

Ask @B0bduh

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Are you going to watch the debate tonight? What do you think about the nature of American campaign season? I think it's like a circus, but its not fun or funny because holy shit these people run our country.

Yeah, it's just really depressing. These debates make me wish this country were less important, but these people could actually destroy the world. And it's not like they just appear out of nowhere - the absurdity of the current contenders is dictated by what a substantial portion of this country actually believes. It's just sad reminders and terrifying prospects all around.

Your write-ups are always fun to read! Keep them up and Jia you. I really respect the way you write and am always glad for your insight, especially for owarimonogatari this season; I often miss a few details here and there.

Thank you! I'll try to keep up the work!
Liked by: Another Bystander

What if we found out that there was a 5th person carved into the side of Mt. Rushmore, but it had been lost and covered up for a century... and it was the face of Muhammad?

That would be a super entertaining news week.
Liked by: Bristle Eelz

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What would the sequel to Evangelion be about?

Evangelion doesn't need a sequel - it says what it's trying to say. The sequels we received, the Rebuilds, basically just say "didn't you people get it the first time?!?"

You've said before that your fav character from Madoka is Kyouko, i get why Kyouko is so friggin good but what makes her "better" than the other characters?

I never really find these relative rating questions that useful for engaging with stuff. Kyouko's my favorite, and I've said before what I like about her character. Other people would have other favorites for other reasons.

I know you get this question all the time, but do you think you'll update the Top 30 list soon? I'm mildly curious where Giant Robo, Euphonium, and Paranoia Agent will wind up.

It's actually on my upcoming to-do list now. I think I'm going to wait until the season halfway point, when I'll be sure nothing this season will make the list, and then start on that process.

Should I watch The Adolescence of Utena after the series?

Yep! It's more an alternate version of the story than a sequel, but it's extremely worth watching. Definitely don't watch it until you've finished the series, though.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Are you ever gonna finish Undertale? This game seems like something right up your alley. It's my GOTY hands down. I'm interested in your opinion on the game. IMO it used the fact that it was interactive so well, increasing people's emotional investment in the story

I played another hour tonight. I'm slowly working through it.

Who do you think when you think about prose that is evocative and/or beautiful?

Marquez. Hemingway. Faulkner. Woolf.


Solidly composed but not particularly evocative or beautiful. Like a house that could withstand a storm but isn't much to look at.

I haven't read any Kurt Vonnegut but what do mean by fatigue?

The kind of fatigue you feel when the world's political, economic, and social systems are inhumane on a scale it's difficult to even hold in your mind all at once, and all you can do is write pithy, heartfelt books about it.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

Have you ever watched/read Gintama? If so, what do you think of it? If not, are you ever planning to give it a chance?

I haven't and am not planning on it. "Anime comedy" is one of my biggest warning signs, "plus it's a million episodes" doesn't really sweeten the deal.

What have you read from Vonnegut? Thoughts on him/those novels? Any plans to read more novels from him?

I think I've read most of his books. He was my favorite author a while back, and Hocus Pocus is still one of my favorite novels - he's got this combination of cynicism, optimism, and fatigue that I really relate to. I should probably revisit his hits at some point.
Liked by: Rose Bridges

I'm just here to say that you by no means should end your K-On trip at 1st season. Although for it's first half the 2nd one mostly keeps on being fuwa-fuwa (there's nothing wrong with it though), I couldn’t imagine the movie being as insanely rewarding as it is. Kyoani is a heaven’s gift to us.

I'm definitely not planning on stopping there!

Isnt JoJo Sexist?

I've heard it improves in later arcs, but the first few arcs definitely have some casual sexism. Fortunately I don't watch JoJo for its gender politics.
It's also not generally that meaningful to label something as sexist or not-sexist like that's some sort of off/on switch. Media is more complicated than that, and so should be criticism of that media.

will you be writing about the bbb finale? I found it oddly disappointing but i couldn't really put my finger on what about it i disliked so much

I will almost certainly write about it in some capacity.

Which would you said is the better Jojo arc: Phantom Blood or Stardust Crusaders?

Kinda tough to say. Phantom Blood is much more consistent, but doesn't have the peaks of Stardust Crusader's second half. Overall I think the many lows of Stardust Crusaders put it below Phantom Blood as an arc.

As my understanding of visual language evolves, I find myself analyzing tv shows and movies more, to the detriment of simply enjoying what my eyes see. How do you deal with that? Are you able to switch that part of your brain off when watching something that clearly understands visual storytelling?

I think this works similarly with gaining proficiency in understanding any aesthetic craft, be it visual storytelling or writing or music or whatever. You hit a point where you start feeling actively conscious of the mechanics of what you're consuming, and then you keep on going and that just becomes a natural part of your engagement, that doesn't necessarily dictate your emotional experience of the work.
Liked by: Another Bystander

First episode of Gatchaman Crowds... watched because of your article. ...Haijime REALLY throws me off of the meaningful stuff you talked about. As does the tiny girl in the swimsuit. -_- Is that just part and parcel?

Hajime is super important to what that show is trying to say - in fact, I get the feeling reactions to that show center on feelings about her more than anything else. But I've also heard many people who later enjoyed it were put off by the first episode, so I'd give it a couple more to see if it/she grows on you.
Utsutsu is Utsutsu. She actually ends up having a pretty solid arc and some nice scenes with Hajime.

Why is Kino your favorite character? Kino no Tabi didn't seem like a character focused show, at least to me.

Kino's not my favorite character, but I like Kino because I think she embodies some excellent human qualities. She's like Hajime, more an icon character than an arc-driven character.


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