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Kenshin, what are your thoughts on... 10 of your Riders?

Kenshin Ichirou: Well, let's see...GiGi is one of the most kind-hearted and hard-working people I've ever met, though I don't think she realizes that. Donovan-sensei is a legend to me, and my respect for him...well, makes me nervous when I feel I should try to impress him as a leader. Ami has been my friend since I became leader, and while she's a bit too stubborn for her own good, she's a great friend. Hayate is one of the strongest and most dedicated Riders there is, and his contributions have been invaluable to us. Liam is someone that I can tell feels strongly about our cause, but...his views on them are warped and have caused him a lot of conflict. Raphael is similar, as I can tell he feels strongly about his morals, but I'm concerned with how he wishes to carry through with them. Uezama can be a big pain, but he's a mostly well-meaning boy, though I question his dedication. Marvin means well, but I feel he needs a lot of maturing to get far. Bryce is a good friend and an incredibly important ally, but I find myself disagreeing with his views incredibly often when it comes to how we run things. And let's see...Ah. Taka. He was a good man, and bless his soul.

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Malchior, what are your thoughts on each of your Generals?

Malchior Oleander: The generals of the Kalcion army are some of the greatest and closest adversaries I could ask for as ruler. Vallick Etherbatch has never been disloyal to me and is a valuable fighter. Gohra Kanorath is one of my closest friends and is a man I know I can trust. Ralder Gilgamesh and Rorush Degenick were both troublesome in the army, but they were passionate warriors and are truly missed. Helaine and Relz each bring unique and valuable skills to the army and are brilliant strategists. And I would never trade my daughter for anyone else in the world...even if her zeal frightens me at times.

Who's the highest ranked-General? (of the kalcion)

Sevaline Oleander: That's me. Head General of the Kalcion Armada.

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Dear Cormac-san, Don't worry desu! I believe that you're totemo irish desu! Just like I'm hontou nihonjin desu! I wonder why nobody believe me, though... desuka. ~Annie May-Chan! ps. BAKA

The Enigmaverse
Cormac Finnigan: ...I think it's trying to communicate.
(yes cormac's irish i just went overboard back in the day with his vocal quirks and i stick with a couple for parody's sake now, like lad and ye)

Can you ever have too many questions?

Sevaline Oleander: Living with Gohra Kanorath? I don't think I've had a single question answered yet even.

So how is it decided which Rider is which color?

Dr. Phineas: I take preferences into account, but I usually am the one deciding colors for the Riders. There'd be too much Red if everyone decided for themselves!

What webcomics do you read?

Jack Donovan: I thought Homestuck would be over when I got older but no, it's still going.

RWBY AU: Create a Team of 4 characters whose names combine to make a really weird acronym, and describe their ridiculously cool and overly complex melee weapons mixed with guns.

Team Killed
Kyo Takahiro: As the greatest tactician on the team, I would reasonably be leader. I would be armed with a lance with a rocket turbine within it to thrust forward.
Yoko Meiyo: My training as a samurai would be useful to the team. I am already armed with four katana, along with my jet shoes and my robotic appendages to wield my blaes at once.
Lawrence Matryoshka: I suppose my war experience would make me an asset. My trident would be extendable and perhaps utilize laser-edged tips to be more effective.
Drifter: ...My gattling gun arm would prove useful. My job as an assassin are helpful as well.
(i chose the most stoic characters possible wow)

Nobody wins. The Kalcion forces are all but obliterated, but as a result Earth is falling apart and slowly becoming uninhabitable. Celebrate?

Malchior Oleander: There's no celebration in complete destruction. It just all becomes...pointless.

The Riders win! What now?

Kenshin Ichirou: Now I sit back in my living room with my wife and daughter give cheers to the best cup of coffee I've ever had in my life.

20 years later: The Rocket Surgeons. Where are they now?

Jackie Crow: I don't know what the hell the other guys are doin' with their time, I don't think that far ahead. I'd probably still be touring or somethin' but hell if I know what they'd be up to...

Hey Nora, the studio called back! Your sitcom, "Al and Nora" is set to go on the air!

Nora Brooks: Heck yes! I knew that audition I never took was a real winne-wait...

I think my friend was killed and Harvey Copper had something to do with it. Please, you gotta help me!

Harvey Copper: Oh, accusational! I don't have any clue what you're talking about, sir. I would never do such a thing and betray the nation I've dedicated my life to! But if you insist, I'll have to turn this matter over to my colleagues. Perhaps they'll hear you out, but I don't know...they aren't fond of people spreading slander about me...

Who do you trust the least around here?

Sevaline Oleander: I don't trust humans in general, but that leader pisses me off more than usual.
Kenshin Ichirou: I never know what to think of Malchior Oleander.
Tath Ki: I still don't know if that Russian guy's worth trusting.
Leon Oscar: Damn Malus...
Harvey Copper: Trust is an important aspect of healthy living and prosperity. I would never distrust anyone! (Openly...)

If you could shoot talking bullets with your mind, would you?

Cormac Finnigan: That'd be like four guns total, I'd totally-
Elaine Royce: *smacks Cormac*

Favorite animals, GO! (Except Kenshin)

GiGi: Cats!
Nora Brooks: Tepig!
Vallick Etherbatch: Birds. Any kind, really.
Sevaline Oleander: Cobras are pretty cool.
Kyo Takahiro: I'm a dog person, I suppose.
Lawrence Matryoshka: I'm a fan of huskies.

High School AU. Put 6 of your characters into a high school, barring ones that actually attend it. (For the purposes of this ask, DRRP games do not count as "high school".)

Sevaline Oleander: Do we really have to attend these stupid-ass classes? It's such a freaking paaaain...
Prim Zebanon: Oh don't say that, I'm sure it will be fun! Just watch, our time at this school will be great!
Vallick Etherbatch: Please don't bother me when I'm in the library. The silence is rather pleasant for me...
Ralder Gilgamesh: Stop being such a damn teacher's pet! Bah, whatever, I'm going to go convince some kids to pay for my lunch...heh heh...
Malchior Oleander: I suppose nobody ever said being principal was an easy job...

Medieval AU: Put 3 of your characters in a medieval setting (that don't already live there.)

Sir Kenshin Ichirou: Hark! We are the Knights of Justice, and your evil shalt go no further! With my blazing lance of the rising firebird, I, the Crimson Rider, shall defeat thee to end the plague you bring to our humble kingdom!
Lady GiGi: As merely a puppet reanimated by the Sorcerer Phineas's divine spell, I cannot help much. But I, the Platinum Rider, will do all that I can to see thee to thy end! My blade shall be your end!
Sir Jackson Donovan: I am merely an old, retired knight, but I used to serve as the second in command to the royal army. I have decided to once more wield my war hammer, and I, the Green Rider, will not retire again until this kingdom is safe once more!

Malus: How'd you get the shark teeth? Did you have to file them down or are you just Rin from Free!

Dr. Malus: Sharp teeth and red eyes actually run in the Malus family. It's where we got our surname from, we tend to frighten people. Many of my ancestors were ashamed by it, but I don't mind freaking out a few wimps!


Language: English