

Ask @B0bduh

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Do you think Kyousuke defended Kirino's hobby from their father for better or worse? How did you feel about how their father ended up punching his son in response?

Every character in that show was designed in such an audience-focused way that I find it tough to critique their individual actions in terms of how they'd be judged as human behavior. They all exist more or less purely to validate Kirino and the audience by proxy.

how would you write episode's laugh. also how does it score on a 1/10 scale

that fucking laugh. I can't believe they didn't even animate his face, those ridiculous trolls

i think that maybe some of the tonal problems that you have with sangatsu no lion might be better dealt with in the manga--would you ever read it?

I wouldn't doubt it at all - from what I've heard, the problems of the adaptation are basically the eternal problem of adapting manga comedy to anime. Gags that just take place in a small aside in manga form end up dominating the whole screen for extended seconds, leading to tonal disconnect and much worse comedic timing. I might check out the manga at some point, but I'm really appreciating all of the other things the show is doing, so I'm okay with that tradeoff here.
Liked by: Eelz Erin Sullivan

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Do you like the national? One of their songs called 'this is the last time' is really good

Yeah, they're fantastic. I actually saw them at a festival in Boston a little while back - they were excellent live, and really shone in a massive venue. They're also a band that continue to innovate and polish their craft with every single record - I've loved their work since Alligator, but that was a huge leap over their prior material, and they've improved steadily since. They absolutely deserve their success.
Incidentally, while I recommend everything from Alligator onwards, they've also got a handful of really great early tracks. Here's two I like:
https://youtu.be/2y4GAWEyQ6AB0bduh’s Video 139025154602 2y4GAWEyQ6AB0bduh’s Video 139025154602 2y4GAWEyQ6A
https://youtu.be/96W5CCqdT74B0bduh’s Video 139025154602 96W5CCqdT74B0bduh’s Video 139025154602 96W5CCqdT74

princess tutu is so good honestly.. it's definitely worth checking out! the name is unfortunate but the series itself is so clever and kind and seems like it has a lot in it you'd like

It's on my shortlist! I've heard countless good things about it, so I'll definitely get to it at some point.

Were you able to see Kizumonogatari Pt. 2 this weekend? If so, what did you think? Thank you for your time!

I'll be seeing it tomorrow!

On the topic of judging a show. Which way should we engage with it then? Most people don't have the time to write countless words on it. And summarizing one's opinion with a simple statistic as a helping tool seems ideal to people with medium amount of time. How should others judge it then?

My opinion on a show is rarely "five," and I doubt that's true of most other people either. There's no right way to enjoy a show, but reducing your thoughts to that feels like doing a disservice to your own experience. I think it's both more satisfying and more useful in a "learning to parse media" sense to instead just discuss what you found interesting about a show, in a positive or negative way.

If your next birthday cake had a Cinderella Girl printed on it, which one would you want?

Nana Abe was probably my favorite character from the actual series, but Kaede's definitely my favorite Cinderella Girl. Loves drinks and bad jokes, too old for this shit.

hey nick i'm seeing some people say yuri on ice isn't queerbaiting and is genuinely gay but i don't know what to believe.. what do you think?

I think arguing over where a show falls in the problematic representation games is a very dicey proposition, and that it's ultimately far more important whether a show's portrayal of its characters and relationships speaks to you personally. Just like how a show can't please everyone at once through its storytelling, we're all going to have different takes on how it relates to its social context. That's normal and valid, but I'd caution against basing your impression of a show's progressiveness on the words of either its haters or superfans, who will naturally be inclined to reinforce their feelings with "plus it's socially good/bad." Media is complicated, and these arguments are complicated too - the only way you really lose out is by taking any one perspective as gospel. Consider everyone's perspective, think about what resonates with your experience, and be careful of turning your feelings into a weapon!

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Have you seen/do you plan to watch Fune wo Amu/The Great Passage? It seems to have premiered just after ANN's preview week(s) ended.

Not yet, but I definitely plan to. I've heard terrific things about its first episode.

Man that is one thing I've discovered about academia — professional writers/thinkers have the best intra-group formally-worded insults lobbed around.

It's a blessing and a curse, lol. I think I'm actually a lot better at being wittily mean than I am at being nice, and I'm not a naturally positive person, but I try to avoid leaning into that if at all possible. I've deleted a lot of anime criticism, but I've possibly deleted even more personal takedowns written in anger. I pretty much always regret all the mean stuff I actually do post...

Why can't all voice acting in anime be as natural-sounding as Kumiko in Eupho 2 instead of overacting or weird, exaggerated vocalisms we're usually getting?

I guess it's what the audience wants/is used to? We get the same thing in dubs as well, but I don't really know where it comes from in either case.

Just want to notify you that your Week in Review 2 post's Yuri on Ice paragraph is accidentally in an entirely different font and formatting.

Interesting. I don't actually see that, but I know the cause - I wrote that blurb in the Wordpress editor, while all the others got copied over. Wordpress is a crafty animal!

What's your favorite K-On song? I really like My Love Is A Stapler!

Definitely U & I. Their performance of that one at the school festival really gets to me.

Given the state of the party and electoral map, is it at all possible we never have a Republican president again?

Very unlikely. Democrats have been hoping demographics will eventually result in an unbroken dynasty for a long time, but a less toxic republican with all of Trump's meaningful policy positions could still have very easily won this race. It is very likely that neither party will learn much of anything from this election, which won't necessarily pull the needle either way - republicans will still pander to their old white male base, and democrats will still combine lukewarm progressive discourse with centrist economic policy and aggressive foreign policy.
But at some point, republicans will have to broaden their tent, and I frankly don't think they'll have a difficult time doing it. If they abandon (or at least significantly dampen) their racist rhetoric and instead hammer more heavily on socially conservative kinds of hate, they could easily pick up a bunch of the minority votes that democrats count on. Black and Hispanic communities (or more specifically, heavily religious communities) trend towards conservative social policy when it comes to stuff like LGBT issues - if that becomes the deciding difference between the parties, I could easily see a republican resurgence. Conservative policy doesn't entirely have to mean white policy.

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Idk why but 50% I access your ask through mobile it auto goes to a spam site

Very weird! Not sure what might cause that - is anyone else having this problem?
Liked by: dav Rm

Re: http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answers/138970640682?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=answer_own#_=_ I meant that putting a concrete score on something makes you consider the shows worth for whoever is scoring it. Otherwise, you may end up judging it on a gut feeling alone.

I don't think scores are a good way of indicating a show's worth anyway, and think that a show's "worth" is already a somewhat meaningless concept. I actually think trying to label shows by numbers and categories leads to far more bad critical habits than good ones. Readers demand scores and rankings, but they are the least useful way of engaging with media.
Liked by: DIGITAL@MUGI Eelz

Wow watching Euphonium makes me feel like I'm leisurely reading a book

Yeah, it's paced more like an indie drama film than a conventional anime, somewhat like Tamako Love Story. Which is really nice to see! It's generally a good thing when anime takes inspiration from outside of anime, and KyoAni's best works exemplify a more film-fluent approach to storytelling than most anime.

have you played journey? i think it's one of the best video games in existence. i thought i'd rec it in case you didn't already know it. it seems like something you'd find interesting

I have! And you're right, it's easily one of the best games I've played in recent memory. Just a lovely experience all around.

Any plans to revisit Berserk? The first episode is misleading enough that it's practically a different show and the character writing later on is excellent.

Not really. Nothing about it really appeals to me, and I've got far too many shows I actually want to get to already.


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