

Ask @B0bduh

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Big fan of your writing. I've actually become a way bigger fan of Anime since stumbling over your top 30 list. Madoka Magic, holy fuck man, who would have ever thought. Anyway, my question is how come you've never reviewed any of the Fullmetal Alchemist series?

Haven't watched them. I'm actually watching the original series now.

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Apologies if you've been asked this already but: when and how did you get into anime? In addition, when and how did you get into anime blogging?

I used to watch stuff like DBZ and Outlaw Star on Toonami after school. I think that's true of a fair number of people in my generation, so it's a shame the afternoon Toonami block died. As for blogging, I got into that about a year and a half ago - I was already posting episodic reflections on reddit, and someone mentioned that I should probably be archiving them or something. So I made a blog!
My first essay was on how Nisemonogatari is brilliant and if you don't like it you have shit taste. It's been all downhill from there.

Are the Madoka Magica movies worth watching even if you are perfectly content with the show?

The first two are a skippable redo of the series itself - they're pretty, but have weird cuts and (in my opinion) worse music. The third isn't really a coherent continuation of the series, but it's a gorgeous little production - kind of like a beautiful fanfiction of the original series. I'd recommend checking it out, but I don't really connect it to the series itself.

Are the later episodes of Hunter X Hunter good enough to make you consider moving the show higher on your top list? I'm only slightly into the Yorknew City arc and I'm interested in whether or not the later episodes of HXH are being overhyped or not.

Yep. If Chimera Ant stays this good, I may knock it up a few spots.

Have you seen the Masaaki Yuasa directed episode of Adventure Time, or any Adventure Time for that matter?

I've seen a decent number of episodes and have enjoyed them, but I haven't seen the Yuasa one.

Has anyone ever changed your mind about a series for the worse, by pointing out flaws? (I think you've said before that people have changed your mind by showing what value others might find in a series...)

Yeah, definitely. I feel like it goes in both directions a lot for me - for a current example, the various comments on my Rebellion piece are definitely making me reconsider how much of its final impact was actually intended. It obviously focuses on Homura's "selfish love" at the end, but I'd figured it was more or less accidentally through that a comment on communal culture. But a lot of people are saying they actually feel that's the message the film led them to, so I dunno.
It's tricky with art - so much of its thematic power is based in a million diffused tricks of aesthetic mood-creation and storytelling, and even the expectations you enter a work with will deeply color your initial impressions, which will in turn be a pivot point for your later ones. Would I have found Rebellion inherently effective in that message if I hadn't entered the theater assuming it would attempt to be a coherent sequel? Quite possibly - I probably had fewer expectations when first watching 3.33, and I actually /like/ 3.33's anger a whole lot, so perhaps a different mindset would have lead to a different film experience. All we can do is try to make sense of the intersection between our own experience and the material art provides.

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who is your favorite red head in anime?

Normally I don't answer the best girl-style questions, but this question makes me imagine some kind of crazy duel between Asuka and Juri, and that is awesome.

Did you ever openly start internet arguments like the kind you complain about recently? Or did you never go through that phase?

Occasionally, and I pretty much always ended up regretting it in very short order. A couple of the times I've convinced myself to do that in the past have been when the original post is something like "all you people are shitty idiots for liking this show" - that used to make me annoyed enough to respond, but what are you actually going to accomplish by talking to a person who'd say that?
I've always been a person who pretty much hates confrontation though, so I didn't really have much of a fight-picking phase. I was definitely much more of an elitist prick in the past, but I've hopefully outgrown most of that.

Just finished The Tatami Galaxy, it was delicious, like feeling the fresh spring breeze on my face on a sunday morning, can you recommend me a show like that besides utena, katanagatari, eva and madoka

The top end of my list has a bunch like that! FLCL, Kyousogiga, Ping Pong.

What was the narrative/thematic point to the death in Aldnoah episode 2?

Like this one - is it one of those "what about THIS dramatic choice GOTCHA NOW UROBUCHI" questions, a /parody/ of those kinds of questions, or an earnest question?
Incidentally, if it IS the last one, I apologize, and would say "it was a standard dramatic choice that aided the stakes of that conflict, fell in line with everything else the episode was doing, and further revealed the emotional disconnect of the protagonist." But I am not going to continue doing this for every single detail in every single Urobuchi show.

Out of curiosity, what kind of Urobuchi criticism do you tend to agree with? Something you totally understand that makes other people dislike his works.

That his characters are really talky, and often used partially as vehicles for ideas. That he's very fond of big speeches. And that there's a kind of emotional distance in his work that makes many people not really connect with it. That one I don't personally get at all, but it comes up often enough articulated in different guises that it seems to be something fundamental about his writing.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

It was a parody of Rorico drone Urobuchi criticisms. I wanted a witty reply, man!

Sorry Anon, it is impossible to tell a parody of Urobuchi criticism from an earnest one.

What made Barakamon ep 2 weaker than the first one?

It felt really rushed and the humor was more anime-generic.

I bet the commenters on your top shows list really agree with your blog title.

If any of them read it...

What are the theological implications of the Endless Eight episodes in Haruhi?

That KyoAni is a cruel and whimsical god.
Liked by: Hitokiri

What are your favourite OPs in terms of the combination of visuals and music?

Some of the Monogatari ones are amazing on that front - the ones for Tsubasa Phoenix, Nadeko Medusa, and Hitagi End are particular favorites of mine. I think both Kino's Journey and Spice and Wolf pick tremendously good "journey songs" to go with their visual OP narratives. Kids on the Slope has the cast friggin' jamming out to the song itself, which is nice. Shiki's first OP is /perfect/ - the visuals aren't that unusual, but the song's camp-horror Misfits sound is exactly what that show needs. Tank is obviously great. Yuasa shows pretty much all have great OPs (like Watanabe, he seems to be a guy who values sound particularly highly in his productions). Baccano's OP is great, as is the first Penguindrum one. Psycho-Pass's second one kind of apes the Tank style, but does it /very successfully/.
I'm really just rattling off ones I like at this point. Generally I just like OPs with a cohesive style and "point" to them, that hopefully match the song's genre visually and play off its tempo and percussion in an effective way.

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