Ask @EMMM2

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Ughh i guess i'll have to come off somtime :L if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? :)

Almost 17
I think you should :D

You know i'm special and you love me and I'm like your fav ever yeah, 1 gift= 1000 likes?<3

I do know but I don't have my laptop atm :D

You're welome and yaay I like you too, you seem really nice :)

Thank you so much <3
Can you show your username please so I could follow you? :D

You can't know everything :P can i ask, why do you have no pictures? i'm sure you're very beautiful.

But nature is more beautiful :D
To be all knowing is my goal.

Hmm i don't know if i can tell you :P she said i don't have to but i promised so somehow i must! but how can i if she's 'fake' :(

I love knowing everything so I would like to know :D

so this is all one fake bithc, it is you em haha!

Hey I have. Amagic trick wanna see?
I can turn anon of then you would disappear :D
Do you want to try it :D

you can't fool me bitch! you are EM! You did everything like EM did! you making a story said "I hacked this account" and bla bla bla! Oh gosh! Fuck!

It is funny how it is always on anon.


Language: English