
General Ironicus

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What's the best game design decision you've seen in a sequel? As in something that was changed that made that aspect of the game a thousand times better.

The decision to release Beyond Good & Evil 2. #keephopealive

Well you've already said all that before, so did you have any episode-specific thoughts on The Bells of St John?

I love the new coat to an unhealthy degree.
Actually my biggest problem was the ending. The Doctor's greatest victories come from making people see the world as he does, not hacking people's brains and removing their free will. He should have been even angrier about that than feeding brains to the wifi. And even if you go that route Obedience is the worst personality trait for him to manipulate. How about creativity, compassion, individuality, wonder, any of the Romantic notions the show is built on, instead of a clear statement of the infectious cynicism that's taken hold.

Which writer would you trust to do a quality, experimental Doctor Who episode, and for what specific reason? If none, do you think the show would benefit from having several writers per episode rather than a single lead?

First, I don't think episodes should be written by committee. I'm pushing for distinctiveness here. I'm always excited for Doctor Who written by somebody who's never done it before, and later in this half-season that's going to happen so count me the hell in.

Did you see the latest Doctor Who yet? I have to admit, a lot of this season has left me cold but Saturday's episode has me excited for what's to come. What did you think?

Just caught up this evening and the highest praise I can give it that it's good at what it is. I have to keep repeating myself (because that's all the show is doing) but I there should be no such thing as a typical Doctor Who story. Putting the fourth-wall breaking end of Blink at the top of the episode instead of the end doesn't make it a new idea. A monk is cool with evil spirits but he crosses himself for women? Not cool. It wasn't the Doctor, it was his robot double! It's also 2011 all over again! The whole thing is elevated by Matt Smith's amazing performance but you can only play the same tune so many times.
Can anyone recommend some daring, experimental television? Somebody somewhere is producing something where its reach exceeds its grasp but it goes ahead anyway without being afraid to fail. Please point me at it.

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The RZA shows up at your door, shitfaced, and offers you a superpower (somehow). The only catch is you have to describe the power you want to a drunken zen master. What do you request?

The power to nurse a severely impaired zen master back to health. I have blankets and tea and stuff.
Liked by: Tanner McCarthy

Can you think of any name more hilarious than "Max Wolf Valerio"? Because I can't.

Legendary General Cypher Rage.

You're a pretty well-read dude and you clearly think critically about the media you consume. Have you ever considered writing with the intention of being published?

Not really, but I always have story ideas I wish someone would make. Did you know Christopher Marlowe was deeply into the occult? His Doctor Faustus (the most significant English version of the story, and the first dramatized version in any language) includes an actual ritual for summoning a devil. What if some stage actor were to go totally method and through the power of theater call upon the actual Mephistopheles in front of a full house and seal an actual pact with the devil on opening night? That's a story I want to read.

I agree about the alternate Crusader being dumb. How would you go about making a more interesting alternate Crusader?

There is no more interesting Crusader. It's just the Crusader, but named Susan.

Thoughts on this proposed alternate set of Icons? http://www.pelgranepress.com/?p=10484

I think too many of them are ancient powers from ages past, which separates them from the PCs a bit too much. There are some really cool ideas though, like the White Queen as a patron of witchcraft and evil magic that would still benefit people, drawing from the actual history of witches. I'm not so hot on them turning the coolest Icon into 'lady that sex appeals demons to death' though. Otherwise they're pretty unique takes that aren't as open-ended as the default writeups, but would work very nicely in a campaign.

Actually just tell me what recent movies you liked, you seem like a movie kind of guy

Movies I saw recently, regardless of release then. Well there's DREDD of course. Life of Pi was very good. I finally caught Fast Five and that's a near-perfect action/heist movie.
Liked by: TMWAH

yo dude best film of 2013 so far what's yours?

I haven't seen a 2013 release yet. I think my first trip to the theater this year will be for JP3D.

In my mind, the modern day Government Party system is flawed in that it lessens media coverage of smaller parties and electoral condidates, limits individual opinions and (especially here in the UK, with the Houses of Commons and Lords) encourages imbalenced power blocs. Your thoughts?


Rewatching the "Top 10 Shakespearean Video Game Moments (Part 1)" and I noticed that the creator of the video commented. "Remaking this video. Longer. More depressing. The Shakespeare will go on." Will you and Chip RP this video too?

Well if you look at the video that came from it it was an April Fool thing, so no.

If I were to send you a Playstation 3. No questions asked would you accept it?

I wouldn't have a way to reject it, I suppose. But you can't stop me from asking 'how did you get my home address?' no matter how hard you try.
Liked by: Optimal Source

One of the coolest things wizards/clerics get to do in 13th Age is ritualize their spells. How would you go about designing something similar for non-magic classes?

First, there's some important details to cover. Every class has access to ritual casting via a feat, but Wizards and Clerics get it automatically. Most classes have either a spell list or the ability to take at least one spell from a class that does (sorry barbarians).
The idea of rituals is to give up an expendable resource to gain narrative control and one-time effects. Problem is, not every build has a comparable resource to spend. Everyone has recoveries, so a mechanic based on them should be available to everyone, and we're back at square one.
I've had this answer sitting here open for a few hours and I really don't have anything. It comes down to how the classes are so mechanically distinct that not everybody has the same economy of choices to design for. I like plaz's ideas a lot though, and if you want more stuff like that check out Dungeon World. Paladins have exactly that thing he said.

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I'm sitting here at Borgata in Atlantic City, and while the gelato here is boss, I'm afraid I can't swallow any of the tacos here. Any suggestions?

This week on gelato boss, I'm the gelato boss!

Yo, it's song guy. I don't think I'm gonna be able to get you a more HQ version of that song. My audio equipment got stolen at PAX and it's gonna be a bit before I can replace it. Sorry man >_<

alex goold
Wow that's terrible. I shouldnt even be on your priority list after something like that. Is there anything I can do to help?

Is it ever a good idea to have an all-evil party in a D&D game? Because every story I've heard involved the adventure falling apart.

One person in your party wants to enslave the kingdom, one wants bloody vengeance, and one just really loves skinning people alive. Why do they work together and what could motivate them as a group? And then there's always going to be someone who crosses the line into things the group isn't comfortable with. I don't see it working without a lot of prep and the PCs being built cooperatively, and even then I'm not so sure.


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