
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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Digimon or Pokemon?

Pokemon made a big mistake when the decided to make the creatures characters who cant speak and without the animation budget to really communicate well despite that. Whether Digimon managed to make something worthwhile after avoiding that mistake is a different matter.

I'm listening to a podcast reading old, sex poetry/letters from famous poets. James Joyce, writer of Ulysses, had a serious fart/shit fetish going on. These things are super fuckin' raunchy. Makes you realize that all internet did is make fetishes more visible, no?

Dr Seuss drew pinups when he felt like it.

Don't you ever feel that you're sometimes a bit too harsh on things at times; that you push your own ideals and outlooks onto people that don't necessarily agree with you but are otherwise perfectly fine individuals?

I am Grima Wormtongue IRL.
Liked by: Booky

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But, General Ironicus-Sensei, why did people finally begin respecting the true founder of Chicago and see past their horrid, white-man racism? Who was the shonen fighter who made people see the light?

It started with a campaign to get du Sable recognition in the Chicago history exhibit of the 1933 World's Fair. His house was there, but knows as the Kinzie house for the man he sold it to. Kinzie was a civic leader when Chicago became a town, and its first murderer (unconvicted). The successful push for public recognition was led in the early 60s by Ebony magazine and local civil rights campaigners.

You were in community theater? What plays were you in? What parts within in the plays?

Not very much. Basically my high school's stuff started really sucking so I went elsewhere.Never anything big because they could choose for people in UM Flint's theater department who were actually the right age for the part, and I was a 17-year-old dorkus.
Liked by: Booky

How did you and Snugglebeast meet? Also, how weird was it referring to each other with internet handles during the podcast? I'd imagine it would be pretty f*ing weird, mate.

Community theater back when we lived in Michigan. I did plays and things to meet girls and it worked. We've known each other for longer than I've been making things for the internet, which is why I always laugh when people say I changed when I got married, or engaged, or whenever they think I sold out the true gamer dream.
And I guess we never addressed each other using names outside the intro and outro bits, like how a conversation usually works.
Liked by: Booky

You know, I hear a lot about heartbreaker this and heartbreaker that, but I never ever got it. A bad game is a bad game...until I started watching the lparchive of Advent Rising. Is this what a heartbreaker is? A game that is bad, but you can see all its potential if the developers just got it right

Sort of, but it started as more specific than that. "Fantasy heartbreaker" originally meant a game that could have been good if the creator(s) had played anything other than D&D. There's a lot of games out there that are just "D&D, but..." without doing anything new or interesting, besides fixing the designer(s) pet peeve, whatever it happened to be. They were also often incomplete because they were written with the thought the audience would also be familiar with D&D and how the designer played it.
But yeah, it's broadened. That's a totally legitimate definition now and people are likely to catch your meaning.
Liked by: Booky

What do you think of groups like Roosterteeth's Achievement Hunter? Subsidiaries of small companies that literally fund themselves with Let's Play?

Seems like good work if you can get it.

There's an anime called Gunsmith Cats which is set in Chicago. Also, Baccano! is partly set in the city as well.

Main characters are neither gunsmiths nor cats. Fuck that.
Liked by: Drakkel Chr0nite

I know you're a Star Wars nerd, so have you played any of Fantasy Flight's Star Wars tabletop games yet? Have the 6FU crew ever considered doing it as a side session?

I haven't but I want to. I even bought the Age of Rebellion starter box when a new store opened in my neighborhood. It's probably going to come out once our planning blacklog grows thin again.

Why did no one ever called Anakin Skywalker "Little Orphan Annie?"

They did, but they're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. He said they were like animals, and he slaughtered them like animals. HE HATED THEM!

Let it go or Whole New World?

I love the bit where Elsa steps on the staircase with trepidation, then runs up it, and when the bridge going into the last refrain is a perfect musical moment. Whole New World is held back by the old practice of casting separate people for the singing voice and very hurried editing. On the other hand, I love shouting "DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES" at people whenever I can.

Hypothetical deal: You can have the thing you want most in life and are made eternally young and immortal, but someone you know dies a horrible, horrible death and, every night, you are forced to feel and see their death in your dreams. Would you take this deal?

Ah yes, the Presidency.

Alright, hypothetical deal: Every day, you get 2,000 USD, but, whenever you poop, it will take 1,000 wipes to get clean. You can't wash it off with soap and water, you have to wipe it off. Would you take this deal?

I'm pretty sure I'll be spending all that money on toilet paper and plumbing costs. The math just doesn't work out.
Liked by: Booky Boy Blue

Do you guys prefer if people watch LPs on youtube or on your webhost?

Choose whatever you prefer, that's why there's a choice. I prefer people positively engage with the videos and share them with others, no matter how they take it.

After following LPs and tabletop podcasts for so long, I got used to thinking of people as "voices on the internet". But with content producers becoming more open and connected with their audiences, do you have any thoughts on real faces/names becoming more of a standard vs. internet anonymity?

The problem is I have a fantastic ass and nobody knows it.

Is the playstation move game video still happening though?

Of course, just not that weekend. I'll be visiting sometime soon, but the most perfect time is unfortunately off the table.
Liked by: Booky

what's the thing you wanted to do that you're no longer doing?

The plan was to visit Chip's new place and livestream our reactions to the major E3 events, but I couldn't get the time off work. I'm going to try to do it remotely for the non-business hours ones though, like Bethesda and Sony.
Liked by: Benjamin


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