Ask @EMMM2

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stop hating on everyone you sick bitch go get a life of your own people like tou make me very ashamed oh and btw telling an unborn baby to die is EXTREMELY rude. like alao you may thing having. hildren at 20 is normal but hey WHAT IS NORMALL go get a life and open your eyes.

yes children at 20 is normal but it is not normal at the age of 12 !

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yeah well are you saing being gay is wrong? its a choice to be gay? are you saying you cant help being an alchoholic? dont believe everything you hear in the bible, coz although they are guidelines, they arnt always right

ConnorBarton’s Profile PhotoConnor Barton
Yes that is exactly what I am saying

if it wasnt natural at 14 (because if you knew the slightest thing about her she is 14) then she wouldnt be pregnant now would she

ConnorBarton’s Profile PhotoConnor Barton
it is if she is married ! it is against religion omg

yeah, the baby will cry, my sister has had 2 kids, i know babies cry, believe it or not i was once a baby, i used to cry, hell i still do, everyone cries, babies cry because they cant say oh im hungry, i cry because of cunts like you

ConnorBarton’s Profile PhotoConnor Barton
I said die not cry LOL
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some teenagers are extremly independant, if her parents disowned her they must not care much about her, meaning she is probrably independant and experienced due to having raise herself, she seems independant and quite strong... so your logic is fucked!

ConnorBarton’s Profile PhotoConnor Barton
we will see if she can do it
probably not
I hope the baby dies
Liked by: Rafa.

wow ur fucking sick saying that pregnant people should fucking die, wow grow some fucking respect and what if shes fucking pregnant its her life not urs! dont get involved in things that fucking dont involve yu ye, shes actually a nice girl! YOUR MOMS ARE ALWAYS THE BETTER ONES.

loriannemcmillan98’s Profile Photolorianne mcmillan
English please
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omfg! hahah you that stuff you said to that pregnant lola girl is so true! it's so fucking funny too! having a baby a 14 is disgusting, she's a whore! haha

I know. hahaha I think those people should die because they are fucking up the community


Language: English