
Garrosh Hellscream

Ask @GarroshHllscrm

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What is your least favorite letter?

C. It doesn't have its own gig -- it just mooches off S and K's sounds. Okay, fine, it has the "CH" thing going, but even then it can't carry the load by itself. It needs to drag H in, and fucking H already has enough going on with S and T and that other lazy fucker W (who totally wastes H's time, by the way, just to make ANOTHER W sound that's a teeny tiny bit more W-ish).
Also, I was already sick of C by the end of the 4th grade, what with all the times I kept running into it on report cards. Fucker.

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

Of whom?

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How did you pop the balloon animal?

I showed it some of your questions and its head exploded from the sheer fucking stupidity.

I get you don't like RP Soap Operas but...would you EVER consider falling in love?

Well, see, that's the thing about falling in love, though. You don't consider it. It's not like you sit there and go "Well, hmm, let me weight the pros and cons of falling in love." It just sort of sneaks up on you. That's how it works. Kind of like a rogue.

If I was to offer you a slice of talbuk with mashed potatoes, or some clefthoof burgers with fries, which would you choose?

Man. Steak versus burgers. That's a tough call. Well, I wouldn't turn down either, but if I have to pick one, I have to go with the steak. Because steak.
Liked by: Rakael Towers

What is your secret weakness?

Well, see, my home planet pretty much blew up, so now my secret weakness is the fel-tainted rocks of what used to be that planet. The pieces scattered across the universe and a bunch of them landed on Azeroth. They're these glowing green rocks, what with the residual fel magic, and being exposed to them really weakens me, as opposed to my super-strong, ass-kicking, OP self.
...You know, I can't put my finger on it, but something about that sounds familiar. I'm starting to get a weird, sinking feeling that I might be getting ripped off.
Liked by: Rakael Towers

Why you always squinting your eyes I noticed you do that a lot Lol?

I squint when I'm staring incredulously at some useless moron who's saying or doing something pathetically stupid or pointless.
*squints at you*
Liked by: Rakael Towers

I'm not Mylune, but I still like hugs. And I give nice, comfortable huggles. So, can I have a hug? :3

First a more important question: Okay, you're not @Mylune_ (OR SO YOU CLAIM)....but who ARE you?

Are you going to watch the Kitten Bowl tomorrow?

The wha...? Okay, for real, people, now KFC is just going too damn far.

What is something weird you do when you cry?

The defining thing that I do when I cry is not fucking cry because I'm not some goddamn human pansy. Isn't that weird?


Language: English