

Ask @B0bduh

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hey can i ask why you listed umi and kotori as bad? also have you seen anything in common with people and their favourite love live girls? i've noticed all the nozomi stans are very sad and deserve hugs. and eli stans don't exist

Because both of them are fairly static characters used for simple gags and hackneyed drama (Kotori more in the first season, Umi more in the second). It's not so much I "dislike" them as I think the show didn't make good use of either of them.
Us Nozomi fans are indeed a sad bunch! Other characters are a little harder to map, though I'd say Rin fans love shittweeting, Honoka fans still believe there is joy in the world, and liking Nico is more a matter of liking good writing than having a specific personality type. Nico is just good.

Would you increase Hachiman's relatability by considering the fact that most of his problems is technically a form of PTSD from his past? It is mentioned plenty of times that he wasn't rotten a long time ago. Do you think the argument is valid?

Not really. I think his situation is both not abnormal and also reasonably sympathetic in its own right - he's a bitter kid who had bad social experiences and now frames his bitterness as wisdom in order to use it as a defense mechanism. There are millions of kids like that out there, and they could all use a hug.
Liked by: Shahzeb Mangi

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Are you gonna come around to watch Medaka Box anytime? Nisio Isin should be enticing to an extent.

I'll probably read it eventually.
Liked by: Eelz

Do you consider it helpful to keep a MAL or something similar when it comes to being a critic? Since it forces one to think more about the shows meaning to the individual.

Not really sure what you mean by the second sentence here.

Thoughts on all the backlash is Keijo!!!!!!!! getting?

If this is about that one kotaku article, I'm not sure I'd call that "backlash" (unless you're making a butt pun, in which case Nice).
Keijo is a goofy fanservice show aimed directly at its intended audience - if you're starting your fight for improved representation there, you're setting yourself up for failure. Bemoaning the mere existence of fanservice shows for either gender is basically the strawman feminism gamers wish defined feminism in general. And there are infinitely better arguments to be made against fanservice in more general audience shows (like how it destroys storytelling and hobbles the potential appeal of the medium) anyway.

Sooo have we reached the point where what Eupho needs to take its excellence to the next level this season is... butts???

Nah, the other shows can handle the butts quota. I was actually extremely relieved to see Eupho's pool episode wasn't really a pool episode at all!

What did you think of the latest Jojo episode?

Utterly dominated by Rohan's fantastic personality, thus making up for the fact that this three cours schedule has given the production zero room to breathe.

Do you think you could summarise how your behavioour towards media has changed in the last year or so? Assuming it has changed much, at least.

I'm not sure it really has. I suppose I've continued my general trend towards being accepting of/celebrating diverse show goals, and also gotten even more skeptical of criticism that attempts to establish the final word on what a show "means," but those were already existing trends for me.

Is there any deeper meaning to the fact that KEIJO was rated 3+ by all the men but 1.5 by the female on ANN?

It certainly seems like you're trying to invent one! But I've personally rated both girl smut and boy smut highly and lowly across my time on the preview guide, with the smut for boys often getting my worst scores, so...

I feel like the main problem with time-loop shows like Re:Zero is that the format negates any sense of risk or urgency when the main character has infinite attempts. Madoka found a really neat way to fix that problem, but is there something I'm missing that should make Re:Zero more compelling?

Theoretically, your attachment to the feelings of the characters should carry you through issues like that, and the narrative structure should avoid any repetition of stuff that isn't newly meaningful the second time. But I never got far enough into Re:Zero to really gauge that, because I found the cast repellent.

What do you think about the argument that the fact that Reigen had to borrow Mob's powers to make his point against Claw invalidates his point and maybe even prove that Claw was right?

It's certainly a serious sticking point with both of ONE's shows - that for all their rhetoric about strength not being what's ultimately important, strength ends up being pretty dang important. I wouldn't say that "proves Claw is right" so much as it proves ONE isn't the greatest writer, but either way, it's a very valid complaint.

Okay Bobduh, the world needs to know. Aqours, favorite to least favorite!

Aw jeez. This is tough, since there aren't really any straight-up bad Aqours like Umi or Kotori. But I will try!
In retrospect, the bottom four are kinda interchangeable, making them the Bad Aqours Bracket. But every character got at least some good material, and Kanan in particular was a victim of circumstance - all she really got to do was act moody this season.

Do you take notes while watching shows, or directly after? Is there a process for connecting your thoughts before getting into fuller elaborations?

I generally take notes while watching. Even if I don't scan through all of them, that helps me get my central thoughts more clearly sorted in my head, which I'll then push around and format into some sort of outline before writing a longer piece.

Do you like traveling? What's one country you'd absolutely love to visit?

I didn't think I liked traveling, but I actually still miss Italy ever since that family trip in the spring. I'd unsurprisingly love to visit Japan, but I'd also like to see France, Australia, India... all sorts of places. Feel free to fund any sightseeing trips through Patreon :P

Since you just reviewed Kokoro Connect, maybe you want to research on "Ijime Connect" which is an issue of bullying that happened within the staffs of the series.

I actually learned about that while it was airing. Some truly despicable stuff.

Senpai, now that youve seen almost every premiere, whats worth watching this season?

I'll have my full retrospective up on Wednesday, which will be categorizing and ranking every dang thing! So far my top three are Yuri, Eupho, and March, but there's plenty to dig into beyond that.
Liked by: GJ Corban

What are your favorite Love Live (muse, aqours) songs?

Carl Isaiah Tanksley
Snow Halation is the only Love Live song I've found particularly compelling. Idolmaster is the only idol franchise that I've felt has particularly strong music.
Liked by: FrostyP

Why was the p**** video the last straw for the republicans now calling for Trump to drop out? Is it really much worse than Curiel, or the Khans, or McCain, or calling Mexicans rapists and murders?

The only real difference is that this was theoretically aimed at a group the republicans consider human beings - white women. They can't even pretend to care about people who aren't part of their core demographic, and even here, much of the condemnation is expressed as "as a husband/father/etc," ie "as someone with a vested interest in one particular woman."

"It insults my intelligence" is a phrase which is on fire right now. Do you consider the new fad helpful for criticizing a show? Or is it just a silly alternative to calling a show stupid while still seeming like a critic?

Seems like a lazy and condescending phrase to me, though I rarely see it outside of pompous forum comments, so I'm not sure where exactly this fire is at.

Do you ever drink while watching anime these days or do you always watch anime sober?

I generally drink with friends, but I'll sometimes watch something like JoJo while drinking. I don't drink while watching stuff I need to write about, though.
Liked by: GJ Corban

What are some fanservice shows you actually enjoy? As in liking the fanservice in said show, not just a show you like which happens to have fanservice irrelevant to your opinion in it. This should serve as good reference for understanding your overall opinion on the subject.

I don't watch shows for fanservice. It's just not something I want in my shows, unless it's in-character or being used to make some larger point. And it's questionable whether you'd call sexual content fanservice at all in those situations - I generally think of fanservice as something that's intrusive, not something that's central to a show's dramatic goals.
I do like shows with cute/sexy characters or whatnot, but it drags me out of the show if they start "performing sexuality" for the audience, or are leered at by the camera in a way that doesn't serve the show's central goals.


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