
General Ironicus

Ask @GenIronicus

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Yes, I am for garbage in video games. I am also for feminism in video games. I am interested in video games being as free as any art form. I absolutely despise any totalitarian attempts to regulate art. It doesn't matter how garbage you think it is, you don't get to control the human imagination.

Human imagination = regurgitating narrative shorthand endemic to the medium that marginalizes people thoughtlessly

What's your pizza topping of choice? Personally I always go pepperoni + mushroom + extra cheese because I'm a bore.

Drakkel’s Profile PhotoDrakkel
Poblano peppers.

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What's the weirdest thing that happened to you in Binding of Isaac?

I beat sheol and the cathedral once. Just once, each.

What is your opinion on alpacas? Do they pose a threat?

Alpaca sweaters pose a grave threat to chiliness. Jack Frost be warned.

If you were tasked with designing a tabletop rpg yourself, what kind of game would you make?

Something that played with structure. It would definitely be shared narrative, probably GM-less and definitely not the traditional GM/players thing. I'm torn whether it would have a setting or not, because I'd like it to be universal but making a setting seems like so much fun to do.

Whats your favorite deep dish place in Chicago?

I'm a Lou Malnati's guy, but I like Gino's East too and I always recommend people find their local neighborhood joints.

what should I get on this pizza I'm about to order, please answer asap!! (also tell that misogynist moron that he's a moron)

Pinapple and bacon.

How did things get to the point that people saying "hey, some portrayals of women in video games is problematic" are declared "feminists and not real gamers?" Anecdotal evidence, but I have several gamer friends who'd like non-stripperific armor for women as more common options in MMORPGs.

If you actually liked games you would be fine with everything video game companies do. Now excuse me while I burn Miyamoto in effigy for my phat Youtube cash.
Liked by: Fala Flame Booky Val

I can't support all video games not having "garbage" in them. I can support video games being feminist friendly, if feminists present themselves as a significant group of buyers who want a certain product. Just complaining to make industry change is unfair, selfish and dumb.

You are for garbage in video games. You put the invisible hand over human decency. You are the problem.

What was so bad about Trouble With the Curve?

Really awful script. Just cliches everywhere and it never coheres and there's no sense of vitality to it. If you've seen Moneyball they make a big deal about how it's impossible to not romanticize baseball, but Trouble with the Curve finds a way.

How much would someone have to pay you for you to watch all 3 lord of the rings movies and then the entire Harry potter series all in a row?

$18/hr including paid meal breaks. I won't charge for sleep.
Liked by: Booky

Is Mega64 on SA actually Rocco from.. the internet show Mega64, or is that just a coincidental name? I know Rocco is/was an SAer.. but I don't know if he has an ask.fm to.. ask.

As a man with knowledge of all forums posters lives,
Liked by: Fala Flame

Movie you were most excited to see and most disappointed in after you saw it?

Trouble with the Curve is really bad, don't watch it.

If you could have the power to talk to and understand what an animal says what animal would it be and why?

First animal I find as a test.

What would you do if you had a single day where you could do anything you wanted without getting in trouble for it?

Anything except watch that Purge movie.
Liked by: Optimal Source

How much of an educational influence do you think the video game medium has on sociocultural issues? I ask because you mentioned something earlier that read to me like "violence against women and misrepresenting women in gaming are inter-related issues" Did you mean that gender-related... (cont.)

violence leads to misrepresentation in media, or that misrepresentation in media educates the next generation to feel superior to women, or both? Would 'fixing' this influence from video games really have a significant impact on the overall culture?
Fixing video games would have a major effect on video games not having garbage in them, and I think we can all support that. As for culture, public perception, and and the dialogue as a whole that would only change to the extent video games shape those things. Movies and television have a much stronger influence. If you want to work on the issues facing society you have to push every lever at once. Media representation, education, economic factors, all of it all together.
Liked by: Booky

hand break gooooooooooooo

Imagine a fighting game where everyone is really scrawny and had brittle bones.

Chip's going to be with you in the blind LP of Club Penguin, right?

We'll each have one hand on the controller. Every hour we switch sides.


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