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آحححم =(( , شسمؤههَ ذآ آنـآ زعلـآنن منككمَ ؤقسسمن =(( , شلؤن مآتعطؤنن لـآيكآت هنـآ @i7o =(( , ي خخيَ ترآ طلتك فيهـآ تكفي مؤ لـآزم آللـآيكآت :Pp آممم $" .. آلي مآيبي لـآ يفشلن ؤيطيح ؤجهيَ ؤكذا يعني =(( , ؤؤشؤكرآ مئدمـآ $" ..

Liked by: محدوف

I'm not gonna unblock you from Kik because I deleted it. But I'll just say this, I'll never forget you holly, I'm sorry things ended the way they did. But you broke up with me. This is a see ya later, not goodbye.And who knows maybe in 10 years we'll see each other, we'll smile and wave and remember

damn I would old as fuck! but when I said bye I did not mean it I meant can I have an explanation please You just left! and trust me I will be talking to you soon ;) love is strong
I can not make you stay but can you please come visit from time to time?
and you leaving without explaining it kills me everyday =(


Language: English