
General Ironicus

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Men Drinking Coffee are playing a video game as shitty as the movie it's based off of: Catwoman. No camera controls? Check. A mini-cutscene after just about every attack? Check. First-person mode where you see your own eyes? Check. All this and more!

You can't believe I haven't already watched this, so I'll assume your question was prompting me to plug it. I'll happily oblige: http://youtu.be/MaN2-eRyKYoGenIronicus’s Video 117880906056 MaN2-eRyKYoGenIronicus’s Video 117880906056 MaN2-eRyKYo

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At the end of the Dungeon World retsutalk, you mentioned an upcoming DW side episode for LP 13th Age. Did that not happen/go up, or am I just blind?

The audio got eaten, I think half of it exists in some RSS or another but it was never a complete thing. However, after all four Breakfast Cult episodes are up the next 6FU special will be Inverse World, a Dungeon World supplement set in the unique world of Invells. Our guests will be the designer and publisher. You may remember this preview image of the party, posted before Breakfast Cult leapfrogged it in the upload chute: http://i.imgur.com/qxyybmu.jpg

Fo you have any foods to which you are particularly averse?

I will never asparagus. That's not even a real word for crying out loud.
Liked by: Booky

In unrelated news about 13th Age, I found it interesting that the Emperor's a "sort of" good guy, or at least his greatest enemies are some real big dicks. In most fiction, empires tend to be evil. Got any thoughts why 13th Age went a different direction?

If you call the Empire a Kingdom it swings back the other way. I think it's because "Empire" is a bigger word. It sounds bigger, so you're talking about 'the man' and the unfairness and corruption that entails. Then of course there's imperialism, and that's been all about either evil or guilt since the 60s. And as always, you can blame Star Wars.
The 13th Age team wanted a biggest dog in Human politics and a force of law and order. What title sounds bigger than Emperor? Whether that's good or not depends on exactly what law and how it enforces order and all the other little questions. Making it an empire also implies other rulers owing loyalty to get some texture and variation in there.

Why do you think people attach the 'gamer' label to 'people who play games and are also ragingly misogynistic'? I mean... It's not incorrect to be fair, but what I'm seeing, it mostly puts 'people who play games that aren't awful', rare as they are, on the defensive, causing more arguments, no?

Because those are the people that wrap themselves in the label. It's self-applied and holding it to one word keeps the article titles short and punchy. Knowledge is power, so understanding what arguments are actually being made goes a long way to alleviate kneejerk responses.

You enjoy tabletop and video games, so do you identify(by definiton) as a gamer? If so, how do you feel about the smear campaign that was created by the media that called all gamers misogynistic white males? Do you think it was just frustrated lashback from the gamergate BS?

I think that's a thing that didn't happen. Those articles and blogs were about how the insular gaming culture is toxic and either needs to end, or has broken down, depending on which one you're talking about. Let's take one of the more inflammatory quotes from one of the articles most filled with inflammatory quotes: "You don’t want to ‘be divisive?’ Who’s being divided, except for people who are okay with an infantilized cultural desert of shitty behavior and people who aren’t?"
Right there, it's not about people who play games, it's about people who play games and are terrible. It's about internalizing decades of marketing and treating it like a valuable culture and identity, regurgitating what's been spoonfed and seeing creation as an attack. The 'smear campaign' you describe didn't happen, except against people who deserve to be smeared.
And that's why anytime I've called myself a gamer for years it's been self-deprecation, because I know I share interests with these people and damn I wish I didn't.

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What are some good homebrew tabletops you've played, or if you haven't, are there any you'd like to try?

Aren't they all homebrew? Or like, all but a handful? It's not a very capital-intense industry is what I'm saying.
Liked by: Sheepy

So did anyone ever pick up on that one trap in Moonwatch as being from The Incredibles? The one that captured everybody in the hallway?

You're the first, have a prize. It was on TV when I was planning the traps.

Why is it that when someone berates a woman for multiple sexual partners its horrible and evil, but when someone berates a man for having zero sexual partners, it's a huge chuckle and everyone is allowed to point and laugh?

Patriarchy. Patriarchy enables the double standard that women's sexuality is immoral while men are supposed to be out there gettin' it. The push back against slutshaming is stronger in part because it's more harmful, and because men are more willing to hold on to patriarchy for its benefits in spite of how it hurts them, and some other parts besides.

Hey Ironicus, did you hear the news about DumbassMisogynistGate?

It sure is nice that there is now proof that it was all a harassment campaign organized by 4chan other than the fact that was clearly the case all along. Maybe we should all listen to the targets of harassment about it instead of the mythical man in the middle next time. I've had people who didn't like me but they've never hung out in chat rooms dedicated to fantasies about my suicide and the smell of my genitals for days on end.

Do you think a wacky soundboard could work in LP? Or would it go the way of facecams? Are there any LPs that have that already?

Give it a shot, see what happens. If it sucks ass just tell everyone that was the joke all along.
Liked by: Rurfs

Speaking of sexy Arsenal Gear antics, the Tengu enemies always felt a little odd. You were cleaving through hordes of them once you got the sword, but their look came off as super-elite soldiers. Before that the game encouraged sneaking past more "regular" soldiers. Thoughts?

Raiden is barely passable when emulating Snake and all his victories are snatched away. When he comes into his own by relying on his own skills and attributes he fucks shit up right good.
Liked by: Booky

I think it was mentioned during the dungeonworld retsutalk (or an earlier one, I don't know) that you have a stack a game books. How many do you have and are they mostly from one series or many like Mutants and Masterminds and stuff?

My physical gamebook stack is nothing special. My pdf stack is legion.


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