

Ask @B0bduh

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I started watching "Love Live!" and despite how much I actually really like it, it just feels weird to me that the concerts tend to be the worst part of the show, mostly due to CG models, but the performances also tend to feel distanced from the stuff going on in the show. Thoughts?

Daniel England
You're right! There's not really much else to say there - the CG models are offputting and the performances almost always feel completely disconnected from the show proper. There's one specific performance in the second season that overcomes that issue, but overall it's mainly just kind of impressive that a show about an idol group is enjoyable in spite of the idol performances themselves being kinda crap.

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Wait GuP is a sports show? I thought it was about tanks?

It exists in a world where group battles with tanks are a major club activity at high schools, and thus different schools have tank-fighting sports teams. So even though it's about tanks, it basically plays out as a traditional sports show.
Liked by: Eelz Paul Chapman

What is girls und panzer not good at lol

Not much! It's not a show that's rich in characters or themes or anything, but it doesn't try to be - it wants to be a propulsive and consistently engaging sports/action show, and it succeeds at that far more consistently than most anime. If you're watching anime purely to have fun, it's possibly the best show of the past several years.

Can you think of any other anime that handle conflict the way JoJo and Hunter x Hunter do? I really like that "combat as two people doing a puzzle against eachother" thing.

Girls und Panzer is also good about that.

Where do you tend to get your news from? Do you regularly watch news channels or read a newspaper or does most of it come from the internet?

The internet. Traditional news channels give you an extremely strange vertical slice of information - one soundbite on a political speech, one hot story tonight, one interest piece featuring a very talented dog.

What does being a vampire stand for in the context of monogatari?

Araragi is extremely self-destructive (something facilitated by his very limited powers), which makes him a huge emotional burden on the people who care about him, and may ultimately leave him all alone if he continues to be that way. That is Araragi's vampirism.

I've seen you lover a show for most of its run, then complain about how it fell apart. But has a show ever successfully pulled itself back together from that and proved to be as good as you initially hoped?

I guess Samurai Flamenco would possibly be an example of this? There were certainly some stretches in its middle acts where it seemed like it was just rambling in circles, and its aesthetic execution also kinda felt apart, but it really pulled together by the end.

What do you think about the finished versions of Dagashi Kashi's OP and ED? I was looking forward to hearing your opinion on them (especially the ED) but you didn't mention them in your episode review.

They're alright? I didn't really have much of an opinion on either of them - just felt like a standard OP and ED to me. ERASED easily has the ED of the season, and the OP is between that and Rakugo, with KonoSuba getting an honorable mention just for that stupid thumbs-up moment.

So up here in Canada, the first person ever to be charged with criminal harassment due to twitter-stalking was just found not guilty. The ruling sort of made sense (apparently there wasn't evidence he knew it was harassment), but the response from MRAs has been... predictably petulant. ...Hug?

Yeah, I just saw this tweet about it:
These people are dangerous, and it's incredibly frustrating that the justice system hasn't yet caught up with them. I hope things improve soon.

Wasn't SAO prone to melodrama (I know that's a catch-all word, but I don't know how to phrase it exactly) like all those faces and noises of the rapey villain from the second arc? Is that separate from direction? Is it okay to hope EXILED will play its hand deftly and without over-dramatisation?

I think ERASED has already indulged in some over-dramatisation - the abusive mom making an evil villain smile and is not what I'd consider a subtle choice, for example. But it's true that SAO was much, much more over the top, and that is a concern, but it may also come down to differences in source material and intended audience.

Is that the Flowers of Evil manga I see on your shelf? Have you read it?

It is, and not yet. Flowers of Evil isn't exactly the most happy funtimes experience, so I haven't been burning to revisit it. I definitely do need to read it at some point, though.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Did you ever think about reviewing Berserk before you started reviewing as a job? I'd pay for you to review it myself, but I am the archetypal college student with no paying job or money :(

Not really. Berserk doesn't inherently seem like my kind of thing - ultraviolence or gritty machismo generally turn me off of something unless they feel really purposeful.
Not to say Berserk is just those things, that's just what it looks like at a glance, and so I don't feel compelled to investigate further.

do you watch Steven Universe?

Yep! It's a pretty great show, and I'm really loving how powerful of a metaphor fusions are turning out to be in the second season. I still need to catch up on it, though.
Liked by: Another Bystander

If the fake iM@S movie trailers actually got full OVAs or something, would you watch them?

I'd watch them, but I doubt they'd be very good. Part of the joke of those trailers is that the actual movies look completely incoherent and ridiculous, and part of the appeal is that they also look totally beautiful. That joke would be much less funny stretched out over an actual story, and it's extremely unlikely they'd look that good for a full OVA.

Why is it that when talking about anime or any other forms of entertainment that people mostly only want to talk about the plot and how good/original it is instead of discussing the other elements that bring it all together?

Because most people don't think of other elements as being as important as they are, and/or don't have the vocabulary to really discuss them.
Which isn't to say these people are "dumb" or anything - it's just that most people don't spend a whole lot of time actively thinking about the construction of media, and so their criticisms will reflect that. Just like how my critiques of a car or a football team would be pretty superficial, because I don't really have any knowledge about cars or football.

After watching Turn A Gundam, are you interested in watching other Gundam series or at least Unicorn (I would love to hear your thought about it)?

Yeah, definitely. I'd like to watch the original series at some point, and I've also heard good things about Unicorn.

Does it bother you when mostly teenage cast behaves unrealistically adult-like? Especially as opposed to shows like Oregairu that point out how teenagers mostly have no idea what being an adult means and just hide their insecurities either by using cynicism or copying speech patterns and mannerisms?

In some cases, but not as a general rule. Many shows that feature teenage casts are not necessarily /about/ being teenagers, and so it's somewhat less important that the show give them believable mannerisms and rich internal lives. It really just depends on the goals of the show, and what it wants us to care about.
Liked by: Another Bystander


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