami - someone who, for the vast majority of the series, is terrified of the changes of adolescence, terrified of losing the relationships he knew were pure and simple and beyond question. And he lashes out, and he does vicious things, and he plays by the rules of the game he's been put into. And he stays at Touga's side, maybe hoping he can prove he's the right kind of person and things won't have to change after all. He is almost certainly the /weakest/ person in Revolutionary Girl Utena. And if the world were different, things would be better for him - maybe he wouldn't feel pressured to express strength through dominance, or maybe he's actually gay, and would feel more free to admit and be comfortable with that, instead of just mirroring Touga's behavior.

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Liked by: Rose Bridges

What do you think of Jury from Revolutionary Girl Utena?

She's awesome. One of my favorite characters in the show - maybe my third favorite, after Nanami and Utena? Nanami's my favorite of the characters, but outside of her devastating final one, Jury has my favorite /arcs/. I love her character design. I love her attitude, I love her pride. I love that she's managed to really own the system without either buying into it entirely (in the way Nanami must) or sidestepping it through both confidence and naivete (like Utena largely does). I love that she seems like the show's one true classic knight, and makes that look poignant and glamorous as fuck. I love that moment she has near the end of the first arc, after Utena's lost her confidence in her own personality. When Utena finally goes back to claim her "self," Jury is the one waiting there to give her a sword. Because Jury knows what it's like. Jury's fantastic.

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Liked by: Rose Bridges

just finished watchin chuunibyou Ren, oh god, why they had to ruin such a good show :( why does this even happen?

kyoani live to torment us. no hope, no hope.

@guy who's presuming one person is trying to single bobduh out for liking Nabokov.. I'm the one who pointed out Nabokov's homophobia (fun fact), but I didn't ask the asshole question. I think Nabokov's prose is, as bobduh put, "fuckinggorgeous." Not tryna lower Nabokov as a writer, don't assume so


I wasn't blaming Nabokov for critics getting his books wrong, and I'm unsure how Rose got that out of "Yeah, people can write cool stuff and still have shitty opinions, for example x."

Uh, okay, no harm no-

OOOHHHH I just understood why that interpretation is ridiculous... I was assuming that he was referring to Lolita as a weak adult and Humbert as a corrupt child, because my mind couldn't make sense of an interpretation where Humbert was the one getting exploited

Yeah, no, that perspective is like "pedophilia apologism." That guy must really have a grudge against Nabokov. It's definitely... hold on, there's someone on the other line.

I don't know why that person is blaming Nabokov for his critics getting his book wrong. Nabokov clearly and repeatedly condemned that interpretation of Lolita.

Rose Bridges
Dunno! I haven't read /that/ much about Nabokov's own thoughts, but I've read enough to know he certainly didn't intend Lolita to be a condemnation of scandalous children.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Why is that person singling out your admiration of Nabokov specifically when all those writers have their issues? McCarthy has written some pretty sexist shit, I'm pretty sure Marquez is a pedo, etc. Are they not aware that you can admire someone's work without liking them as a person?

I'm not sure? I wouldn't knock someone /else/ for being unable to enjoy an artist's work because they despise the artist personally, but yeah, a condemnation of an artist doesn't invalidate their art.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Dude was also pretty sexist. Reminds me of Robertson Davies, who wrote some really interesting novels, but thought Lolita was about ""not the corruption of an innocent child by a cunning adult, but the exploitation of a weak adult by a corrupt child."

Sorry. Not sure what coherent response you can actually make to a statement like that. WOW.

oreshura is one of those /really/ bad romcom harem shows that doesn't really do much. not even worth touching.

Yeah, that's the impression I got from people who either liked or disliked it.

What do you personally get out of discussing shows with people? Is it seeing a flurry of different opinions on the show complementing your own? A simple joy of sharing the hobby with people?

When I'm talking on twitter or whatnot, it's generally just sharing the hobby and bouncing ideas. In my actual posts, it's hopefully introducing people to new perspectives or helping them enjoy their media more. Or just entertaining people and making them happy, I guess. I'm happy when something I make makes someone happy.

Isn't Nabokov an asshole?

I don't think he thinks very highly of humanity, at least. I don't really know anything about him personally, though.

Which writer has the best prose?

Nabokov, Marquez, Shakespeare, and Faulkner would be my picks, I guess. Woolf and McCarthy also have great prose.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Any thoughts on Homestuck?

Not really. It's an interesting reflection of the stuff I was talking about in the Madoka essay, but I haven't read much of it.

does caffeine make you go insane ?

I don't really notice its effects, and I don't drink coffee because I don't want to get addicted to it, which would probably happen within like a week of trying it.

"Where the f*** is code geass?!?" It's happening. There's no stopping them now.

YEEEP. I'm sure they'll be joined by Bacanno and Gurren Lagann whenever they fall off, too.

Brave New World or Nineteen Eighty-Four? (the nerdy literature questions continue!)

Nineteen Eighty-Four by a mile. That's one of my favorite books, whereas Brave New World is kind of more interesting in what it reveals about Huxley's weirdly puritan social attitudes. Although Soma is a wonderful word that I have gotten endless use out of.


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