

Ask @B0bduh

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Hyouka > Euphonium?

That was my feeling upon finishing Euphonium, and my Hyouka rewatch is so far bearing that out.

What did you think of Titus Andronicus's latest album?

I actually didn't know it existed, and dear lord, this thing is ninety minutes long. I've got a lot of listening to do.

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You ranked Idolm@ster above the busters, is it really that good?, i've watched K-on and it was fluffy-fun and LoveLive was meh, compared to those, what makes idolm@ster diferent

Idolmaster is really good. You can check out my review if you want, or just watch the show.

What was the reason for Kids on the Slope being bumped down so far down the top 30 list?

It hasn't stuck in my memory all that well compared to other shows in that region.

those pics on your twitter feed, what anime are from?

If you're talking about the images I posted today, they're from Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade

What did you think of Saya no Uta?

I'm waiting to continue it until I get a working set of computer headphones, because it's apparently not a game I should play with my desk speakers.

I want to like/favorite/apply-a-gold-star-sticker to one of your answers, but I can't find the button to do so anymore. Is that because of ask.fm's metamorphosis or something you did?

I haven't changed any of my settings, so it must be due to the ask.fm update. Other people are still liking/favoriting my answers though, so it's definitely still possible.

why is tvtropes bad?

It's not really good or bad, but mistaking a database of tropes for actual criticism is not the best idea. TVTropes divorces media elements from the full context they need to be meaningfully critiqued as choices. It's closer to fanfiction than criticism - a way of reframing media according to some secondary fan interest (in this case, attempting to slot the complex and interdependent components that make up narratives into the database system, which is normally incredibly reductive and misleading).

When I was young, I thought small, intimate fiction was too mundane and not cut from the same cloth as larger-than-life stories, which I assumed took more effort and imagination. Did you ever feel that way? How did you grow more egalitarian?

I definitely did. I think there are a couple reasons I've trended more towards smaller stuff, beyond just "I've discovered my individual tastes often prefer personal, intimate narratives." First, I think it's generally true that young people on the whole prefer lots of bombast in their storytelling. And second, I think the more you get involved in any discipline, the more you begin to appreciate subtlety of execution. And so where I originally preferred themes and character beats that loudly declared themselves, I'm now just as happy with smaller moments that do the same thing, because I'm more attuned to the specifics of the storytelling.
Of course, my favorite movie when I was sixteen was like, Sideways. So maybe I've always been weird that way.

Has you view of Kyoani changed or is it that Kyoani has evolved since your initial encounters with it?

When I made those comments, I was both less amenable to a lot of the stuff KyoAni does and had just gotten off a streak of watching Free!->Kyoukai no Kanata->Chuunibyou Ren, all of which were very disappointing. So it's a bit of both.
Liked by: Christos Anastos

When people ask why you watch anime (besides writing for ANN), how do you respond?

Because I like animation, have always enjoyed anime, and think it's a really cool medium that often tells the kinds of stories I want to see with a great deal of creator personality.
Liked by: Another Bystander

Now that its on Steam, have you been thinking of buying Xrd?

Not really. I actually would like to buy Xrd, but I'd only buy it if the fighting game players who I actually know (aka Dan and Neil) would be willing to play it, and Neil is unfortunately pretty biased against 2D fighters.
I know. It's ridiculous. But that's how it is right now.

Bobduh on KyoAni: "this show is bad in ways so indicative of what they usually do that I’m just considering them a bad studio from now on. They don’t create characters, they create devices. They don’t create relationships, they create bait."

Aw dang, opinions change whoaaa

I remember you saying before that you probably wouldn't enjoy reading the monogatari LNs, have you changed your mind, or are you still on the fence?

Based on Kizu, I wouldn't be against it, but I'm not really compelled to. It doesn't look like I'd have a problem with the prose, though - Kizu's prose is far better than what I'm used to from checking out LNs in the past, and is actually very smooth. But I don't really feel a need to check out the same story in another medium, particularly since I really like what the anime adds to the material.

Araragi and some of other characters seem to grow metaphorically through the release order. How can that growth be reconciled when you think of the series chronologically?

I'll actually be talking about this in Wednesday's week in review!

Have you picked up Kizumonogatari yet/read any of it/etc.? I am dying to read your words, Bob.

I've picked it up but have not yet read it. I'm hoping to get to it this coming week.
Liked by: Pablo Romero


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