

Ask @BasetRad

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heard a beautiful khutbah at Eid prayer today. he said, "do not feel sorry for that going on in Gaza, for they have more reason to feel sorry for us." us living around the world comfortably, happily with a blessed family and living conditions have "secured" faith. we have every reason to have a strong level of faith and have nothing interfering with it. those in Gaza are being tested. they have been tested for as long as we can remember. yet through all that they are going through, they remain faithful and know that this is a test. despite their conditions, they still partake in Eid prayer. yet if something as simple as us being laid off from work or our loved ones becoming sick we tend to ask, "where is our Lord?" so on this blessed day, don't forget to count your blessings and pray the same for all world wide. a blessed Eid to all countries, not one over the other and a blessed day to all Non-Muslims who are open minded to all being said.

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Is it right for Hamas to hide their weaponry behind the civilians they claim to want to protect? Is it right for Hamas to use civilians as human shields? Israel is defending their people from the relentless attacks from Hamas. #prayforisrael

Okay lets talk about this human meat shields myth.
Over 1 million people are in this little area barely 25 miles long.
Israel is firing straight into this densely populated area willy nilly.
80% of the deaths are civilians.
I know of no other country that could get away with killing 800 civilians in one week and blame it on them.
Where are they supposed to go, really?
The question “when does it become a legitimate military target?” is merely rhetorical. Its real meaning is: “All houses in Gaza are legitimate targets” since all houses are potentially non-homes.
In contemporary asymmetric urban wars, accusing the enemy of using human shields helps validate the claim that the death of ”untargeted civilians” is merely collateral damage. When all civilians are potential human shields, when each and every civilian can become a hostage of the enemy, then all enemy civilians become killable.

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Do the percentage like thing?

This what you mean?
Get liking
1% = OMG
2% = Fuck off !
3% = Oh my word -.-.
4% = Hahahahahaha :D
5% = You are not serious are you ?
6% = Shit you are ugly.
7% = I am not gonna say anything...
8% = Fugly face
9%= Oh oh oh looking bad !
10% = I would never go out like that.
11% = What do you think by walking around like this?
12% = You can`t be serious.
13% = Pleeease change ur looks
14% = Maybe next time
15% = You better look more often in the mirror to see how ugly you are
16% = Go hang urself!
17% = Looks awful.
18% = Difficult with you...
19% = Mhhh....
20% = Ugly.
21% = Look at you :D
22% = Look in the mirror then you know why you only have 22 % :D
23% = There is no hope for you...
24% = Shit still doesn`t look good !
25% = What could be the problem ?
50% = Middle-rate
75% = Goooood
76% = Well not too bad
77% = Good good
78% = I would meet up with you
79% = Okay
80% = Not bad!
81% = Nice looks:)
82% = Beautiful :*
83% = You look nice ((:
84% = Pretty
85% = I like it a lot :)
86% = Oh lala (:
87% = Really pretty :***
88% = OMG :o <3
89% = Just good looking (:
90% = Really really pretty ((((:
91% = More than just pretty :o
92% = Extremly pretty :o ♥
93% = Oh wow look at you! (:
94% = Model
95% = Wow *-*
96% = Wow just woooooooooooooow *-*
98% = Who is the prettiest in the whole country ? You!:o
100% = Please marry me !!! ♥

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u act like a noble person who is wise full of wisdom I know ur flaws bro don't take this offensive bro im just saying ur showing to much pride like u said on some ones wall pride is a sin take care brother asymalakum and have a blessed and safe eid my brother take care my allah anweser all ur duas

Firstly, I don't act like a noble person, and how am I showing pride I haven't done anything? all I am trying to do is to show awareness on ask.fm about the situation which is happening currently in Gaza and trying to answer peoples questions & I haven't written 'pride is a sin' on anybody's wall you've probably mistook me for somebody else.

Yeah cuz Israel is stronger. but everyone even Palestine people wants Hamas to be destroyed.

I think Hamas has done both good and bad things. I'm completely against the suicide bombings. However, I am not against the rockets or them standing up for the Palestinian people. So, the Zionists are allowed to use their tanks and missiles and the Palestinians are not allowed to use anything? They work with what they got!
I do think Hamas does care for the Palestinian people but that is hard for some foreigners to understand. Unfortunately, many people think terrorists are simply people who hate freedom and are religious fanatics. When you actually study this and look at it from a different perspective, you'll learn that over 80% of suicide bombers have had family members killed by the Israeli "Defense" Forces. And the first suicide bombing happened at the end of the First Intifada, 6 years of intensively peaceful resistance to Israel's occupation, in which 87 Israelis and 3 minors were killed and 874 Palestinians and 250 minors were killed. That first suicide bombing was after 26 years of continued military occupation in which living conditions became progressively worse. I'm not saying this is justified but it's a bit more understandable when you actually study things and quit relying on the media!

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You have my support on the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I'm Sorry the Canadian Government is obsessed with sucking Israel's dick.

I want to give a big shout out and thanks to every non-Muslim especially of the Jewish faith who support Gaza. I know it’s tough for you because many of your friends will start judging you, but we highly respect you guys. It is not easy to speak the truth in today’s world, and knowing that someone can go against the majority to stand up for the truth is a true display of courage in my eyes. So whether you are a Jew who is pro-palestinian, or someone living in America questioning biased media like Fox News, thank you.

How old are u?

To my dead brothers in Syria,
to my crying mothers in Afghanistan,
to my screaming sisters in Iraq,
to my shot fathers in Iran,
to my impaled aunts in Pakistan,
to my beaten uncles in Chechnya,
to my hanged cousins in Burma,
to my tortured grandparents in Bosnia,
to my crying children of Palestine,
and the forgotten people of Somalia.
May Allah grant you
Justice and Jannah


Language: English